Chapter Fifty-Seven


Finally, today was the day that Wellek Publishing house employees were going to be formally introduced to us the employees of Rumble Publishing house, since we merged. They were actually moving in to the same building with us because according to Mr. Darvey who is the owner of Rumble, Wellek is still a growing publishing company, even though they were growing really fast to the extent that they became our rival publishing company but it still doesn't erase the fact that Rumble is older and stronger than Wellek. Darvey went on to explain to us at the board meeting we had before the two companies were merged that Wellek also had troubles too in regards to their space as the owner of their former building seemed to had sold out the building without informing Mr. Wellek on time and the new owner wanted to use the building for another thing and asked them to move out, so this brings Wellek in need of a comfortable space and Rumble in need of maybe capital or a little need to be back on track then the idea of merging both companies came on board with most of their employees cut off.

My happiness was that Sara, my personal assistant wasn't among the laid off employees. She may not understand how much I needed her to be my assistant but she was probably the reason why I haven't been fired till now because I'm not the type to follow rules and she helped me a lot and mostly cleared up after me, keeping me on the safe side.

I sat on my office trying to clear off my desk of the works I was already done with before Sara knocked on the glass door.

"Come in Sara" I said still busy with what I was doing then she opened the door and peeped in.

"Employees from Wellek are here already, and Mr. Darvey asks of you so that we can be introduced to each other."she said.

"Oh, I'll be there as soon as possible."I replied then she smiled and nodded her head before she closed the door behind her.

When I was done, I came out and happened to see where they were gathered before I noticed a red haired lady. While I came closer I realised that the lady looked familiar, of course I knew this red haired lady but she was looking into a book, I think very busy with what she was writing so I couldn't see her face and she was standing behind the average, big belly man who was probably in his mid forties and also who I suppose was Mr. Wellek. Immediately she raised her head, I froze for a second, Oh shit, this just got worse. It was Daila fuckn' Terry, what the actual fuck was she doing here? I never expected it to be her even though I suspected as much when I saw the red hair but I prayed silently that it would be another person and well, my prayer wasn't answered.

I walked up to where they all stood, they were probably waiting for me, I don't know.

"Mr. Wellek, this is Alexander, he's my CEO and you'll work with him henceforth and this is his personal assistant Sara Davids, Alex...this is Mr. Wellek, the CEO of Wellek publishing house and this is his personal assistant, Daila Terry." Mr. Darvey said smiling sheepishly as he introduced us to each other. I avoided looking at Daila but I could feel her eyes burning through my skin. I shook hands with Wellek, the man was not even a jovial person, he just looked at me as if I took something away from him, I didn't understand why he gave me that kind of look and his handshake carried some secret message with it. Well, he wasn't going to scare me with his big body frame or whatever he thought he could do. I looked at Daila and shook her as if it was my first time of seeing her in my entire life, she looked at me in a very uncomfortable way and well, we have to be clear here, this was strictly work, no drama. I wasn't prepared for that shit right now. She'd better keep her crazy lifestyle away from me and my work.

Everyone went on to their various duties after the greetings and all while Wellek employees were shown their offices.

I think Sara noticed how Daila looked at me because she told me about how she almost thought we knew ourselves. I laughed and couldn't help but heave a deep sigh after she left my office. Deep down in my mind, I knew that things had changed, maybe for worse because with Daila working here, it was total deep shit,unless she had changed from what she used to be back in college and I wasn't ready for such drama.

I just laid low and tried to focus on the books I had to review and approve before I heard a knock on my door, it was Sara so I beckoned her in with my hands and continued with what I was doing.

"Miss Daila asks to come in, says her boss asked her to inform you about something."Sara said my fears were just becoming a reality. I rubbed my temple then I looked at Sara helplessly.

"Can't she pass the information to you?" I asked not knowing what else to say, I was totally not prepared for this.

"I said so but she insisted that she must see you as it was confidential, that's what she said though." Sara said and shrugged like, she's sorry she can't help me out of it.

"Okay then, let her in." I said in total defeat then she left the office.

Few seconds later, the door opened and Daila stepped in and walked over to my desk, swaying her hips in her well tailored short gown and heels. I just looked into the book that I was reviewing then she sat on the chair opposite me on the other side of my desk.

"You know courtsey demands that you knock before you enter someone's office." I said still looking at the book that was before me.

"You know me well Alex and you know I don't do that courtsey shit or whatever you call it and why were you behaving like you've never met me before back there?" she said and crossed her legs. Oh no!, she was still that sassy ass bitch that she was back in college. Well, the matter just got more worse.

"Last I checked, I don't owe anyone here any explanation about how I behave here except Mr. Darvey and please can we just focus on the work we are here for please." I said as I raised my face to look at her.

"Well, Wellek would love to see you that's why I came here and I thought we were cool, in regards to how well we talked the last time we met at the restaurant, I wasn't really expecting that you'll be this way though." she said.

"Well, I wasn't expecting to see you again so..." I said and shrugged my shoulders then she stood up and stomped out of my office, then I prepared myself to go to Wellek's office and hear what he had to say. I just hoped that this won't be worse than I thought, I really hoped.