Anoka realised that she has been teased by Xie Ke and decided to get back at him. She smiled wickedly and proceeded to put her plan into action.

"Well so Brother Ke, What did you do when he was scaring them? Did you just watch the show? Did you not have guts to step in? Was it interesting to just watch?" Anoka asked grinning at Xie Ke.

"Ahaa! Tell whatever you want, I don't mind. But seriously don't ever call me brother it kind of makes me sick ,call Nai your bro." he replied feeling wronged pointing at Xiao Nai. Hearing him whinn like that , she smiled at last. This made both the boys feel much better." But Anoka ,Xie Ke has to be thanked for everything . He kept calm and did not act rashly. He was really worried about you . After all we are friends it's good to stand for each other." Just while Xiao Nai was praising him, "(Xie Ke ! Your so nice to me, my Mr. Handsome.)"Xie Ke was dreaming about Anoka admiring his abilities.

Noticing that he was not in the conversation"Idiot! Which world are you in? " Xiao Nai asked Xie Ke smacking his head. He realised what had happened and glared at Xiao Nai while rubbing his head.

Their classes were so tiring, yet they had a very good time. For the last hour they had Mr Wang's class. Since this was the last period and not forgetting about his strict demoneour there was Pin drop silence in the class. It was just like none of them were even breathing. It was even a sight to see for. Mr.Wang thought for a moment that he would rather prefer their tardiness than this acute silence. But he brushed those thoughts aside and carried on with his class.

Suddenly Mr.Wang remembered that after this class, there would be a send off party for Mr and Mrs Xiao."Xiao Nai, you have the abilities to become a great scholar then why did you not enroll in the quiz club?" he asked Xiao Nai. He did not know how to reply to his teacher. He turned around to ask his friends for help. But before that Mr.Wang said," Even if you like it or not, you have to enroll in it." Xiao Nai was dumbstruck. Having his classes were a real headache but now he wants him to join the club too, which would become an additional bondage.

Xiao Nai did not want that to happen but he had no say in that. Just when he was about to lose heart,he felt like there was a new hope. He was even very surprised when Anoka stood up to say,"Sir I too want to join the club." He was wondering what on earth is happening here but then Xie Ke also got up and said " sir me too".

Xiao Nai finally understood their friend's scheme so he did a happy dance in his heart. The teacher was happy because of their eagerness and willingness to join . But the truth was very far from what he had thought . The bell rang after a few minutes . After coming out "Ahaa Xiāng Qì, isn't this too much?" Xie ke teases Anoka " You want to be around him everytime !!!"he asked grinning at her. Anoka was flushed but she managed to say"It's not that way . I just want to get smarter". Saying that she just saved herself from his teasing. But both kept fighting as they walked to the auditorium. They joined Xiao Nai there as he went to meet his parents after class.


"Aunty where do I place this?", asked Xie Ke and was helping to move things . They were all busy packing as Mr & Mrs Xiao were moving to Shanghai the very next day . Mrs Xiao made them some snacks and they enjoyed eating and bickering around. But Xie Ke was really annoying . Anoka and Nai wanted to get rid of him because he was really getting on their nerves .

Then Mr Xiao came out carrying an old worn out box and said,"Packing was really fun, I found some lost treasures of mine." Actually Mr Xiao was trying to make his wife jealous. " I have a couple of things in this that I've hidden before marriage, but now I'm thinking whether I should throw them away or still carry it with me". Saying this he took the box and opened it ," In this box are the things my first love used when we were young" he said reminiscing his youthful days." Throw them away , even when I am here, you want those stupid items used by some girl and you still want to treasure it ah?? You!You!" asked Mrs Xiao angrily pointing at her husband. "Hey don't you dare call them stupid . They are very precious to me"Mr Xiao replied. On hearing this she became really angry and took that box from him to throw it away. But when she noticed the contents in the box her eyes turned glossy.

In the box there was a high school ID ,a cola tin, a passport size photo , chocolate wrapper and so many other things. These were the things used by her while she was still in school . She was really surprised. She was in tears in a few seconds and then she turned and hugged her husband tightly. " How sweet is this , I never expected this, I really thought it was somebody else ". He was pleased to see her happy.

She did not know that her husband loved her way back during schooling. They were best friends in high school and their families were family friends. Then after when their career got settled their parents planned their wedding. His parents loved her since childhood and wanted her to be their daughter not daughter in law. So they got married. She never ever had a tiny bit of idea that her friend had loved her since forever. Seeing Mr and Mrs Xiao flaunt their love the trio squealed and clapped happily.

Later that day Anoka was helping Ling ( Nai's sister) pack her things. Anoka and Ling got along really well . They bonded well like long lost sisters. Anoka loved spending time in Nai's house. This was her third time here.

Xie ke wasn't seen anywhere. The house was so quite and everyone were busy doing their own works. So no one really noticed that he wasn't around. Xiao Nai and Anoka felt a great sense of relief thinking that they got rid of that annoying pest . They both smiled mischievously at each other.They knew where he was because they had tricked him and locked him up in a wardrobe. Then they neatly packed it and placed it along with the other packed items and continued with their packing. Almost half of the work was finished. Mrs Xiao called everyone for dinner. Because they were both busy they kinda forgot about Xie Ke.
