Thinking about Anoka's lost pendant Xie Ke was walking down the corridor. When he managed to reach his door he realised that he has dropped his room key somewhere , so he went back to look for it at the parking lot. When he was looking for his key he heard few guys gushing in the corner. It was unusual at that hour to find students outside their dorms. So he went to take a closer look. He found a gang of three students discussing . So he turned to go back.

But then suddenly he heard their voices clearly. He stopped and listened to them. "She is worried dude. She always handled her pendent with care, I think she is sentimental with it. Today I saw her friend dropping her at the dorm . It's better if you return it to her as soon as possible. We can atleast avoid getting into trouble".

When he heard their words Xie Ke became furious, he hid himself behind a tree inorder to find more about the theft . He didn't want to act rashly . He had to get the pendent , that was his priority. He always shares every single thing with Xiao Nai. So he felt it's wise to let him know about the lost pendent . " Do you think she'll really come on you? " One of them spoke. " Don't forget she is hanging around those two handsome guys."He exclaimed. " Both of you stop speaking nonsense otherwise we'll be in trouble if someone hears us." They all hurriedly left that place.

After that Xie Ke resumed searching for his key. But he did not succeed, so he rode his bicycle quickly avoiding the watchman. Xiao Nai had just finished his shower when he entered his bedroom. But he was shocked to find someone already taken his bed. He slowly sneaked behind the person and banged his back. Xie Ke who was surprised fell down. He glared at Xiao Nai and whined, "Nai are you planning to kill me or what! But why the hell are you here?" asked Xiao Nai calmly on seeing Xai Ke on the floor. " You know your window always welcomes me with wide open arms" he said giving a wicked smirk.

As usual they logged into Chinese ghost story to have a gaming spree. They were happy to find Anoka who was online too. Being in the same clan they asked her to join for a raid . Xiao Ling also joined them from the adjacent room. At the end of the raid they gave the huge chest which they gained to Anoka to make her feel better. Anoka felt a little better after the game because she has the best companions in the world who knew how to make her happy. She had a pleasant feeling that sooner something good is going to happen. She at last had a smile on her face.

Anoka's roommates were confused by her behaviour remembering her teary face a couple of hours ago. They wondered what had happened suddenly that has changed her mood drastically. Speaking of her room, there were three other students with her. They have a small balcony with a beautiful view. Their room is neat and comfortable. Her roommates are friendly but they are a little jealous of her for befriending the two most charming boys in their school.

In the morning, "Hey little devil, when did you creep into my house. How the hell did you do it under our nose?" asked Mrs Xiao forcing an angry glare towards Xie Ke pretending hard not to smile but failing miserably, as they sat down to have breakfast. It was not at all a new sight for her seeing William at their home in the early morning. "Aunty you know you are the best in this world, I really missed you and your food😉(Food is love) but you are acting very strict like how you do in your class hours" answered Xie Ke smiling sheepishly. "Kids come on let's dig in before it cools down." Mr Xiao announced cutting in their conversation. Xiao Nai's parents were both teachers in their school. Very soon they would start working as professors at Ping International University.

When Anoka was ready to leave for school, Xiao Nai and Xie Ke were waiting for her as usual. When she saw them, both the boys were grinning like mad people. " What are you both up to?? What trouble did you create now??" she questioned frowning but both of them still did not give her any answer. "Are you mad or what?? " she spoke loudly getting annoyed at them. Then suddenly both of them shouted "SURPRISE" and Xie Ke handed her pendant to her. Anoka was very pleased would be an understatement, she was literally on cloud nine. She never thought she would get it back so fast. She felt very grateful and blessed to have them in her life. She had happy tears in her eyes. She never thought her life would so nice after a lot of trials. She felt relieved. She just had a sudden urge to shout her feeling of joy from a mountain top. It felt like her mother was back again with her.

On their way to school they told her how they found news about her pendant and what had happened afterwards. Those three guys speaking of her and all, but they decided to hide the part of story about beating those guys to a pulp. But Xie Ke being the spoilsport let that bit out while speaking to her.

"Oh well! Xiāng Qì ,you are really lucky. You know what? Xiao Nai almost killed Huang Xu Dong and his friends for getting your pendant back. Just for you, can you imagine them begging us to let them go." She was shocked at first and thought of scolding them but thinking about what they did to her to let it pass. She realised William tried teasing her which made her know what they had done. But she just smiled wickedly thinking how to get back at him for teasing her.