It will never stay the same [Part-41]

'Well, I think three more shadow clone's chakra and we should be done with him for a while.'

Veronica lightly massaged her shoulders. She was nervous about whatever would be happening after the original story could no longer be of help. She knew that there was no point in worrying so much however, her worries didn't seem to stop there.

'But this does makes me wonder...

Couldn't Danzo and Orochimaru have created more of his eyes by using his body or even just his eyes? They did have his DNA and all.'

It was something she had thought of rarely. But, it never did manage to fully leave her mind.

[If that is the case then it is very much possible that the other Uchiha's bodies might be used like this too.

No, I'm positive they were used like so.]-Tobirama

His voice had clear anger in it. He had been so disappointed in himself for raising such incompetent fools.

'Well, I'm sure Shisui and Itachi already know of this. We don't need to get involved unless we're forced to.'

They all knew that getting involved in unnecessary things would only bring more trouble. They had a lot more important stuff that they needed to complete. Such as Matatabi's well being.

Veronica shrugged it off and freshened up. Taking up a paper to write down her training schedule for her sensei, she quickly wrote down a pretty simple routine. It wasn't anything special but just a bit more advanced than a lot of Genin.

It consisted of running laps around a training ground or the village. She tried to increase the run every day by one more lap to slowly increase her stamina as well.

She also mentally drew maps for all she came across but she didn't feel the need to add that.

After that, she would do some basic stretches. Nothing too much with that so her body could relax a bit but still be active.

After that, she would practice her ninjutsu techniques for a while and used a clone to monitor her. The clone's memories would be given to her after it vanished so Veronica could easily find faults in her technique, especially with Tobirama's help but again, she didn't write that part. Just only the practicing ninjutsu part.

Till then, two hours would've passed by so she would home and get ready for the academy but now she headed home to only prepare breakfast and to prepare meeting with her teacher.

In the afternoon, she would practice taijutsu with her friends for a couple of hours and then move on to target practice.

She would ask Kakashi for advice and he would give her tips and tricks and if he wasn't busy then they would spar together. Of course, she would always badly loose.

The only thing noteworthy was the fact that she increased at least 30 seconds every day in her running. Those 30 seconds went on and on for months and slowly even she could see the difference in her stamina.

If she had more time after that or didn't feel like reading, she would do chakra control exercises and meditating before going out in the forest to punch and kick trees, she didn't add in the last bit of it though. People would think of her as crazy if she did.

She also had no plans to tell anyone that she had almost cried the first day when there were more than 5 splinters in her hand.

After that was dinner and then going to bed.

Finishing up her small list, she went out for her run. She had plenty of time to do this yesterday however, procrastination got the best of her.

The teams would meet at 8 am so she had around 2 hours to get ready. She didn't know what her sensei would've planned for them so she was worried about what she should take with her.

She wasn't worried about what would happen though.

She had enough confidence to come out ok, out of any and all situations. Even if she had run into with the current 'Madara', she could make it out alive. Although she preferred to not be running into people like him. She did not like sacrifice.

After making breakfast, she started to get ready for the day. In a storage scroll, which she borrowed from Kakashi, she placed a small med kit along with a pair of clothes to change into. She also put a water bottle in there along with some fruits which would serve as her lunch for the day.

'Is this really all I'll need for today?'

She didn't know what to expect from her teacher.

A/n: I don't think I will be uploading chapters as long as I have. I apologise for that, as I said last time I am still sick so I hope you all can make do with these short chapters.