Mission gone wrong [Team Veronica/Team Ura]

A/n: A quick announcement in case some of you get confused. The chapters that are not numbered [Like, Part-???] are not relevant to the main plot. You can skip these chapters if you wish to.


This mission was different than the usual ones. It was supposed to be for Ura, as he is a Jonin, and another Jonin. However, he decided to take his students with him.

The mission details she was given only said that they had to deliver a scroll to the Daimyo's nephew's brother-in-law. Although it wouldn't be treated like a highly important mission and at best be qualified as a C-rank, it was still important so the village had decided to send two former ANBU.

Packing up her clothes for the long mission, she tried to calm herself. Her instinct was going off about how this mission was going to go horribly wrong.

She said her farewells to Kakashi and Pakkun and went on her way.

"Now that we're all here, I'll tell you about the plan. The small town of Wisteria is nearby and we will reach it in 2 days, so we'll need to be prepared to set up camp. While me and Ti-san are getting the scroll you all will be inspecting the town for any dangers. After spending a night there we'll then move towards the capital, which will range from a week to two, depending on your speed."-Ura

Tanaka frowned at that. If the people who were giving the scroll could just travel out of the town they'd save a day's worth of time.

"No we cannot ask them to travel outside the town as they are our superiors and we have to do as they say because they are paying us."-Ura

Ura seemed to have read his mind as Tanaka looked very shocked at his question being answered without him needing to voice it.

"And no, I cannot read your mind."-Ura

Tanaka seemed to have been even more shocked at that.

'Well, the mission itself is simple. Only the distance we will need to travel is quite long.'

They all soon headed out and within two days, found themselves in the town of Wisteria. They were all quite tired since they couldn't sleep well in the forest and needed to travel with spending loads of chakra.

She found it quite suspicious that their teacher had them train even more than usual while on a mission outside Konoha, in a place where thugs were becoming more and more common. Sometimes she found herself thinking if maybe the police force were here then such things wouldn't be happening. Especially around Konoha.

Ura checked in a hotel and went off with Ti to collect the scroll while the Genin rested for some time before inspecting the town.

She decided to make some shadow clones to help her out with the search in town.

Veronica felt some shinobi, lower chunin level, and some thugs meet up in an alleyway and decided against watching them herself. If she were to be caught she wouldn't have much options for escaping, without using Matatabi's chakra. Meeting up with the others, Ohta informed them that his bugs also reported of the gang[?] she had seen.

They decided to stay close to where Ura and Ti were in case something went wrong.


He shunshin-ed next to Veronica and she could feel a sort of uneasiness bubble within her. She handed him a piece of paper and he quickly read through it.

"We'll be standing guard like last night and moving at 4."-Ura

The three Genin nodded and they all went towards their sleeping quarters for tonight. They had chosen to just use two rooms and leave the other unoccupied. Ohta, Ti and Veronica had chosen to be in the same room and Tanaka and Ura in the other.

Originally, Veronica and Ura were supposed to stay in the single rooms while Tanaka, Ti and Ohta shared however, they decided to stay together.

She woke up to Ohta knocking on their door and knew it was her time to stand guard for tonight. If her calculations were correct then she wouldn't get to sleep after this as they would be leaving. Sighing, she decided to meditate and spread out her chakra to enhance her sensing.

'Two... Three..., Three more... Sh*t.'

It seemed Ura had sensed the people as well, as he burst in the room hurriedly and grabbed both her and Tanaka and jumped out the window, as silently as possible. She saw Ohta already down there and ready for any attacks.

She noticed Ti having a betrayed expression on his face as he fought against one of Jonin level shinobi. She recognized the empty chakra from a ROOT member she'd come across before. She also noticed that Ura had inflicted some scars on himself.

'Why would we face an attack for a scroll only going to a... High class noble? Even if he's related to Daimyo, he's not that important. Besides the contents can't-'

Her eyes widened as she finally took in the calm chakra of two of her teammates. This was a trap. But why? Neither she nor Tanaka have done anything for it yet. Did they want to get rid of Ti? It would be easy to make him a traitor to the village considering Ohta would be on his side of the story and Tanaka would believe what he saw, which was Ti going after Ura.

She couldn't believe herself for not understanding this before.

Tch-ing, she spread out her senses to find out how many were after them right now.

'F**k. There's at least 6 chunin level. And there's quite a lot of normal ones.'

Many kunai and shuriken were thrown at them. She managed to dodge while grabbing Tanaka who still seemed to be quite exhausted. Making the hand signs for a katon, she tried to secure the boy behind her.

'I only managed to get three thugs.'

