
A sudden thought hit Naruto. This man in front looked so much like his father. Even if he had only seen his father attached to machines, he could clearly tell that the man in front of him was his father. But... how could that be possible? Didn't the doctors say that... That there was almost no hope in him waking up now?

Sakura and Sasuke, meanwhile, looked a bit uncomfortable with the situation. Kakashi knew the man, clearly, and for their teacher to be having such a reaction to the man, along with Naruto's reaction and the man's resemblance to Naruto. They could assume that the man was related to Naruto in some way.

They fidgeted a bit in place, considering what to do. They didn't want to ruin the reunion. Deciding to not leave for now, they quietly moved to a corner behind Kakashi.

Sasuke couldn't help but think about if the man was an imposter or not. He could be trying to get close to the village jinchuuriki. He canceled out the thought as quickly as it came, the village had ANBU guards so no outsider could've snuck in without alerting anyone and Kakashi was a jonin. He would be able to tell if the man was an enemy. However, what bothered him the most might've been the fact that why the blond man looked so familiar.

Perhaps it was because of his features matching with Naruto's.

Naruto still couldn't believe what he was seeing, but getting suddenly hugged by the man, his father probably, brought tears to his eyes.

"Da... dad?"-Naruto

The word felt a bit foreign on his tongue. But it still brought so much warmth to him when he thought of how this man could be his father.

"I'm sorry... I'm so... So sorry.... I wasn't there for you... My son."-Minato

This was his father. Crying, while holding him so tight he couldn't properly breathe. He felt so warm, so very safe, and so happy. They were both a crying a mess soon enough.

Kakashi still couldn't believe what was happening. He slowly muttered a soft, 'kai', as if to dispel whatever genjutsu he was trapped in. He flared his chakra many times and even bit his tongue to draw a bit of blood.

This was real.

He felt like crying. He had lost everything and now, it felt like he'd gained so much as well.

Not wanting to ruin the moment his teacher was having with Naruto, he stared at the duo from the side. It was as if his brain was already engraving this beautiful scene in his mind without the sharingan.

He quickly put on a genjutsu on them and, as if to distract himself from crying, he wondered if Minato would take up the Hokage position again. He probably would, he guessed. His teacher would certainly be clearing out the current council as soon as he can and would even probably execute a few of them if he found out the things they'd been doing. His teacher would also probably take in Sasuke.

The man was a mother hen, he would probably not be allowing Sasuke, a 13 year old, and the last Uchiha to live in an old compound so dark and depressing that even ghosts wouldn't enter it.

He wondered how he'd cope with the way the village was treating Naruto. It was probably not the best thing to think about at the moment, as he was reminded of the times when he would see Naruto crying, covered in dirt and so malnourished.

He took a look at Naruto once again at the thought.

His teacher would be enraged.

He tried to remember the last time he'd seen Minato be angry. He could remember there was only once when he was particularly angry, it was after Obito's death when both Rin and Kakashi had been behaving like zombies. Even then, his anger was more at himself.

The father and son duo seemed to have calmed down as Minato now turned to face him.

Kakashi didn't like how his face showed just how much guilty he was feeling.

"I owe you an apo-" -Minato

"No. You don't... Owe me anything."-Kakashi

He felt so awkward. Just what was he supposed to say to him? Should he talk about how his son's team and him? Does he tell him about how he was forced to take this team and now he had practically adopted all three of them? Does he te- report to him about the changes the village went through while he was... Unconscious?

Fortunately, or unfortunately, he didn't need to ponder on it long as some ANBU surrounded them soon enough. He saw how Minato's mood shifted to a bit more serious and sad one.

Naruto looked between the ANBU and his father, his dad just confirmed he was the fourth Hokage so he was expecting for him to be busy but... Couldn't he spend more time with him?

As if reading his mind, Minato ruffled his hair.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere for a while."-Minato

Quickly making a shadow clone, the clone disappeared in a flash. The ANBU after about 30 seconds disappeared as well, the Third already signaling them to come back.

Minato grinned at how Naruto, and his teammates he guessed, looked so amazed.

He finally got a good look at the two other genin. The girl, probably a civilian, was dressed in normal shinobi attire however there were some pink highlights in her outfit. They weren't enough to make her unable to hide herself but also enough to compliment her hair color. Her hands had a bit of hardened skin, probably from healing her bruises.

The boy, a clear Uchiha, was also dressed in normal shinobi attire, his clan's symbol displayed proudly on his back. He had a cold face much like any other Uchiha. Although he didn't try to conceal the curiosity in his eyes when he saw Minato, which was a surprise since the Uchiha usually made an effort to conceal all emotions from their face. His hands were twitching just above his kunai pouch which made Minato remember that he hadn't introduced himself to them yet.

It also made him realize he'd have attracted quite a lot of attention if Kakashi hadn't placed a genjutsu on them. Quickly sending the boy, now a grown man, a thankful smile.

"You all must be Naruto's teammates. Sorry for the late introductions, but my name is Minato Namikaze, Naruto's dad."-Minato

They could all literally see his heart swoon with happiness when he called himself Naruto's dad. Sasuke and Sakura then realized just how much the father and son duo looked and sounded so alike. It invited a chuckle from Sakura while Sasuke finally accepted the man to not be a threat as his hand slightly relaxed.

The two gave small introductions to the man before bidding their farewells, knowing that they would probably want some time alone.

It was a great day.

Sakura idly wondered how happy Veronica would feel at the development. She couldn't wait to tell everyone about this.