Deity Spirits

"To be honest, I don't know. I haven't thought about it yet, but it looks quite fun."

"Seriously? Don't you want to dominate the entire world or something? Most of the kids that I talked to, always say that they wanted to be on top of everything. Being powerful, famous, etc. A once in a lifetime dream of everyone."

"I don't mean to be rude, but not everyone thinks that way."

"Of course, we don't all have the exact train of thoughts. So, what are yours then?"

"First, I thought being strong is fun and that mindset still hasn't changed because something about it makes me feel jittery for some reason."

"And, why's that?" Sir Luke glanced at me.

"No reason? Do I need a reason for getting stronger?"

"Of course it does. Do you want to use your strength to protect yourself? To challenge yourself? To protect someone? There are various reasons you can use."

"Hm... I haven't thought of that yet... But, the only can say right now is to have fun."

"Then that's your answer. Self-satisfaction."

"What about you, Sir Luke?"

He then laughed. "Hahahaha, do I look strong?"

"Aren't you a Cardinal? Your rank is just below the pope, plus you look younger, which means you're something."

"Hahaha, correct. But, I'm actually older than I look. Don't be fooled by my outer appearance."

"No way..."

"Hahaha, can't blame you. Anyway, we're here now, kiddo."

We then came across a conspicuous metal door at the end of this spacious hall. I'm utterly dumbfounded when I saw the metal door as if it came from a prison in the 1800s. At that point, I'm at my wit's end, trying to figure if I'm going to get imprisoned or is he trying to feed me into a monster.

"Uhm... What the heck is that?"

"It's the ceremony chamber. Well, it's different from the usual, since yours is a quintessence, a type of mana that's an anomaly even for us. And, Christine specifically created this chamber when she gained a spirit because a standardized chamber will only get destroyed by the intensity of your quintessence—That's why she created this to sustain the pressure. Look at what you did to those examining equipment, you did nothing, but it still broke."

"Umm... Actually, I've been wondering but who's Christine?"

"She's an anomaly. No person can ever predict what she thinks or what she is. We've only met once. And, helped her on constructing this chamber, in case people like her will come into existence—The people who have quintessence. Plus, it's my way of thanking her for what she did for the church."

"Ohh, I see."

"Do you have any questions?"

"Yes, I've got another one. Once I entered the chamber, what do I need to do?"

"Once you're in there, you'll recite these words in this paper once you're at the center of the chamber. You need to recite all of these without fail, or else it won't work. While at it, go release an aura that will fill up the entire chamber before reciting it."

Sir Luke handed me a piece of paper with a writing of some sort of prayer or verses. Upon receiving it, my heart started throbbing violently—Reason? I don't know the reason I'm getting nervous for. Perhaps the feeling that I got from receiving this piece of paper?

"Um, what about you?"

"Hm? I'll stay here, of course. Just in case something happens to you, I'll barge in. So worry not."


"Well, then."

Sir Luke opened the metallic door. After opening it, a vast space and darkness caught my attention. However, a while later, a pillar of lights brightened the chamber full of unknown writings ingrained within the walls of the cylindric chamber. At the center, there's an empty platform where around it is translucent blue still water. I make my way toward the center of the platform.

After arriving at the center, I closed my eyes and sat cross-legged, and started focusing, scattering the quintessence on my surroundings, filling up the entire chamber. The entire chamber started trembling, as the still water was boiling. Because of that, I opened the piece of paper given to me and begun reciting the words written on it.

"Having the glory of the heavens, the light shall guide me in my darkest times, liberate the darkness, shine brightly on all, and the heavens shall reign forever. The Mother of All shall give hope to the sinners of the world. I humbly submit myself to the gates of heaven to open the way before me."

Over time, the chamber started rumbling while at it everything around me started dilating and wrapping the space itself, as my consciousness gradually darkens. Swaying around, I could feel the heaviness in my head as I could see a glimpse of light descending from the ceiling of the chamber.


The wind softly whispered through my hair, the sensation of coldness and warmth graze my skin gracefully. I then gradually opened my eyes and saw the blue sky with two crescent white moons gazing at me. After a while, I lift my upper body up and glanced around the area.

What blooms before my eyes are the small floating islands and clouds scattered around, as I'm currently sitting on one too. Apart from the floating islands, there's nothing in here—Only vast emptiness. Because of that, I began my investigation of the realm or dimension, leaping from one island to another. It continued for a while.

"Where am I? There's nothing in here? Did I screw up with the prayer?"

While leaping, I came across a series of floating blocks of crystal that seems like a pathway leading beyond the smoky clouds before me. I walked on it and follow the path which can lead me into the unknown, as roaming around this desolated place will lead me to nowhere. Crossing it, I stumbled across three gigantic creatures surrounding me.

One creature was familiar to me—It's the White Dragon, the guardian spirit of the protagonist, Shin Morino, and the guardian deity of the Belmont Family. The body of the White Dragon was snakelike, with four limbs attached to it, like a Chinese dragon.

On the right side of the White Dragon, a vicious lion with its golden mane, radiating brightly like the sun, it's the Nemean lion. I know its existence because of the Nemean Lion guardian deity of the Kramer family, the family of the old Claude's best friend. While on the left, a white-furred fox with ghostly nine-tails which I'm most familiar with; the Kitsune, which's a famous yokai back home.

The three looked intimidating since I'm surrounded by them, one of the strongest guardian spirits in the entire world. Although, at that moment, I feel like I'm screwed because I don't have any idea how the contracting works, given that I didn't ask Sir Luke about the process or what I need to do. Should've asked that first before anything... Mulling over my thoughts, figuring out how can I appease these three to make a contract with.

[Kiddo, you're from the Belmont family, right? Why don't you make a contract with me? It's been hundred years ever since I saw someone worthy of my powers.]

[Don't listen to that idiot. Son, I can see the power within you that would conquer the entire world if I'm your retainer. Why don't you—]

[Shut up, you two! You clearly underestimate this kid with your nonsense. This king is clearly the best choice, as I'm the strongest between us! How about choosing me, master?]

Unexpectedly, the three started bickering with each other, fighting over me. At that moment, I didn't expect that making a contract with a spirit would be this easy. Originally, I thought it would be me who will try to appease the three, but it's the other way around.

[Huh?! You? You're just an aggressive and hot-headed lion! How can you be the strongest!?]

[Wanna go white dragon?! Let's fight and see who's the strongest!]

[Please, stop it, you two. It's well-known that I'm the strongest, as I have the wisdom and strength to back it up, I'm also benevolent. Unlike you two. And have some shame. You guys didn't even try to get to know the boy. What's your name?]

[I already know his name. He's Claude from the family that I'm protecting—]

Then I butted on their conversation. "Uhm..."




The three responded to me simultaneously.

"I'm not from the Belmont Family anymore. They kicked me out of the family 5 years ago, so..."

[What?! Why?!]

"Well, reasons... And, partially because I don't have mana." I shrugged my shoulders.

[Nonsense! How dare they kick out, the only one who's most suitable for me?! How dare they!]

[Buwahahahaha, this king shall take the opportunity!]

[Aww~ I pity you, white dragon.]

The white dragon's face looked at me depressingly. While the other two are laughing at him, mocking him continuously without taking accountability that I may still pick him over them since I can use the white dragon for my revenge for the Belmont Family, or whatnot. Watching the three, I wondered why they're fighting over me. The only answer to that question would be the thing circulating in my body, dwelling within my soul.

"You guys are interested in me because of my quintessence, right?"