Chapter Sixty-One


"What's up Kev? Well just drive by your apartment, we are already late for the flight." I said to Kevin on the phone after we were almost tired of waiting for him and lia. We planned earlier that Kevin and lia would come over so that we could just drive to the airport together since it was just one one-way journey from my house but I don't know what was keeping them so I thought it better for us to go there instead of at least it would make them hurry up in whatsoever they were doing.

Suzy was already done and was retouching her makeup while the girls were busy with their toys.

"We should go over there, instead of waiting for them to come here, I already called Kevin and he sounds like he's not prepared yet," I said to Suzy.

"Oh... let's leave then, we'll be late," she said then she stood up and went to where the bags were.

"Uh no Lily... I'll take those...just bring the girls to the car," I said to her before I carried the bags and headed to the car. Kasey crawled after me immediately before Suzy held her back so she won't get her dress dirty then she held both of them while they walked slowly to the car because the girls were not strong enough to walk on their own yet.

Within few minutes we were already on our way to Kevin's apartment. My mum already called me to remind me that we were having dinner together this evening for the formal introduction of the two families..that sort of thing.

"Hey man.." Kevin said as we came in before Kasey and Katie crawled to hug his legs yapping in their baby language whatever they were saying, I don't know but he laughed and carried them while we went to sit down.

Suzy greeted him before she then asked of her friend.

"Lisa is the reason why I'm still in this house till now, she spent up to an hour deciding on what to wear and now she's putting on her makeup. How do you guys do that?" he said out of frustration. Suzy laughed at him while he complained, why wouldn't she laugh, she was almost like her friend.

"Chill man...this one here ain't better off either," I said looking at Suzy who pouted and smiled.

"Hey, guys...I'm so so sorry for wasting time, it really difficult for me to dress up," she said laughing while Suzy stood up to hug her.

"You look stunning sugar bear," Kevin said starting at her as if it was the first time he'd ever seen her in his life.

"Ohh. Kev baby...thank you so much. You don't look bad either," she said and walked up to where he sat then she bent down and kissed his cheeks before she whispered something that only he heard. Kevin's face flushed immediately.

"Kev that you flushing because of the little dirty secret lia just told you?" I said laughing at him.

"Get a two," Suzy said laughing.

"Nah Nah Nah...we are heading to the airport right away there's no get a room going on for now," I said playfully. Everyone started laughing and the kids joined in the laughter which made us laugh the more because we wondered if they knew why we were laughing and it was so funny for them to just join in the laughter and having no idea why we were laughing, then I stood up from the chair while Suzy and Lia carried the girls then Kevin carried their bag while we headed towards the car.

While we drove to the airport, the ladies sat at the back with the kids singing and laughing while Kevin sat with me at the front changing their music and we laughed at how they switched to the new song or when they didn't know the lyrics but kept on singing though. I was just happy, I don't know maybe my happiness came from seeing how everyone was just so lively and happy especially Suzy and my kids.

"San we come" Lia shouted when the plane took off. She and Kevin sat in front of us and they just laughed at the jokes or whatever it is they said to each other. I was happy for Kevin, lia brought out the side of him that his parents threw under the rug. Kevin always said he was tapped out for love because he felt that it wasn't worth it and that it was not possible for him to love any woman enough to want a relationship with her. Well, I think lia broke that spell, and seeing him all lovey-dovey with her and even cheeks flushing hard because of what she said to him was anew but still cute.

The girls slept off and soon after, Suzy placed her head on my shoulder and slept off. She was tired from being awake last night, said she was picking up things that were necessary for the travel, and babysitting Katie who refused to sleep probably because she had a very long nap.

"Babe.." I said as I touched her slightly on her face. She opened her eyes and looked at me with her head still on my shoulder.

"We are in San Francisco..." I said smiling at her then u kissed her lips and she smiled before she rubbed her eyes.

"Get a room you two." lia said with her sleepy voice and we laughed. Kevin just woke her from sleep and we just sat and waited a bit while people hurried off with their bags and all.

"Kev...I'm starving and I can pass out from hunger right now." Lisa complained.

"I'm hungry too, and I know the kids are, they just woke up for sleep," Suzy said.

"Let's go to the restaurant and San Francisco is beautiful...just like I heard. I'll love to see the city but not now...I need to eat. Guys say something." lia said then we laughed at her because of how talkative she turned into.

"Well, it's not a bad idea to eat something...I'm in, what about you Kev?" I said looking at Kevin who shrugged his shoulders.

"Like I have a choice? I'm hungry too," he said laughing then we headed towards the restaurant that was close by to eat. Immediately we sat down to eat my phone rang. Oh well, it's my mum.

"Mum...yeah, we just arrived, eating though but well come by the hotel soon," I said to her when she asked if we were at the hotel yet. She was worrying herself too much...I think new brides tend to be that way whenever they are about to wed because they want a perfect wedding so they expect everyone to act accordingly to achieve that perfect wedding they desire.

A few minutes later, our stomachs were already full to the brim and we still were not done with the meal. We just sat down discussing as well as looking around and stealing some time for the food we just are could digest a bit before we left for the hotel. Lia made jokes and we laughed so hard while some people just stared at us.

"We should be going now, my mum is calling again," I said as my phone rang, Kevin laughed at me, he knew how disturbing my mum could be whenever she was worried. Then we all stood up after we've paid and taken two cabs separately to the hotel my mum reserved for us.