Let go [Part-48]

The bridge builder, along with Sakura, came back soon enough. Veronica's team decided to safely escort team 7 on the way back. For now, it was decided that all of the children could train together for the rest of the day.

"So? Did Ura-sensei say anything about what we're doing?"-Sakura

Sakura seemed to have been tense the entire time. Although she did relax with Veronica's team's arrival, she was still constantly on guard. It seemed that this mission had taught her a valuable lesson.

Though, Veronica was a bit disappointed at Sasuke and Naruto being the same as usual but soon shrugged it off.

"I doubt our teachers have decided that. They just kicked us out of the house saying we need to train on our own."-Tanaka

"How about starting with chakra control exercises?"-Sasuke

"Nah, I wanna practice that new jutsu sensei taught us!"-Naruto

Naruto and Sasuke again fought while the rest of them ignored those two. Veronica could see Tanaka questioning whether the two boys really behaved like that on a regular basis but decided to ignore him.

"No, we've done tree walking though. Sensei said we'd continue with water walking after we get back."-Sakura

"How about starting out with water walking with us then?"-Ohta

"Sure! Come on Naruto! We'll be starting with water walking with these guys."-Sakura

Naruto sighed at him not trying out his new jutsu but agreed, while pouting. Veronica first demonstrated how the thing worked and everyone slowly copied her.

It came easily to Sakura and Tanaka. Ohta still fell down a lot but he did manage to do it if he was concentrating quite hard. Naruto was finding it quite difficult with his abundant chakra while Sasuke almost hissed like a cat when he fell in the water.

Matatabi said something like the Uchiha having some sort of cat spirit in their souls but she shrugged it off. She did not want to get involved in Matatabi's superstitious side.

The day ended quite nicely and everyone managed to get back to the village fine.

Sitting in her room, Veronica finally let that bright smile fall. Her emotionless face finally coming to view.

[I didn't even realize when your real smile turned into the fake one. You've gotten better at acting.]-Matatabi

'Sure, whatever.'

Standing up, she felt Matatabi's chakra spiking in her. She would've smirked but the situation outside wasn't allowing her to. It was getting almost too easy to spot her stalkers these days. She guessed it was because, she was a born sensor, or because Chakra didn't exist in her world and she was still sensitive to it.

A slim man was standing before her wearing a complete white cat mask. He had aimed to knock her out however, she had skillfully dodged the attempt.


Smiling at the person flinching a bit at the name, she pulled out her kunai and charged towards him. Her kunai glowed a faint blue as she poured in some chakra in it.

She could feel his chakra shake a bit from her speed but he had still managed to easily dodge her attack. 'Tch-ing' a small black rabbit made its way out of her sleeve. She was not skilled enough to take him down one-to-one right now. But she didn't have to worry about that when she wasn't fighting him alone in the first place.

Why should she play it fair with people in the first place? She was not a good person.

The rabbit's red eyes matched with his owner's. The two almost seemed like they were twins born in different forms.

The only difference was that one was a crazed raging beast while the other was as calm as the ocean on a silent night. The beast could be tied down but the depth of the ocean will forever scare it's enemies.

"Your meal is here."-Veronica

The rabbit looked crazed and hungry. The drool coming out of his opened mouth made him look like some monster.


The man was about to scream; however, he had no chance to.

'The fear of death is a natural instinct for any living beings. Even if you've gotten traumatized and weaponized to the point where you don't even flinch from pain.'

It was a lesson[?] she'd learned in her first life.

{Death will always cause fear.}-???

The terrifying voice seemed like it was sweetly whispering in her ear. Her hands shook as she clenched her eyes shut. She hated hearing that voice.

She had never felt so fear, even in the face of death.

However, that voice... Made her feel like her life was in that thing's hands. He whole life could be manipulated by that thing.

The dark shadow soon disappeared as the rabbit once again made his way in her clothes again. It's size barely of a mouse, as he glanced at her once more.

[Me and Tobirama... Couldn't hear, feel or even see your memories when the 'voice' comes...]-Matatabi

Veronica didn't react as her breaths became more ragged.


[Your still in shock because of it.]-Matatabi

It was an observation. She would've smirked or even giggled at Matatabi's effort to comfort her, but she couldn't focus on her voice.


[Calm down.]-Tobirama

Her breath was still shaky, as she sunk to her knees. She had calmed down however; she still couldn't comprehend the fact that just a voice could be so terrifying to one's ears.

"Clean up the dead body."-Rabbit

He had a deep voice, contrary to his cute appearance. It almost sounded as if he was disgusted by her, and the bloodied mess even though he created the mess.

"... Shut up."-Veronica

She coughed out some blood from speaking too suddenly however, that seemed to have helped her completely recover from the shock.

She quickly got to work and made two shadow clones to help her out with the cleaning. It was quite a hassle but, she seemed to have been used to it.

'Danzo needs to step up his game. He hasn't done anything except send ROOT members after me. I wonder if he knows that I'm the one killing all of his assassins. I even had to take care of the one tailing Kakashi.

Although he was ignoring the assassin on purpose, it was still risky for me.'

[I guess this is why you won't call yourself a 'good person'.]-Matatabi

'There are other reasons but I guess this is one of them.'

Humming, she went downstairs and found Tazuna had come back.

--- --- --- --- ---

Saki ran towards where Kushina was giving birth. They were both here.

She had expected for Obi- Madara to come but Nita... Nita was a surprise. The usually cold human [Was he even human at this point?] had some sort of a soft spot for Madara.

Maybe it was because he was the one who rescued him.

Finally reaching the place, she saw the gigantic fox looking so enraged.

Despair. Sadness. Disappointment. Rage. Anger. Frustration.

Forcing herself to not focus on the Kyuubi, she spread out her Chakra to look for both Kushina and Minato. If she was going to be dying either way, then why not die after making things hell for her... master?

A bloodthirsty and crazed grin lit up her face.

Even if she had adjusted well to the normal life in Konoha, she would always still be a homicidal. Her thirst for blood was one of the reasons why Nita had chosen her, to be his slave.

'I'll kill him. Tear him apart.'

Her face was one of absolute bliss as she walked towards Nita and where she presumed the Hokage was going to reseal the Kyuubi.