Chapter Forty-Four


Lia came in with Kevin's hand wrapped possessively around her waist. I looked at her and she grinned at me, I sure as hell understood what she said to me with that grin. I was so happy for her and I could not wait to have her tell me the full details of what happened between her and Kevin by the pool. Steve was seriously busy with the conversation that he indulged shy Georgia in. I sat where I was, seriously admiring how Georgia blushed at some things that Steve whispered in her ears. He was flirting with her right now and it amused me.

Alex squeezed my knee slightly under the table and when I looked up at him we smiled at each other and the way his eyes drank me in made me warm inside and I began to feel a bit hot. I think my face was flushed because Georgia asked me if I was okay and I nodded at her slightly while I tightened my legs. Katie and Kasey were fast asleep while we ate lunch or should I say dinner because it was already late in the evening and Dana had already gone home. I was happy to have my friends all trying to cheer me up instead of brooding on my mum's death and Lia's new relationship with Kevin did cheer me up more. I didn't know my stand with Alex yet but I know that he loves me as much as I do.

Within a few minutes we were done and the guys started discussing...well I don't know, whatever men talk about whenever they are together. Lia held my hands and giggled while she told me the smoking hot moment she had with Kevin by the poolside. I was happy that she was happy, at least she didn't allow what Elvis did to her to stop her from being happy.

"You guys look so perfect together," I said to her while I wiped the little tear that was on her eye because she laughed so hard that she teared up.

"Really?" she asked with her eyes on Kevin who was discussing with the guys.

Well, he kept on stealing glances at her from where he sat.

"Suzy dear, we should be leaving now. I have a dinner date with someone this evening and I don't want to be late and Georgia says she feels a bit ill." Linda said.

I stood up from where I sat and hugged them then I whispered thank you to them. Georgia smiled weakly and squeezed my hands slightly. She looked ill, I think Steve noticed the way Georgia was because he came over to where we stood.

"What's up gorgeous? You look like you are about to faint. Is everything okay?" he said when he came up to us.

"She's ill," I said to him. "Can you help me to take them home?" I continued.

"Fuck!, I didn't drive," he said as he placed he rubbed his face with his hands.

Alex and Kevin came up to where we all stood, and now Georgia sat down back because she was too weak to stand. She was getting worse. "Kevin can you help me to drive them home, Georgia is sick and Linda will be late for her date."

"I think Georgia needs to be taken to the hospital, she looks really weak" Alex chipped in.

"So what do we do now? Alex, you could drive Georgia and Steve while Kevin takes Linda to her house and Lia too." I said and winked at Kevin who smiled at me. Their ship must sail and I would make sure of that because I could see how happy Kevin made my friend and I for one loved the new glow in her eyes and I put Steve with Georgia because I could tell that he liked her and I was the great matchmaker trying to place the opportunity right into his palms.

I was alone now, trying to clean up the place when the baby monitor beeped. One of the girls must have woken up so I went upstairs. It was time for me to wear them, they were already old enough to take other baby food and they could now stand but for a few seconds. When I was done with feeding the girls I put on the TV and sat them on the rug then I rushed back to tidy up the kitchen. My life now is different from what I dreamed of but it's fine, I was happy with the fact that at least I had people I could talk to, the family I didn't have was here with me and it was all because Alex needed a wet nurse. It's surprising how fate works at times but I owe all of this to fate. While I was already done with the dishes when I heard Alex's voice and I rushed off to the living room just to see him carrying Katie and talking to her while she said some gibberish baby talk.

"I've gotten my first Dad," he said to me with a cheerful voice then he carried Kasey too.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I asked in disbelief as I walked up to him smiling and he nodded playfully.

"Kasey darling, won't you call me Dada just like Katie?" he said to Kasey and kissed her forehead.

"Wait was it Katie that called you dad? That's so unfair, I haven't even gotten my first mum." I said as I carried Kasey who was just moping from me to her dad. She smiled and put her face in the nook of my neck. She was a quiet, shy soul, unlike my stubborn, talkative Katie who was telling Alex her life story and dragging his ears which were now red. They normally had night sickness because they were toothing and the night was usually stressful for me because they kept me awake with their cries.

Alex offered to keep me company while I stayed with the girls since he wasn't working tomorrow. We talked about a lot of things while we sat all through the night babysitting the girls who woke up at intervals.

"You look beautiful in that pajamas," he said after looking at me for some when we were short of what to discuss. I smiled at him and whispered a very low thank you to him.

"Can I kiss you now?" he said again then he carried me from where I sat. I wrapped my legs around his waist because he was now standing up and I held his bare shoulders as he kissed me gently on my lips. This was what my body wanted now and my inside was already mush. His hands were on my ass and he squeezed it in a very sensual way that made my insides tingle with excitement. He sat down now still carrying me then he kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Lily. I don't know if you feel the same way about me but I'll love to date you. Can I?" Alex said to me while my head was on his chest. I was already feeling sleepy but he was mistaken if he thought that I didn't feel the same way about him because I loved him maybe from the first day I saw him. I nodded my head weakly and smiled at him.

"Are you feeling sleepy? Cuz I'm tired right now." I said and he kissed my forehead then he laid down on the bed like a cushion that was in the girl's room with me on top of his body. I didn't know when I slept off maybe because that was the best place I've ever slept in my entire life, well apart from my mum's arms when I was a baby.