Chapter Fifty-Eight


I sighed for like the hundredth time as I dailed Alex's number again. What the hell was going on? We made plans or should I say he agreed to follow me to buy a dress which I could wear to his mum's wedding and why the fuck will he just keep me standing here like a fool. I was already getting very angry with everything including myself before he answered the phone.

"Where the hell did you keep the damned phone? I've been standing here for close to an hour now..." I screamed on the phone.

"Lily.. can you just calm down and listen to me?" he said quietly. He never raised his voice at me even now that I was being a bitch he just spoke to me as if we were just having a normal conversation and it pissed the fuck off me.

"Go on, I'm listening." I said quietly feeling a bit guilty for raising my voice at him, afterall he was at work and he decided to make time to follow me to buy my dress. Well, I thought it was actually best for him to follow me, seeing that he had a very unique and great taste, he would know what was best for me and also get to choose what I could wear to his mum's wedding.

"Where are you now?" he asked with a very calm voice. Will it be weird if I say his calm attitude towards me even after I yelled at him turned me on?

"I'm standing somewhere around the gas station close to your office." I said.

"Stand there, don't move." he said and hung up the phone. Jeez I was a bit confused about what just happened. I know that when I called him, I was pretty pissed off, but now, pissed off was far from what I felt right now.

Within few seconds his car was in front of me then he motioned for me to get in. When I sat down and closed the door,he drove off without saying a word. We drove for some minutes before he stopped somewhere that I didn't even recognize. I looked at him then he turned off the car and faced me.

"You can continue yelling at me now...I want to hear all the shit you have to say to me." he said quietly and relaxed still looking at me.

I was totally speechless, like what the fuck was he doing.

"I'm waiting for you...Lily, say it to my that smart mouth of yours. I think, seeing you get angry will turn me on and I didn't want to miss the show so...the stage is yours baby." he said smiling mischievously with his arms crossed.

"Jesus Alex, I don't have anything to say, I'm not angry anymore, can we just go out of here?" I said almost stuttering then he uncrossed his arms and held my shoulders.

"You know that this is work hours right? I wasn't with my phone because I wasn't at my office, my colleague called me and I have been at his office for almost one hour thirty minutes try to sort work stuffs out with him, I knew that we had somewhere to go and that's why I rushed things so that I could meet up. You shouldn't have yelled at me that way, you know." he said.

"I'm sorry...I think I acted before thinking." I said defeated. Of course he won me in this one.. I fucked up and now I felt like a fool.

"I'll let it slide." he said then he kissed my lips. I was already so wet and I nearly begged him to fuck me right there in his car, but I think we should save it for another time.

"Oh Jesus, I want to fuck you so hard right now." he said as if he read my thoughts then he smiled at me.

"We should get going before someone sees us." he continued and started the car then we continued the journey. I know deep down in my heart that it was a very flimsy excuse, if I'm not mistaken, the least problem for Alex is being seen by someone, even though he says he hates being caught in the act but I for one knows it turns him on so bad.

When we got to the boutique, he held my waist as we walked up to the door then we went in. The cashier looked at us and smiled then she showed us to the attendant who directed us to where I could find the type of gown that I was looking for.

"You are a very cute couple."the attendant said smiling at Alex. I looked at him and he smiled at me. Hey loser attendant trying to seduce my boyfriend with your fake smile and complement...sorry..he didn't notice you.

"Ma'am this is where you can get the dresses you want, this is the dressing room and your husband can wait for you out here." she said bringing me out of my mock thoughts.

"Oh, thank you dear." I said to her smiling then I held Alex's hand.

"Baby you'll have to help me out with the selection huh?" I said as I led him away from her. I turned to look at her and our eyes met, the distaste in her eyes was funny and I smiled at her and waved a friendly way before I looked away from her and went into selecting the dresses. I bet Alex didn't even notice what happened between I and the girl because he was just busy with describing how hot and sexy he wanted me to appear on his mum's wedding.

When we were done selecting the dresses, he carried them as we headed to the dressing room.

"You know I can't follow you in there." he said then he sat on the chair that was in front of the dressing room.

"Well, you'll come in when I need you to zip me up while I zip you down." I said and winked at him then I closed the curtain to change.

I opened the curtain for him to zip the dress up then the attendant came around.

"He can zip up my dress right?" I asked and stared at her.

"Yea..yes..sure, of course he can." she said stuttering before she walked away to look into other customers that were coming and directing them to the other dressing rooms.

I smiled to myself then I continued with changing the dresses while Alex was the judge, scrunching his face at some, smiling at some and shrugging at some.

There was this dark green sequine dress that was just above my knee and was totally backless with a very low v-neck which exposed some boobies that I wore and his jaw dropped as I opened the curtain. His expression was unforgettable. I couldn't stop laughing, then I walked up to him.

"You've been zipping my dresses, I think it my turn to unzip you. And I want to suck your dick while I'm on this dress...What do you think? You're in?" I whispered in his ear and walked back to the dressing room with the curtain still open.

He looked at me and swallowed.."Oh hell yeah I'm in." he said and entered the dressing room, closing the curtain behind him.

I dived in after I unzipped his pants, he was already very hard and I sucked and gagged a little on his cock.

"Fuck my mouth." I said and he did as I said groaned quietly as he dug his fingers into my shoulder and held my head with the other hand. I played with his balls gently as he fucked my mouth while I ran my other hand on his abs till he jerked and shot his come down my throat.

"Oh my God...Shit." he whispered then I zipped his trousers immediately and the curtain opened.

I looked at her and she looked at me. Well we weren't caught in the act.

"His zipper got spoilt."I said because I was still kneeling down in front of him when she opened the curtain.

"You know he shouldn't be in there with you." she said with a stern face.

"Well you should have at least asked before you open the curtain... what if I was naked?" I asked. Alex just cleared his throat and I kept quiet.

"I think I'll manage the zipper this way's better, get dressed let's pay and go home. It's late already." he said then the girl walked away.

"Shit." I said laughing and he burst out laughing while we gathered the dresses we wanted to buy then u changed before we headed to the cashier.

"Hope you like what you saw." She said smiling at us.

"Yea sure, mhmm... we'll patronize you guys again.. it was nice doing business with you guys."I said smiling then I looked at Alex who grinned. At least only the two of us knew why we were so excited about buying these dresses. Then he held my waist as we walked back to the car happy as if we won a lottery.