Chapter Fifty-One


"I'll miss you guys so much." Mrs. Dolly said as she hugged me tightly. We bonded so much while she was here and I'll be really honest to say that I wasn't even expecting that. I was kinda scared the morning Alex told me that his mum was going to be visiting us and I immediately pictured Julie's mum but she surprised me with being the complete opposite of what I thought in my god-damned head.

"I'll miss you to mum," I said still hugging her. I think we hugged for like twenty seconds before Alex came into her room to say that he was ready and was even waiting for her.

"I'll be out in a jiffy, Xander and why did you just have to interrupt our girl's session?" she complained, I had to look at Alex to see his face because I know he was probably angry that his mum was keeping him waiting. I laughed a bit and tried to get myself together before he noticed that I was laughing at him.

"Are you laughing at me Lily?" he asked.

"Nah, why would I ?" I said laughing at him more. "You should see your face baby." I continued still laughing which made his mum join in my fit of laughter.

"Oh, you are so paying for this Lily, Mum, look what you've done and you still laughing at me huh?" he asked smiling at me, then his mum walked up to him and hugged him.

"I'm happy that you are happy son, you finally found your happiness," she said. Oh shit, she was now feeling that mother care instinct stuff or whatever it was called and it was so damned cute. I just sat and watch as she hugged her son. I won't tear up, I won't. I missed my mum immediately but Mrs. Dolly was already trying to be a mum to me as well. I just kept on smiling at Alex who was looking at me while his mum hugged him.

"Okay mum, you are about to miss your flight if we continue this," he said and patted his mum at her back.

"I had so much fun here. Suzy, I love you and I don't want to look for you at my wedding okay. Now can I go home? I need to see Felix." she said as she carried her handbag while Alex carried her other bag and headed out to the door. I followed them then we hugged again for the last time.

"Bye baby, tell Kasey and Katie that granny loves them when they wake up okay," she said to me and I laughed and nodded at her.

"Mum, hurry up," Alex said.

"Oh no! Dana honey, I'll miss you," she said while she went half ran into the kitchen to hug Dana and tell her that they'll meet at her wedding.

"Okay, I think I'm done here, greet Kevin and Lia for me, and tell them that I said I don't want to look for them at my wedding," she said to me laughing probably at her son before she waved at me stylishly and ran slightly to meet up with her son. I smiled at how agile and stubborn she was, Alex was already tired of waiting for her that he had to leave her and head to the car. I watched them till they drove off before I went back inside to at least have my bath while waiting for the girls to wake up so that I can feed them and get them ready for the day.

While I was going upstairs, the doorbell rang. I wondered who it could be. It was still early and I wasn't expecting anyone unless maybe Alex came back to get something cuz they just left. I went back to open the door.

"Suzy love!!" Lia screamed as I opened the door then she stepped in. She was dressed so casually and I had to wonder if she was going to work because she never dressed casually to work.

"Lia honey, wow, I wasn't expecting you this morning. You are not going to work today?" I asked as I hugged her and closed the door behind us while we walked in.

"Suzy love...well, I'm on off duty and I decided to spend today with you, by the way, I came with a very juicy story," she said still following me upstairs.

"I was about to have my bath, the girls must have woken up by now, so you'll be of help yayy!." I said while we climbed the staircase.

"I saw Mrs. Dolly and she told me about how I must be at her wedding. I like her a lot."Lia said.

"Yeah, me too, she's cool and fun to be with," I said agreeing to what Lia said.

We went straight to the girl's room and I found them awake in their cribs playing with the toys I kept in for them. I carried Katie who already stretched her hands out for me while Lia carried Kasey then we went over to my room so that I could shower them as well.

"So, what's the big news Lia, what made you come here this early," I said while I was preparing their bath.

"Okay, so Elvis wants me back..." she said.

"Hell no, you do no such thing," I said interrupting her.

"Take a chill pill love, I'm not done with my story." She said laughing at me.

"Oh...I'm sorry, so you were saying?" I said laughing before I carried the girls to shower them so she just sat on the dressing chair that she brought closer to the bathroom door which I left open.

"So, he called me while I was at home two days ago I think, said he was at my door, and he found out that a new person was living there. So I told him I moved out when he asked where I said it wasn't necessary," she said. I was already fuming and couldn't wait to hear the rest of this story.

"So he was all, I need you back, I fucked up but we can work this out blah blah blah then he said his model girlfriend cheated on him with his fuckin' boss, Well, I was happy with the news, he deserved that." She said laughing.

"He sure did, little bastard," I said concurring with her while I couldn't stop laughing at what she just said.

"I was mute all through the call then he said he knows that he hurt me and still hopes that I could forgive him and come back to him. You could imagine the look on my face when he spat that trash." She said with disgust in her tone.

"When he was done talking, he hung up, he called again yesterday and continued his speech of how he made a huge mistake by leaving me and how he's deep into regrets because he feels like he has lost something so precious. I scoffed at his annoying words and told him that I have moved on and was in a very serious relationship," she said and laughed hard now.

"Uuhhh oohhh! you hurt poor boy's heart," I said while I brought the girls out to dress them before I have my bath.

"Well gladly, I don't give a fuck. He was surprised at how I was already in a relationship. I told him I wasn't a second choice or backup babe that he could return to after he fucks up." Lia said while she helped me with the girls who were talking their gibberish.

"I'm so proud of you baby, and make sure you tell Kevin about it you grab," I said to her and she smiled at me.

"Got you ma'am, go and have your bath I'm starving here and these girls are pretty much hungry too." She said while I laughed at her before I went to shower.

We had fun eating, talking with Dana while she cooked, playing with the girls, and watching the funny reality show before Kevin called to tell her he was back from work so she had to go because according to her, they planned to have dinner together at his house, leaving me with the girls while I waited for Alex to come back from work, he worked late these days and being alone now made me miss his mum so much now.