Chapter Forty-Five


It's been like a week or two since the funeral and I've been so tied up with work at the office. I feel so bad because I've not spent some time with Suzy and the girls and I usually worked late into the night. We texted each other while I was at work and I'm pretty sure that she misses me a lot because I miss her badly but I was in a very tight corner right now with trying hard to keep the publishing company stable enough. Kevin invited me out for a drink so I was driving over to the place he directed me. It wasn't our usual drinking spot but it looked nice at least from what I saw while I drove into the place.

I texted Suzy immediately I parked my car to tell her that I'll be a bit late because Kevin invited me out to have a drink with him. When I came out of the car, I saw a woman trying to adjust her makeover inside her car that was parked close to me. Some women were dramatic I thought to myself while I turned to lock my car.

"Alexander ?" a woman's voice said.

I turned around to see who called my name. I didn't know where I knew her from but her face seemed a bit familiar to me. I just stood by my car and looked at her without saying a word. What would I have said, I couldn't remember where I saw her face so I waited for her to introduce herself at least.

"Are you not Alexander? or Oh! I'm so sorry, I mistakenly thought you were someone I know. Turns out people look alike. I'm sorry." she said quickly.

I shook my head slightly while she rushed her speech feeling a bit shy for maybe talking to a total stranger. "Well I'm Alex, I was just trying to remember where I've seen this face but I think my memory failed me, so can you remind me of who you are?" I said before my phone rang. "A moment please," I said again gesturing with my hand for her to hold on before I answered the phone to tell Kevin that I would come in soon.

"I can't believe that you of all people don't remember me, did I change that much? It's me, Daila, Daila Terry...Do you remember me now?" she said to me smiling.

"Oh my God!" I said. I was surprised by my bones. Daniela was my schoolmate back in college, we had a little thing going on between us back then before she traveled back to where her mum stayed. The last time I saw her she wasn't this slim, what the fuck happened to her? "I'm so sorry that I could not remember you but damn girl, change is an understatement for this," I said.

"I know right? You are not the first person to say that either," she said then my phone rang again.

"What's taking you so long buddy...I'm on my second bottle already." Kevin said. I could tell he was pissed so I just told him to wait a bit.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my friend is waiting for me inside and he's been calling me, I need to go," I said after I answered the call.

"No problem, I have a date and I'm already running late. It was nice meeting you Alex, I hope we'll see each other again," she said then she waved at me and walked away while I trailed behind her. She looked very different and slimmer than she was back in college. She turned towards a staircase that was by the right, immediately I entered I saw where Kevin sat, so I walked up to him.

"Hey Kev, I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I came across Daila Terry." I apologized as I sat down on the chair that was opposite him. He motioned to the waiter to get us more drinks then he looked back at me.

"You mean Daila, your little fling back then in college?" he said as he drank from the bottle that was in his hand.

"Yes, but I could not even recognize her. she looked so different and thinner actually. She even had to introduce herself to me because I couldn't remember where I knew her from." I said before the waiter came to keep the drinks that Kevin ordered.

"Wow, you know she was a total asshole and she thought she was just the most beautiful girl in college back then. Proud bitch." Kevin said with disgust. Well, he never approved of her, I didn't love her either but back in school she was sexy as hell, or maybe I thought she was because seeing her now is making me angry at myself for being intimate with her back then. I can't believe that I had such awful taste in women.

Taking a sip of my drink, I relaxed back to the chair and Kevin began to tell me how he was thinking of settling down soon then my phone beeped. It was a text from Suzy.

"I just took the girls to bed now, I'll be waiting for you baby. xoxo."

"Suzy just texted me, I've been so busy with work recently," I said to Kevin after I read her text. We talked about work and Kevin continued his speech about settling down. He was obviously in love and it was a beautiful change. We saw each other last at the funeral for Suzy's mum and we were family, so we just drank and talked of random stuff, and sometimes he diverted to stuff that happened in the past which sometimes made me cringe because I could see how foolish I was when I was younger. I know he missed me and he just took me as a brother so it was just like trying to spend some time with your brother.

She was sleeping on the couch already when I came inside the living room. I felt a tight knot in my chest because I missed her so much coupled with the fact that I haven't spent much time with her and she was probably tired from the day's stress of taking care of the girls.

"Lily" I whispered as I touched her shoulders slightly.

"Oh my God!, you scared me," she said as she jerked up for her sleep. My baby girl missed me as much as I missed her because she wrapped her hands around my shoulder and kissed my neck then I carried her up with her legs tangled around my waist.

"I missed you so much Lily and I'm sorry that I've been busy with work, I'm just facing a little challenge at the time but it'll be fine okay," I said to her as I kissed her lips gently while the tension built up in my body. She smelled so nice; like strawberries, maybe it's her shampoo but I loved it and it made me want to kiss her all over her body.

"Will you like to eat anything?" she said after we broke off from the kiss and I nodded yes and carried her into the dining room.