Chapter Thirty-Seven


When I came downstairs, she was already dressed. At least I could be at peace if I left for work. I planned to work from home today so that I could be with Suzy but then I remembered that I had an already scheduled meeting with Mr. Darvey today so I was coming back home early today instead. She was not yet up and I decided not to wake her. I did not even want her to get to meet Julie's mum again. I know she's scared of her, I saw it on her face yesterday. Who wouldn't be scared of her, to an extent, I thought that Julie was also scared of her mum and maybe it's the reason why she was very timid and close-minded.

I made sure that she left before me so that I'll be sure that it was only Suzy that was home. I did not like her being uncomfortable and Julie's mum made her feel that way. When she was gone, I prepared for work too. I had to l had to be at the office before ten and I had a feeling that Suzy was awake already but was scared to come out of her room. When I was done, I knocked at her door and listened I heard footsteps and then she opened the door.

"Good morning Lily," I said while I drank in her appearance. She had already changed out of the see-through nightwear that she wore last night. She greeted me back then she shifted aside as if to tell me to come in.

"Oh no, I just came to tell you that she's gone and you can be free to be yourself. I will be home early today." I said to her then she heaved a fake sigh and smiled like she was relieved of something.

"Thank you so much, Alex." She said then I smiled and kissed her forehead before I left for work.

The day went very slow and I was just looking at Darvey's face while he was talking, Suzy was all over my head. I hoped that Sara was listening attentively because I just wanted the meeting to be over and done with.

"Mr. Alex" Sara said as she nudged me with her leg. I think Darvey asked me something because he was looking at me as if he was waiting for me to answer his unheard question. "Mr. Alex, I think it will be better if we have this meeting next time, you don't seem ready for it," he said as he interlaced his fingers in front of him on the table.

"Mr. Darvey, I'm sorry, I lost someone and I'm just in a sour mood so I think I'll agree with you to reschedule the meeting for next time," I said before I put my hand on my forehead like I was having a headache. I just wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry for your loss, you should have told me and we would have rescheduled it for later," he said then he stood up and nodded at me and Sara who was still surprised at what just happened before he left.

"Mr. Alex, I'm sorry for your loss," she said. I just smiled at her and nodded as if to wave it off. She did not bother to ask who died and I was grateful for that. At least she had the brain to know when someone was not in for unnecessary questions. I went back to my office to finish up some stuff. Kevin called while I was at the meeting with Darvey so I called him back.

"Hey, Kev," I said as I rubbed my forehead with my fingers. He asked me about Julie's mum and what happened when she saw Suzy. I told him everything and how I told her that she had to go if she was not comfortable with Suzy's presence.

"I know what she can do Alex, and I'm coming over this evening," he said. He knows that Julie's mum would not be comfortable with Suzy's presence so she would prefer to leave. Well, she had pride and a very cold attitude that made her scary.

When I got home, I met Suzy with the girls in the living room. Dana was probably preparing something in the kitchen. She smiled at me and greeted me while I carried Kasey then later carried Katie. I sat down with her and kissed her forehead before I asked her how she was faring.

"I'm okay, getting used to it though and thinking of making preparations for the funeral," she said, then I squeezed her shoulder to reassure her that I was here for her.

"I could help you out with some things Do you have any distant family you could contact to tell about the funeral?" I asked and she nodded sadly.

"That means it'll be a very small funeral, we could do it by the weekend, what do you think?" I asked, still looking at her. She shrugged her shoulder and smiled.

"I don't have a problem with that," she said then I nodded.

"Let me freshen up, I'll be right back," I said then I kissed her forehead before I went upstairs.

I changed into jogger pants and a round-neck shirt then I came back downstairs and sat with her in the living room. She was watching a music video while I carried Katie from her. Dana came out to the living room to greet me, I suppose she heard my voice from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask this question because I care to know. What happened to your wife?" Suzy asked quietly in a low voice as if she was scared to talk. I knew that she would ask me about it. I was expecting the question yesterday night and I know she had to hold back from asking me because it was not the right time. Immediately I opened my mouth to answer her, the doorbell rang and we looked at each other.

"It must be Lia," she said together with me when I said it was Kevin. I opened the door and Kevin stepped in with Lia who was beaming with smiles all over her face.

"Hi Alex," she said as she went over to Suzy who was smiling at her. Kevin and Lia were seriously becoming a thing, I was happy for Kevin. He shook me then we went over to sit down with the ladies who were laughing over some kind of private joke or something.

"We just came to see you guys, I'm taking Lia on a dinner date tonight," Kevin said as he looked at Lia. I've never seen him look at a woman like that since we became best of friends. He looked at her like she was the only thing in there with him. I think he forgot that I and Suzy were here with them. I cleared my throat then he looked at me and grinned like a little kid that was caught eating sweets. We told them about Suzy's mum's funeral that was arranged for the Weekend and how we needed to just do little preparations because it was going to be a very tiny funeral. When we were done with the discussion, they left for their date so, I and Suzy were left alone now because Dana had also gone home.