Let go [Part-50]

"I can't... I can't take this anymore... They... They touched me... And-"-???

Veronica silently went on her way. She didn't want to be involved with anyone else. She was NOT a good person who went around helping everyone.

She was selfish.

Going back to her house, she saw Shisui.

She could feel her breathing stop for a second. Her mind raced to find some sort of explanation for this.

'Even if he had decided to reveal himself, why would he do it to someone like me instead of anyone else? Even Sasuke would be a more logical choice than me. Was he waiting for Kakashi? He could've just sensed me then.

Is he planning on revealing himself to the whole village? No. He'd be losing a trump card. He isn't that dumb. Wait.

Itachi is also here. Did he meet with him? No, that can't be possible. Even if Shisui had been here since an hour or two, Itachi arrived in the village when I was heading to the Hokage's office. And Itachi moved towards the Uchiha compound which would mean that he would need half an hour to travel to this place. But Shisui was called Shunshin no Shisui for a reason.

Those two couldn't have met up... Right?'

She had been staring at the man for at least 10 seconds before putting on a very shocked expression. Her eyes had widened and even a thin layer of sweat formed.

She had summarized the best option would be to recognize him as an Uchiha she had run into before. Plus, almost everyone had known her to be quite smart for her age so it shouldn't be too suspicious for anyone to see her recognize a man from years ago.

"Veronica-chan, it's been a while."-Shisui

He had greeted her with the same smile she had seen years ago. That same smile he had when he sat with her near the Naka River.

The same smile he had when he was drowning.

Quickly getting rid of her thoughts, she focused back on the situation. Taking in a deep breath, she quickly got into a fighting position as her eyes glared holes in him.

"Who are you?!"-Veronica

She felt the blood come up her throat from the sudden shout.

"Ouch. You think I'm an imposter or something?!"-Shisui

He had noticed that she did recognize him. He had also managed to notice that although she acted surprised, her chakra still managed to somehow flow calmly while giving the impression of it, being very shocked and angry.

He knew he had made the right choice right then and there.

While being blinded for years, he had become a very skilled sensor. He could even 'see' the forms of things around him through his sensing abilities now.

Veronica however, was a natural born sensor. She could tell that Shisui didn't believe her acting.

[This is getting out of hands. We might need to move on to the other plan.]-Matatabi

Matatabi was frustrated. At the rate these things were going, they would be too involved with the village to actually leave. Besides, she didn't like Uchiha in the first place.

'Let's wait and see how this will play out first.'

Shisui showed her a calm smile, and didn't even bother to hide his calculative eyes as he usually did.

"Let's both drop the façade and talk calmly, shall we Veronica?"-Shisui

His voice had turned a bit cold and Veronica could feel that whatever he was here for was going to be incredibly annoying.

'... This IS starting to get annoying.'

[I know right.]-Matatabi

Sighing, she decided to go along with what Shisui was saying for now. She knew she didn't have much of a choice since even with her amazing chakra control, she couldn't fool Shisui. Even she could feel how his chakra was highly sensitive now.

'He probably learned how to do that while he was blind... How interesting.

*Sigh* If only...'

Veronica sounded a bit disappointed at the end.

[If only, what?]-Matatabi

'If only he had a more open mind. He could've saved his clan. After all, there were certainly a lot of options he could've used to at least save a few more of his clansmen. But, if he hadn't foolishly trusted Danzo maybe he could've done something. If, someone from his clan knew how to play politics then that would've been the most peaceful solution to it all.'

She was a bit disappointed but, she could never say that she wasn't also impressed by his mental strength.

Her face was blank as she stared at the man. Even if he moved towards her, she would back away a bit. She had to still appear weary and a bit child-like.

Why should she reveal all of her cards at once?

"Veronica-chan, how about heading in your hou- home?"-Shisui

She recognised the slip as fake immediately.

'He's testing me.'

There wasn't much change in her emotions at that. Sure, she was a bit amused, however, it wasn't enough for him to notice. Even if he did, he didn't feel the need to care for it as his emotions didn't change as well.

They were both quite similar in a way.

However, they were also quite different. One wouldn't mind killing an innocent child, while one would be traumatized to do so.

She could tell Shisui was very reluctant while coming to her. He was taking his time while speaking with her. Perhaps it was because she was still a child in his eyes. Sure, she was growing up to be a wonderful ninja.

But she was still a child.

{Wasn't Itachi only 4 when he went to war?}-???

She ignored the voice again.

She was becoming a coward, but why should she bother with it? She already had a lot on her plate, she didn't want anymore.

--- --- --- --- ---



That was all Saki saw in the blue eyes who stared back at her. She was dying. She knew that. She had used a seal only known to the Uzumaki, forbidden even to them, and in exchange her life force was being sucked out. If she had bigger chakra reserves then maybe she would've gotten out alive.

Oh well, it's not like she would've like to stay alive.

She already achieved her happiness.

She ruined it all.

She ruined his plans.

She set herself free.

*Forgive and Forget? Nah... F**k you and F**k that.*

A small chuckle left her lips as she saw Kushina saying a few words of farewell to her child. It looked disgusting.

The child was never going to be accepted by the village. His father was either going to die from his head being hit too hard or be in a coma so he would have no protection. His godfather was a coward. Even more so than her.

She could already feel an ancient chakra force making it's place in it's body. The child was just like the spare Uchiha brat. They were both going to be miserable.

She wouldn't be surprised if the two would burn the village down itself.

She knew she wanted to burn it down many, many times. Although she wanted to burn herself much more than the village.

She saw the third Hokage finally reach the damned place with some ninja. Seeing Kakashi, she was reminded of how she was directly or indirectly involved in taking both his parents lives. She would've apologized but she currently had a giant hole in her chest.

'Ha... HA...! HAHAHAH!!!'

Slipping into darkness, she saw the shinigami finally take the rest of soul.