Chapter Fifty


"I think it's a mail from the hospital," I said to Mrs. Dolly who was still telling the girls stories of her youth. I bet they didn't understand all she was saying but they looked at her as if they knew what she was saying. Alex's mum was a whole lot of vibe and staying with her was fun and Dana became her new friend with who she could share old jokes.

"I think Xander should be the one to open that mail unless he says you should, you know?" she replied still engrossed in her baby talk with the girls.

"Yeah sure, I'll just text him," I said to her before I went upstairs to get my phone.

After a few minutes of sending a text to tell him that we just received a mail from the hospital and it might be the DNA result, he texted me back, telling me to check what it was.

"He wants us to check it," I said to his mum as I came back to the living room with the envelope.

"I know my Xander will not be patient enough to get home first. Well, I don't blame him for the impatience, the wait could kill me," she said laughing.

I was a bit scared to open the envelope, I was scared because I knew that this would hurt Alex so damned much if it turned out to be negative and I knew what he's been through these past few days while we waited for the result. Most times, I caught him staring at Kasey and I wondered what went on in his mind at those times, maybe he was trying to convince himself that she was his daughter.

"Are you alright dear?" Mrs. Dolly asked, cutting me off from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I..umm.I'm fine, just a bit scared to open it, can I give it to you instead?" I stuttered then I handed it over to her and sat down on the sofa close to her waiting for her to say whatever it was that was inside the envelope from the hospital.

"Oh my gosh," she said still looking at the result. What did she mean by that? I just stared at her as she stared at the paper as if she saw a ghost. Can I say that I was kinda confused, well, I was.

"Mum?" I said with a low voice filled with uncertainty, was she kidding me? I was expecting a straight answer though.

"I gat ya!! were you really scared, dear? well don't be, anymore, Xander is her Papa. Yay!" she said laughing at me. Did she just play a prank on me right now? Alex's mum was the best, well after my mum.

I laughed at myself for falling for her games and just immediately I picked up my phone to dial Alex, he called.

"Yes baby, Kasey is your daughter," I said to him cheerfully.

"Really! Oh my goodness, let me call Kevin, oh my gosh. Thank you so much, baby. I'll see you guys when I get home, I love you." he said, he was excited and I could tell from his tone.

"I love you, baby, see you when you're back, I'll be hanging up now so you could continue with what you were doing. Bye" I said before I hung up just to see Alex's mum smiling at me which made me burst out laughing so hard, she's kinda creepy sometimes though but excuse me, I was happy.

Of course, I was super happy as if I got a job. At least he could be happy again knowing that he was not losing Kasey to some strange man his wife had an affair with. Though Alex called Julie's mum to ask her and surprisingly she knew who Robert was, when he told her that Julie was having an affair with Robert while they were married and now they had a problem of who the Dad might be, she was reluctant about it and just said that Alex should sort it out and not get her involved in Julie's mess. She's a real bitch and she's the complete opposite of Alex's mum.

I already weaned the girls though sometimes Kasey insisted on having breast milk but most times I made her eat whatever Katie was eating. I didn't even ask Alex when she was born, I just assumed that she was the same age as Katie who was already seven months. I would ask him that when he comes back, it was necessary.

So I and Alex's mum fed the girls while we ate and discussed with Dana in the kitchen. With his mum here, the house was not boring at all, she was a full vibe. I remembered that I needed to do laundry so when I finished eating, I just left the women and the girls to their discussion.

"Suzy love, Kevin told me that the result was out and Alex is Kasey's dad," Lia said to me through the phone while I was doing laundry.

"Yeah baby, I'm glad you know?" I said.

"I always knew he would be her dad, you could see his face on Kasey's face. I'm happy for him. I know how difficult it could be if it was otherwise. I would have loved to stop by the house today but I'm going out on a dinner date with Kevin." she said then she chuckled softly.

"Oh! uh... I'm happy for you Lia, look at you baby, so in love." I said laughing.

"Oh shut up, it's not like you are innocent. By the way, I saw Justin today, with another woman not the one we met at his house, man whore." she said and I just laughed.

" Well, see you too, blossoming under the ray of Alex's love and being a mother to your kids." She continued.

"I hope to see yours too," I said laughing at her because I could imagine her making funny faces at what I just said.

"Well, I could have a rethink with Kevin, but not just yet please," she said laughing out her heart.

"Wow, he got you right?, Kevin is making someone out of you crazy biatch," I said laughing so hard that I teared up.

"Suzy love, you can laugh at me, I'll permit you, I have a dinner date to prepare for. I love you. kisses baby" She said before she hung up then I went back to doing the laundry. I think I heard Alex's voice while I was on the phone with Lia, maybe I heard wrong but I just decided to finish the laundry before coming out to check if he was back.

"Hey baby," Alex said cheerfully as he came into the laundry room. I laughed at him before I hugged him tight till I could smell like him. I didn't hear wrongly after all.

"Mum said you were here so I decided to come to pay you a surprise visit," he said before he kissed my lips for some seconds.

"Well, I missed you while you were at work, did you miss me?" I said pouting my lips.

"Of course baby, I missed you so much and I couldn't wait to get back home so that I can have you in my arms," he said before we went into the staring game.

We looked at each other's eyes for a good few seconds before I looked away laughing.

"You've got me," I said then I brought his head down to my lips and kissed him now but harder than the first one.

Our breaths became muffled and thickened as we became aroused. I could feel his erection through his trousers and I was already soaking wet down in my panties. I brushed through his hardened length slightly with my fingers and he jerked and groaned at my touch. I loved the fact that I was the reason behind that reaction and I smiled to myself while his hands roamed all over my body and got me moaning.

His fingers were already inside my slick pussy working me till I couldn't hold it in anymore. I came violently on his fingers, with me screaming as my whole body shook.

"I'll fuck your smart mouth when we get to my room," he whispered into my ears then he kissed my neck and removed his fingers from me. I felt empty and his dirty talk just got me wet again and I couldn't wait to get my ass to his room.

"You guys could keep your voices down a bit." Alex's mum said when she opened the door to the laundry room then she winked at me.

I laughed and looked at Alex who looked at me with a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Oh my God, let's get out of here, I feel like a teenager caught in the act." He said as he rubbed his forehead with his fingers. I laughed at him before I hugged him again.

"You were not caught in the act Alex, and don't you think it wise if we wait for your erection to be a little less obvious before you go out there?" I asked laughing.

"Oh God, the matter just got worse, stop hugging me if you want us to go out of here fast." he groaned and I laughed at him and hugged him tighter.