Chapter Forty-Three


"Alex, Kevin, these are my friends, Linda, Georgia and Steve, Alex you have met Steve so Kevin, this is my former employer turned friend." Suzy said as she introduced her friends to I and Alex.

I shook Steve, who nodded towards me smiling then I hugged Linda and Georgia. They were cute and very jovial but Georgia was fatter than Linda but she seemed very cool. I was expecting to see just I, Alex, Suzy and Lia at the funeral. But I was surprised at the turn out. I couldn't spot any family members apart from an old distant uncle that she introduced to us as Uncle John. He left immediately after the coffin was lowered into the grave. She cried while the coffin was lowered into the grave and Alex held her while she cried, good thing she had shoulders to lean on at this moment in her life, many don't get that. Her friends took turns in carrying Kasey and Katie and Lia was just quiet. I saw her clean her eyes on few occasions during the funeral mass and I wanted to go up to her and console her, but I think she needs space.

For the past few days she seemed to avoid me and I just let her be, I wished she could look deep into my heart and see that she's all I've ever wanted. After everything, we decided to go to Alex's house so we drove to his house to have lunch together. At least I was glad that the funeral went well, the week has been a bit hectic with making preparations for the funeral. I was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted and what I needed was a good and long rest. Alex drove with Suzy and Lia who were now carrying Kasey and Katie while Steve, Linda and Georgia drove with me in my car.

"So are you a student Georgia?" Steve asked. He sat with Georgia at the back seat while Linda stayed at the front.

"Yes, I'm doing my diploma in Philosophy. I started recently though, but I was working at a store that's where I met Suzy who was my co-worker and friend" she said as she played with the hem of her dress. I saw that because I decided to take a good look at her from the rear mirror.

Steve happened to have a liking for shy Georgia, she was cute infact she was prettier than Linda but she was a bit fat. She behaved like someone battling with low self-esteem, I bet she was that way because of her size and people must have made jest of her for being fat. I didn't matter to me though because I saw a cool, shy but brilliant girl in Georgia. I and Linda had a little conversation about the stuffed kitten that was in my car and she laughed at something I said about the kitten looking like it was being strangled. She was also a cool one too and was more engrossed in her phone than anything else. Well, throughout the drive to Alex's house, my mind kept drifting off to Lia. I tried as much as I could to convince myself that I didn't make a mistake by giving her space as Alex adviced me to. When we got to Alex's house they continued whatsoever they were talking about while the walked into the house. When I was done parking my car, I tagged along.

When I went in the ladies were discussing about something best known to them, and when I looked at Lia, her eyes were on me. We looked at each other for some seconds before I looked away and headed towards the kitchen so that I could get some beer from the freezer for myself. Steve followed me.

"Want some?" I asked as I raised the bottle slightly and he nodded so I took out another bottle which I handed to him.

"Are you always this moody?" he asked as he drank from his bottle and sat on the chair that was out already.

"Fuck, is it that obvious?" I asked as I sat down close to him on the other chair that was there. "I'm in love with Lia." I continued then I stopped.

"Okay, so ask her out if you like her that much and stop sulking, it doesn't suit you dude." Steve said.

"And that's where the problem comes in." I said. He looked at me and frowned slightly.

"How's that a problem?" he asked then that was when I heaved a sigh and told him how I asked her out and she asked for some time to think about it and has been thinking about about it till now and my patience was running out because I'm tempted to ask her again about what she's come up with but Alex adviced me to be calm and give her the space she asked for to think of what she wants and it's killing me as I see her but can't even walk up to her or even touch her because she seemed to have been avoiding me for some days now.

Alex came in and patted my back after he took a beer before he sat down with I and Steve. Steve couldn't say anything, good, I wasn't even expecting him to say anything because I know he'll be as confused as I was about the situation.

"Kev, she'll come around. I noticed the way she kept on stealing glances at you throughout today, it's obvious that she wants you as much as you want her. If you fell like you want to ask her again then, you should." Alex said before he took a gulp of his beer.

We began to discuss about the basketball game that was played last night and they made some funny jokes whick cracked me up. Within few minutes I stopped sulking, maybe I was happy because Alex said he caught Lia stealing glances at me. While we were discussing my phone beeped and it was a text from Lia. I smiled to myself and excused myself from the guys they laughed at me and nodded like they were permitting me to go about my business, I was a bit tensed because I didn't know the reason why she wanted to see me at the backyard.

"Over here." she said when I came outside. She was sitting on one of the chairs that were close to the pool and I walked up to where she sat.

"So I hope I'm going back with a smiling face tonight." I said before I sat down where she patted for me to sit, close to her.

Her sweet scent swept through my nostrils and my palms suddenly became sticky with sweat which made me to keep rubbing them on my trousers. I raised up my face to tell her that I missed her and she shut me up completely with a soft and passion filled kiss. Damn, I wasn't expecting that, I couldn't stop her, even if I tried, I wrapped my hands around her tiny waist while i deepened the kiss. This was exactly what I wanted. I stopped kissing her and looked at her face to be sure that I was with the right person.

"Damn, what was that?" I asked smiling at her, ofcourse I was so happy, like fuckn' elated right now by what just happened.

"Asshole, this is me saying yes. I'll be your girlfriend and I fuckn' missed you and all I thought of today was kissing this smart mouth of yours, so can I go back to kissing you?" she said smiling sheepishly.

Jesus fuckn' Christ she was driving me nuts right now. I did the kissing now and in my fuckn' head all I could think of was Lia who was pressed against my fuckn' body right now. This was like a fuckn' dream come true.

"Jesus easy man, you guys should come in let's have lunch, the food is ready and we are waiting for you two." Alex said laughing then he winked at me before he entered inside the house.

I was tempted to say that I'll pass, but damn, I was hungry for food and for Lia. But I needed my fuckn' strength. She kissed me again before we walked together into the house with my hand on her waist, proudly though cuz this babe was fuckn' mine.