Shisui [Part-40]

{Clone's memories}

Karasu [Veronica's clone's name, since it would be confusing otherwise.], quickly leaped through the old and rotten roof tops. She had managed to find her way easily as usual to her desired place. Stepping in front of the gate, she put her henge on and went in.

Shisui was training as usual.

He had been doing so for about two years now.

He had gotten over his blindness fairly soon however, he only started training after quite some time. She had made guesses about the same however only found a few to be plausible. Some of them being that he had found something on one of his expeditions outside, or he had something planned which would start soon or he had decided he wanted to do something just because.

She decided to not ponder on that for long though.

Shisui still hadn't realized that Veronica was the one who saved him, since other than the fact that his savior and Veronica only had one thing in common. They couldn't speak for long. He had maade the reasoning that even if Veronica was even more talented and gifted than him and Itachi combined, she was still a child. And, she couldn't have known about such matters.

Often times though, he would find himself wishing that his savior would never reveal themselves.

"Hey there savior-chan, it's been a while since you visited me. I was getting bored without you~!"-Shisui

He whined like a child and if she had not known better, she would've treated him like a man-child as well. Sometimes she would let herself indulge in his behavior. After all, he knew pain just like her. He knew what to say and what not to say when it came to people like them.


Her voice was light and a bit relaxed when she spoke.

"It's alright, I guess. Want to see a cool move?!"-Shisui

He was still in their house's backyard in his training clothes.


He immediately teleported behind her and sensing her chakra flare, he knew that she had been very shocked. Although he couldn't tell that her eyes had been like that of a hunter.

'Savior-chan really might not a shinobi. At best a low chunin. How did she manage to do those things with that level then? Outside help?

Why would she go through so much trouble though?'

He had many questions about her. He had even asked them to her directly once, however Karasu decided it was getting late and popped.

Karasu tried to calm down and playfully hit him as he whined, even more.

She wrote something on a paper with ink and passed it to him. The ink was still wet so he was able to trace it with his finger quite easily.

He paused and the air was very tensed between the two.

This was a risky move since Veronica was always being watched by Danzo's men but if she actually wanted to change things then it would be a necessary one.

"I think that you need to answer some questions Savior-chan~"-Shisui


He had already known this. They both knew this. However, it was time for proper introductions.

"I am Shisui Uchiha. One of the last survivors of the Uchiha clan."-Shisui

He took in a sharp breath before continuing.

"Thank you for saving me."-Shisui

She hadn't expected this. Although she guessed, that Shisui and Itachi were the least prideful of the Uchiha for even one of them to bow like this to her. She hoped that this wouldn't be a sign of something bad happening.

"How did you save me?"-Shisui

He couldn't tell whether she was lying or not as usual. He had never felt a tailed beast's chakra aside from Naruto's. That was also from a distance so he couldn't be sure. However, it did seem reasonable.

"Why did you save me?"-Shisui

This was a question he had pondered most about.

She smiled even though she knew that he couldn't see it. It was a rare true smile on her face. One, where she felt peaceful.

*Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.

It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.*

He giggled when he read that she wanted to dump a tailed beasts chakra which was considered even more precious than having multiple contracted summons and sometimes even a Sharingan.

"Let's say I do believe this theory of yours savior-chan-"-Shisui

"Let's start then."-Karasu

Shisui sighed at her behavior and just laid down for her.

Karasu used all of the remaining chakra of Matatabi's in her and she could feel his nerves being slowly formed again. She paused a bit before using all her chakra and vanishing.

She knew that he would need some time alone to figure all this out.

Some time alone to drop the façade and be able to rest.

{Clone's memories end}