Chapter Forty-Eight

Music Recommendation: Into the Storm by BANNERS


Alex's mum was more than lovely and it wasn't difficult for me to like her, she wasn't uptight like his mother-in-law. I went into the kitchen to help Dana out and also give them space to have their mother-son discussion.

The doorbell rang and I knew that Kevin and Lia were already there. It's been so long since I saw Lia, though we have been texting and calling each other she's been busy with work and her new relationship with Kevin. Dana was already almost done by the time I came in so I just helped her tidy up.

"You must be Dana, right? I'm so sorry, I was carried away. I didn't see you." Alex's mum said when Dana was about to go then she hugged her, they were about the same age or Mrs. Dolly was older. I think.

"It's nice meeting you ma'am, now I see where Alex got his looks from. I should be leaving now, my daughter just called me." Dana said smiling, the two women have themselves a kind of look that maybe said we'll talk well tomorrow then Dana left and Mrs. Dolly went back to saying how cute Lia was and that Kevin must bring Lia to her wedding this Christmas.

"Are you getting married?" Kevin asked then he looked at Alex with that type of 'you never mentioned this' eyes and Alex shrugged.

"Oh yes! I am and don't look at my Xander that way, I just told him today," she said laughing at the guys.

"Oh okay, we'll be there for you mum, I promise," Kevin said laughing then he looked at Lia who laughed too while she carried Kasey who was already fast asleep in her arm while Katie kept crawling from Alex's legs to Kevin's legs and saying gibberish to them.

"Could we at least eat now? I'm starving." Mrs. Dolly said then she went to the kitchen with I and Lia trailing behind her so that we could help her serve the food.

"You know, I always wished that I had a daughter who I could cook with and that's why I always dragged Xander to the kitchen with me when he was younger. But my little boy is all grown now, I bet he'll take me to the psychiatrist if I drag him to the kitchen now." Mrs. Dolly said as we were going to the kitchen. She was telling us stories as if we were her daughters and sometimes said some hideous jokes. Lia just laughed so hard at every joke that Alex's mum made while we were in the kitchen. I knew she would like his mum. She was just a very likable person.

"Okay, Suzy love, your mother-in-law-to-be is fuckin' funny, I bet you'll never be sad whenever she's around," Lia said to me as she wiped off the tears that came to her eyes when she was laughing.

When we were done with setting up the dining table, I went back to the living room and carried Kasey from her dad then I took her to her crib so she could be comfortable while she slept. Alex was already carrying Katie and they were all seated at the dining table before I joined them to sit beside Alex who looked at me and smiled. The look we exchanged was just between us because I know he remembered what we had done on that dining table and it stirred the butterflies in my tummy while I blushed a bit. His mum looked at my reddened cheeks and winked at me, I guess she saw what just happened between me and her son. Well, I looked up to see Lia and Kev looking at me then they burst into a fit of laughter and I blushed more.

"What?" I said to them as they were laughing. I looked at Alex for help and he laughed at me, he was enjoying this because he knows that he's the reason behind all these.

"Suzy love, I don't know but it's pretty obvious that Alex is the reason behind your reddened cheeks so I think you should ask him," Lia said, playfully using a kind of funny accent that made everyone burst out laughing, and now I had to join in the laughter because her fake accent was really funny.

When the laughter died down, Katie began to say her gibberish and tried to put her tiny hand into Alex's food and we started laughing again.

We were almost done with our meal when the doorbell rang. We looked at each other with these 'Expecting anyone?' eyes.

"I'm not expecting anybody," I said.

"Neither am I," Alex said then he looked at his mum who shook her head no.

Alex handed Katie over to me then he went to answer the door and Kevin followed him immediately. Well, maybe it could be one of my friends Steve or Linda or Georgia.

"I think we should go and see what's keeping them long," I said to Mrs. Dolly and Lia then I stood up from my chair.

"Did you think that Julie wanted to get married to you from the start? She married you to get her mum off her back and her mum didn't want her to marry me." a man's voice said when we went over to the door. Kevin and Alex stood in a way that we couldn't see the face of the speaker.

"What the hell is going on here?" Mrs. Dolly asked after we heard what the man said then she walked up to where the three men stood at the door.

"I don't understand, This clown just showed up hereby requesting to see his child. I'm yet to understand what's happening here." Alex said to his mum. God, he was getting angry.

"Young Man, I think you should come inside and explain yourself, mind you, I have a gun so if you want to leave here alive just don't mess up. Still wanna come in?" She said to the stranger.

"Yes, I'm just here to see my child and maybe take her because Julie's number is no longer available and I know she's avoiding me or something because she said it would destroy her marriage if her husband finds out about us and that's why I came straight home." He said.

"Oh no!, Julie is dead by the way, she killed herself months ago I think few weeks after her delivery." Mrs. Dolly said then she ushered the man in.

He was white from the news he just heard but he struggled to step inside then we all went to the living room. Kevin sat with Lia who was holding his hands, he looked so hurt, of course, he would, Alex was like a brother to him and he alone knows what Alex went through while he was married to Julie just to find out that she was a cheating bastard. Mrs. Dolly sat on one of the cushions which were directly opposite to the hidden affair of Julie. Thanks to the universe that she was around because I wonder how we would have handled this on our own. I sat beside Alex then I realized that Katie was already asleep in my arms then I took her to her crib so she could be comfortable even though the affair guy couldn't take his eyes off Katie, he must be thinking that she was his daughter. When I came back to the living room, I sat with him and held his hands to comfort him. Whatever drama this was, it wasn't a nice one, he was on the verge of losing his daughter to this stranger with who his wife had an affair with and just that was more than enough to break him.