Ura paused before he spun around back towards the enemies. He seemed to be shouting to run but Veronica paid him no mind as she made a shadow clone from the rest of her remaining chakra to grab Tanaka. He did manage to get one of the chunin level coming after them but he was now injured and bleeding heavily.

'I really should've passed the inspection. And I used a lot of chakra for it too.'

She could feel her legs starting to ache as she fought one other chunin.

'That's five.'

She felt her clone being popped as she faintly saw Ohta knocking out Tanaka and running with him. She also saw Ura being left alone by the enemies as one of them grabbed onto her.

She had underestimated them.

'The bastards.'

[This is bad. Do we get captured for now?]-Matatabi

She understood the meaning behind it clearly. Does she use Matatabi's chakra or not?

'Yea. If they get more back-up then you could get in danger.'

Suddenly, one of them decided to spread some gas around her. She remembered thinking of sh*tty her life was before passing out.

Waking up, she found herself tied to something. The metal was some sort of a chakra restraint so she couldn't try escaping yet. She could feel herself gaining some more wounds than she'd remembered.

"So the little ninja girl is awake?"-???

'A civilian.'

She said nothing as she gazed up to the man. Her face being completely emotionless.

The man smirked, his eyes having a crazy glint. He lifted his hands, the bucket of ice cold water raised. He dumped the water straight on her.

She could feel the cold seep into her skin.

Her expression still didn't change however her discomfort was obvious.

He was having an erection. She didn't know what else she had expected from torturers. She tried to not bite off his hand when she felt it drag along her neck and down her chest. It stopped right on her breasts and she bit her lips to avoid making a sound of disgust at his actions.

The man grinned even more before leaving.

The next shinobi came, she recognized this one. She had cut off his arm. His face was twisted in rage as he casted a small lightning jutsu on her. His attack wasn't that strong however she couldn't use chakra to defend herself and being drenched in water only made it worse.

One day.

She couldn't even hear her heart if she tried.

Two days.

The lightning had left its marks. She could feel her bruises and cuts aching.

The civilian was enjoying her suffering. He would jerk off right in off her. She tried to not think about his gaze.

Three days.

She could feel herself always shiver from the cold water. She could feel scars already starting to form in her skin.

The man had almost stripped her naked. It seemed that the shinobi didn't like to hear him having s*x so he decided to not do anything drastic. He still touched her almost everywhere. She one again tried to not think of his dirty hands dragged along her legs.

Four days.

The man- pedophile, came in again. His lustful eyes the same as usual. His hands were bloody. She tried to not scream when he punched her stomach wound. His grin only got bigger.

His hands slowly removed her top as she felt she would vomit when he pinched her nipples. Her chakra had still not returned and the constant attacks from the shinobi, even after replacing the chakra restraints with cheaper ones, had made sure to keep her chakra levels absolutely low.

Thirteen days.

The civilian hadn't been visiting her for three days now.

She could finally feel some of her chakra return. The Suiton she'd learned to absorb from the shinobi attacking her in the meantime, to restore her chakra was having its effects.

The same ninja came in her prison cell, he'd already stopped asking her questions a while ago. She could feel her brain already losing some of it's sanity. She was only faced with the sound of the various jutsu aimed towards her.

He was making hand signs for a katon.

She felt her thumb in her right hand finally twist and dislocate. She did the same in her left hand. She smirked a bit when she was able to slip her hands out of the chains.

Snapping them back into place, she smiled at Matatabi's chakra filing her body. She would destroy every single one of them.

Countering his jutsu with a Suiton, the whole place was soon covered with the steam. She easily hid herself in the shadows and knocked the man out. She would have to save the fun for him later. Slowly making her way upstairs, she started humming.

'Looks like all of them are here.'

Her smile looked psychotic as she threw the man she was carrying into the room where all of her targets were located. He landed into a wall as one of the men rushed to him. The others had their weapons out to attack her.

She made sure to memorize every single face.

Making tens of shadow clones, she felt Tobirama's soul take over her body. Resting in her mindscape with Matatabi, she watched the show with a smile.

Staggering towards the forest, she tch-ed at her low levels of chakra. She was finally understanding why meditating to increase her chakra reserves was considered so important.

Looking sideways, she tried to not cry at the expression Pakkun made when he finally found her. It seemed that the blood flowing out of her wounds had at least some sort of positive effect. He hurriedly snapped out of his shock and moved towards. He made her sit down, leaning on a tree.

"Wait here pup, I'll be back."-Pakkun

'You did leave a tracker on those two, right?'

[Yes. You'll be able to find them whenever you want.]-Tobirama

She felt Kakashi's chakra and sighed in relief.

[A/n: This was an idea I had at midnight. I tried to cover up many plot holes but if you still see some... Just ignore them.]