Chapter Forty-Nine


"Julie has always been the one, but her mum was totally against her getting married to me, I don't know why but I didn't like her either," he said. Everything was unfolding like a nightmare, I found it very hard to believe what was happening and it was Suzy's hand holding mine firmly that kept on assuring me that it was so real.

"But you guys kept on meeting each other even after she got married?" my mum asked as she interlaced her fingers and placed them on her tummy.

"We loved each other very much, and being separated from her was very difficult for me to do but when I tried to stay away, she always came back and I asked her to be bold and maybe ask for a divorce but she was scared of her mum, why she was scared is what I don't know. But I know she got married to you to get her mum off her back," he said.

"And what the hell is your name?" Kevin spat with disgust written all over his face.

"Kevin... language, watch it boy." my mum said trying to caution him but Kevin just looked away, he wasn't happy with this, no one was anyway.

"The name is Robert," he said, he was calm though but I didn't like him still, he was the asshole fucking my wife and now there was a chance that Kasey was his.

"Okay?" my mum said to him so that he could continue his speech or whatsoever he was saying.

"Her pregnancy was a surprise to me because I knew she was always on pills..." he said before I cut him short with my question.

"What? wait what the fuck did you say?" I asked, now I know that my marriage to Julie was total trash, I got married to a fuckin' stranger, and to even think that I trusted her so much because of how quiet she acted was total ignorance on my side. This was it, I couldn't listen to this nonsense anymore. But what if this weird-looking guy was telling a lie about Julie because I still can't believe what I was hearing from him.

"She thought it was the best thing to do so I agreed with her and she continued her pills, I'm surprised you don't know about that, I'm sorry," he said then he lowered his head as if he was remorseful.

"How the fuck would I know, we were married and trying to fuckin' have a baby!" I said, raising my voice a little out of anger that was rushing through my veins right now.

"Calm down babe," Suzy whispered to me that only I could hear what she said, I relaxed a bit Kevin and Lia were so quiet but Kevin's eyes could kill Robert.

"Well, I'm sorry for what I did but we can't change the past you know? She came to tell me that she was pregnant and there was a chance that the baby was mine then she went on to say how I should stay away from the child and not be bothered if it was mine or not because if you got to know about us, her marriage would come to an end. I couldn't get to stay off just like that, knowing that my child was somewhere else and when I called, she never answered till her line was unavailable after some time. And how did she kill herself? I'm yet to understand that story." he said quietly.

"Do you know if she was depressed?" I asked and he shook his head no. Well, this is the side of her that none of us knew.

"Overdosed on anti-depressant drugs, well she was a bit strange during the pregnancy and it all got worse after she gave birth. She shut us all out of her life including her mum, after I complained about her attitudes to her mum, they talked on the phone for some minutes I think and she killed herself that night." I said to him.

"This hurts me so much, but a paternity test has to be taken for Kasey. I think it's the best thing for us to do." my mum said, it was clear she had heard enough for the night and she couldn't wait to end the fuckin' discussion. Everything made sense to me now. Someone was feeling guilty and she probably killed herself because she couldn't handle the guilt and shame. I wonder what her mum did to make Julie fear her so much to the extent of marrying someone she doesn't love, just to please her mum.

"I'm so sorry dude," Kevin said to me immediately Robert left. Suzy kissed my forehead then she went to check on the girls while my mum come over to where I sat and hugged me.

"You'll be fine son, I need you to be strong now okay," she said still hugging me and I nodded.

Lia squeezed my shoulder small then she patted my back. "Kasey is your daughter, don't be scared," she said and I smiled. Kasey looked like me but I was scared though, I couldn't bear to lose her and there was a chance for that. We already scheduled with Robert to go for the test tomorrow but the wait could kill me.

"We should be going now, I'll have to take Lia home first, and I'll follow you to the hospital tomorrow," Kevin said.

"No Kev, you've got to be at work, I'll tell you how it went when I come back okay," I said.

"Alex, I insist, I'm coming with you, I don't want to hear no tales just call me when you are about to leave and the hospital it is. I'll meet you there," he said then he squeezed my shoulder lightly and said their goodbyes before they left. Speaking of brothers, I already had one and Kevin was one hell of a brother to me.

After my mum locked the door, she came and sat with me with a bowl of cookies.

"You want some?" she offered so I just took one.

"Thank you, Mum?" I said then I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Oh no baby, I did what I had to do, it's no big deal? But Xander, don't you ever let what Julie did stop you from loving and trusting Suzy, that one is good and she deserves to be happy, so do you. Okay." she said before she continued munching on her cookies.

"Yes, mum. What I feel for Lily is different from what I felt for Julie, this one is more peaceful and I know she loves me as much as I love her, you could see what happened at the dining table today, it never happened while I was married to Julie. Lily brought back the sparks to my life entirely." I said gushing over how much I'd choose Suzy over Julie again and again.

When I told my mum about Suzy being the girl in the picture I fell in love with years back, she couldn't believe it.

"Wow, that's a beautiful love story don't you think?" she said cheerfully then she giggled.

"Well that's what Fate could do," I said, when she didn't say anything I looked at her to see that she was already sleeping with her bowl of cookies still in her hands.

"Mum? How the fuck do you sleep within seconds." I said laughing as I removed the bowl from her hands she opened her eyes.

"Oh! I must have slept off, I'm so tired," she said yawning.

"You sure are mum. I think you should leave the cookies for tomorrow and go to bed." I said laughing then she joined me to laugh at herself before she stood up.

"Goodnight baby," she said and kissed my forehead before she went to her bedroom.

I heaved a sigh and relaxed back on the chair trying to process everything that had happened. It was too much for one day and I couldn't believe that I was going to be put in a situation where I had to take Kasey on a paternity test. I just hoped I'll smile at the end of this dream.