Let go [Part-51]

A/n: Did you know that Veronica actually had a sister complex once?

She quietly waited for him to speak. Although she was getting impatient rather quickly, she did try to not let it show. She knew emotions were complicated, getting involved in another's would just be a headache.

"Veronica-chan, I am in dire need of your help."-Shisui

He finally chose what to say.

"The Uchiha clan was murdered by Itachi however, he was not the only culprit."-Shisui

'Oh? Is he not going to tell me the entire truth then? Well, it would be too much to tell all that to a kid so it does make sense.'

She tried to control her chakra as much as possible. She didn't want to let him know everything about her yet. Not when her plans were still in motion. Not when she was still trapped in the village.

She had landed two hits with a single arrow. She made it clear that she would not be helping him without a clear reason, while also hinting that she would not be helping Sasuke with his revenge. Even though Sasuke and she were close, she had no intention of helping anyone without a reason. She would get rid of anyone who stood in her way but other than that, she would try to only be a spectator.

"I don't want revenge. But... I'll be honest. Your friends, are in danger."-Shisui

She swallowed in a breath at that. She had absolutely no idea what he could say next. She hadn't even thought of him asking her for help like this. Although she could guess what he wanted, now, she wasn't so sure. He said 'friends' not 'friend'.

"I'm sure you know that, this village isn't... all that good. A traitor is within the village."-Shisui

She frowned at the information.

'He needs my help with Danzo...? Or is it something else and he's lying?'

Taking a breath, Shisui continued. Veronica was completely focused on what he was saying. He honestly expected for there to be a fight between the two first before she listened to him but he supposed, this was good as well. She was much calmer than he'd thought.

"Sasuke and Naruto WILL die if this goes on. His target are the last Uchiha and the village jinchuuriki."-Shisui

Veronica finally realized what and who he was talking about. Ura. She knew he was a double agent for someone.


'Well, since Ura was sending two different reports. One, an altered version. And the other, a detailed version of whatever was going on to two different places meant that he was a spy in Danzo's ROOT and was working for someone outside the village. It's possible he was working for the Akatsuki but they aren't the only one who might go for the jinchuuriki.

Sasuke, according to Ura's reports was also a very frequent mention. Now, Sasuke could be a target for both, whoever Ura's really working for and of course, Danzo.

Since Shisui may be lying about some parts of his story, we can only make assumptions however. I'm not the only soul whose ended up in this world you know.

He could have been talking about Danzo however, he wouldn't come to me if it was that.'

Shisui was a bit disturbed at her reaction, she was only being slightly surprised. This was not information people would calmly take. He couldn't get just why-

'She already knew.'

This thought circled in his head as he wondered just who- no, what he was dealing with.

'How much does she know? How could she even know about this? She doesn't have the skills for that right now.

A spy? For who? Someone outside the village? Orochimaru? The Akatsuki? Danzo? No, Danzo wouldn't have an untrained spy implanted like this. His ways are different.

Orochimaru... But she's been here since she was a little kid. Back then, she had absolutely no skills and under the surveillance she was under back then, it should've been found out. Unless...'

He was very suspicious of her, that much was clear. She had to be careful of her next step with him otherwise, it could lead to unnecessary problems for her. So, she did what she knew wouldn't fail her.

It was the same innocent smile on her face he had seen years ago when he met with Sasuke's classmate, as she presented him with the offer.

He couldn't help but laugh.

He was laughing at himself.

He was laughing at her for picking out such a way.

He was laughing at the village for losing such a great strategist.

"Alright, we'll work together for now."-Shisui

His face was completely normal as though he wasn't observing her every move. They both were quite alike in some ways.

Going out after resting, Veronica listened to the rumors spreading around. The hushed voices of the people talking had always been quite interesting.

An academy student was found to have committed suicide.

Her smile faded as she looked towards the civilians who had said it. This was rare. It wasn't as though people didn't commit suicide. Academy students, if they ever did commit suicide were at most 3 in every 2 years. Even then, the body was cleaned up so quickly nobody would even know of what happened.

After all, the teachers there were all ninja.

She decided to check out the academy after thinking about it. Although classes might be going on, but she wanted to see how the future soldiers were doing.

It was simple curiosity really.

She just didn't know what it would lead to.

Quickly running towards the place, she noticed some of the panicked students and then she saw her.

'The medic girl.'

--- --- --- --- ---

Obito's first 'allies' were going to be the boy who had the rinnegan implanted in him. Well, that was the plan.

He didn't know how he'd ended up with a kid.

"Sir, if we really want to convince them it would be better to destroy them, would it not?"-Nita

If he was honest, this was no child. He had the mind of a strategist born to make killing machines. Born to be a killing machine.

But he still kept him around.

The kid knew how much of a hell this world was. He was a genius. Even if he was blind, he saw the world more clearly than anyone else.

Zetsu was the one to bring him the kid. If he were to be honest, the kid- Nita, had seen things that even he hadn't. He had almost killed the kid many times for his blunt mouth. But he kept him alive. He was useful. They had already been able to track many of the jinchuuriki down and many future members that he would need.

He followed orders and wasn't afraid to make sacrifices.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he looked towards the team of three once again.

Konan, Yahiko and Nagato were their names if he remembered correctly. He was right that it would be better to destroy them if he was going to make them his puppets. But how?

Just simply killing one wouldn't suffice. He needed to make the death big. A blow that the others wouldn't be able to move on from.

"We'll observe for a while more."-Obito

His voice was rough. He hadn't spoken in a week now.