Break [Part-55]

!!!WARNING: The chapter contains graphic description of torture. Please proceed with caution!!!

It had been a while since she spoke a full sentence. She didn't regret it though. She slightly heard Danzo, or one of his men, order the torture to get worse. Apparently, she'd been branded a traitor now because she had access to 'classified information'.

Danzo was even more paranoid than her.

She could feel the blood rising from her throat. The same metallic taste as always, she bore through the pain. She had become quite used to spiting out blood now.

Her eyes went wide as she spat out blood when the other torturer's knee connected with her stomach. The kick was enforced with chakra. She could feel one of her ribs on the verge of being broken.

She knew she wasn't even having the worst of it right now though. It would slowly get more and more painful, in the end, it would result in mental torture rather than the physical one currently going on.

'I really want to kill that bastard. Slowly... Painfully...'

Her eyes had lost a lot of it's emotions as the blood from her mouth continued to spill out. Her ears barely registering the voices of the people torturing her. She was lost in the memories of what had happened to her last time. Her breaths were becoming even more shakier as she remembered their faces.

She could feel her sanity being ripped out of her head.

She was remembering the time she died. The time when the team she'd slowly started to have hope for put her through one of the worst situations possible. The time when she lost Tobirama.

She felt like smiling for some reason. Maybe she'd really gone psycho now. She felt like killing everyone and just get this all over with. So what if there might be more people who would grow up like the ones she would kill? She could just kill them again. She'll just keep killing them again and again.

{Again and again~}-???

Matatabi realized that at the rate this was going, Veronica might not be able to keep the remaining of her sanity. However, right now they both couldn't do anything. Right?

Veronica's hands had already been bind by seals. She couldn't even give Veronica her own chakra without Veronica feeling even more pain.

[Why don't you just leave?]-Matatabi

Why doesn't she just leave? Why can't she leave now? So what if her plans got ruined? She wasn't alone. She could just make new ones. Better ones. She could pay them back whenever she wanted when she would get even stronger than before.

She didn't know when it ended. But when it did, she remembered letting out a breath. Perhaps they ended the torture because their were absolutely no emotions showing on her face now.

She felt a spark of a familiar chakra near her.

'An Uzumaki?'

This was the only person she had met from ROOT who didn't feel like they were already half dead.

As if to distract herself, she wondered why there were no Uchiha here. Perhaps it was because their emotions were the key to their power. The more intense emotions they felt, the more stronger they would become. It could be why Danzo didn't make any Uchiha get into ROOT. Or, it could be that the Uchiha's emotions were too strong for them to become emotionless puppets.

She continued to pull on her chakra as the Uzumaki in front of her prepared to make a seal, probably on her tongue. She felt a tiny bit of it leak out from the seals, and quickly made a barrier between her skin and the ink which was being applied. Tobirama had taught her this some time ago. It was a tricky technique to master however, it was very effective in these situations.

After the Uzumaki was done, she twisted her bones, almost broke them, and got her arms out of her chains. Snapping them back in place as quietly as possible, she swiftly knocked out the ninja in front of her.

'I want to kill them all so bad...'

Feeling Matatabi's chakra fill her nerves, she slowly let out a breath. Her senses were spread out as far as possible and she gave a genuine smile once she found Danzo.

Punching through the wall on her right, she used her maximum speed to reach the insane fool. She kept leaping through the walls, not paying attention to the wounds she was getting from the constant attacks from the ROOT nin.

None of them could catch up to her at this speed however, there were some of them who were quite excellent at long ranged attacks. Those attacks usually consisted of fire, water, earth and sometimes lightning, did almost nothing to harm her permanently. Matatabi's chakra was protecting every single cell in her body. She was fully using Matatabi's chakra to punch and kick through the walls and heal every part of her body. She could even feel her short hair get a bit longer due to the effect.

She could feel Shisui, and Minato perhaps, rushing to the area.

Her smile was psychotic as she reached who she was looking for.

Eyes shaping like two crescent moons, she used her dojutsu. Whistling at the sight, she gathered almost all her chakra, which she had carefully coated in Matatabi's chakra. A faint blue hue surrounded her arm as Danzo undid his hidden sharingan eye, not giving him any moment to react, she slashed his stomach. She had used almost half of Matatabi's chakra. She wasted quite a lot of it but that was fine.

She knew she would get marks on her skin from the sheer amount of chakra she used but she was completely ok with it.

That was the fastest speed she had ever used. She could feel her legs burn, her arms were shaking yet the grin never left her face. The wound wasn't deep.

It wasn't meant to be deep. That was a warning.

She had hid the fact that she was from an extinct clan/family in a hidden ninja village. She had hid her abilities so well that everybody passed her off as an intelligent child, when she was a genius, while interacting with ninja who had twice her experience. She had hid a bijuu from the whole world.

And she'd done that for years.

Danzo felt like he was seeing another version of his once teacher when he looked into those red eyes. Her face had become cold and that of a hardened shinobi. Not some kid who had just escaped from being tortured while staying within a place full of ninja that could kill anyone he deemed as an enemy.

Veronica, using the time Danzo took to gather himself from his shock, felt around for Tobirama's old teleportation markings. Finding one at the corner of the village, she quickly teleported herself there.

She had the mind to at least make sure that none of her own chakra was left there. There were only markings of Matatabi's chakra.

Sighing, she plopped down leaning on a nearby Hashirama tree.

She was exhausted.

Her thoughts drifted to her torture experience as she thought of how she felt Minato's chakra. She didn't need to bring herself to feel for his chakra again, the village was clearly celebrating something and the loud shout from people stating that the fourth Hokage was back was enough proof for her.

Sighing yet again, she hid her presence as best as she could as she rested for a few minutes, letting herself recover from the adrenaline and then feel for another marking of Tobirama's Flying thunder god.

Quickly teleporting herself out of the village with whatever remained of Matatabi's chakra, she found herself beside a small town.

Finally relaxing, she noticed her arms still shaking. She couldn't even properly feel her legs, it was probably the burns. Her body was covered in many wounds. She 'tch-ed' at the buzzing she could hear, probably from a lightning jutsu.

[I heard; their original plan was to start their training with you when the chunin exams came. Before then, I'm guessing they were going to try to brainwash you.]-Matatabi

'Hmm... Well, we're already out of the village now.'