Intermission (Irene)

"I-I didn't think of that..."

"Now, you know. Do you have any more related questions?"

"What about the academy? Why are you pushing me on attending the regular one?"

"I'll tell you in the future, but not right now."

"Uhh... Okay... I'll just go out and I need to let it sink the stuff you said to me." Claude left the room.

Clara was standing right beside the door diligently while hiding her presence and appearance as he let Claude pass her. After he left, I began coughing up blood.

"*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*"

"Madam. Are you okay?"

Clara went to my side with a handkerchief in her hand, and the other hand rubbing my back.

"I'm fine. Clara shut the entire room."

"Yes, Madam. Environ Zone."

The entire office shifts into a dark, hollow space where Clara and I are the only people that exist. The skill that Clara used is a type of enclosed dimension, a precautionary skill that can hide individuals from any possible threat.

"Madam. Isn't it better for the young master to know the situation?"

"He shouldn't. We need his attention solely focuses on his training and getting stronger. I mean, I did tell the truth about the temple pressuring me. However, the situation became direr because of what happened during his Spirit Ceremony. That Luke bastard already spread it between the higher-ups."

I spread the rumors of me having a disciple because once the temple learns that he has quintessence, they would do everything just to get him. I made it public to limit the movement of the temple.

Because of that, I can monitor the movements of the temple and the pressure of surrendering Claude to them would be out of the equation because of the rumor of him being my disciple. It may not be smart, but it's the safest route to take.

I already mentioned the situation to Her Holiness, but as usual, her reaction about this matter was indifferent—It pissed me off. That's why I took the matter into my own hands. She's just overlooking things on everything that her people are doing. Despite working under her, she's not a person whom I can really ask to help me with something. Altruistic my ass.

"Are you planning to tell, young master about the real cause of your absence?"

"I will not. I still have nightmares remembering the cause of it. Haah..."

While Claude was under his suspended animation during the process of quintessence, I took a peek at his astral body to check his condition, but upon entering, I got greeted by a pair of eyes sparkling through her pupil that is shaped in a cross-mark, emerald pupil and purple iris, staring deeply into mine.

The horror that I experienced that day still remains to me, to this day.

Checking Claude's condition that time, out of nowhere, my inner astral consciousness blast into pieces from an unknown attack. Soon after, a woman appeared in front of me with a hostile look. Because of the devastating mysterious attack earlier, my astral body had broken cracks.

"Hayo~ Irene~"

Suddenly, the hostile look of the woman shifts into a friendly smile. At that point, I'm left puzzled by everything that has happened. I'm just planning on checking Claude's condition, but I didn't expect that someone this strong was hiding deep within him.

I can feel the difference in power between us. No, it's not even comparable. I'm only a mere ant in her eyes—Not even an ant. I'm nothing to her.

"W-Who are you...?"

"Me~? I'm Pix~ That's the name Ak—Claude gave to me~"

Then she shifts the tone of her voice into a blood-curdling tone. Her eyes menacingly staring at me.

"I warn you, woman. If you can't protect him. I will end your life. Worry not, your soul will heal over time because of course; I'm not that cruel~ Hehehe~ "

I've never experienced something this petrifying throughout the years I've lived in this world. At any moment, she could snap her fingers and I'll disappear in an instant—That's how powerful that I'm feeling coming from the woman. I can't even speak my thoughts out. I'm petrified.

"Come on~ I'm not here to kill you. The damage I inflicted on your astral body is just a minor thing, perhaps around a year or so; it would heal in no time. Plus, I didn't do anything with your cute little pet. Hehehe~ I'm just here to tell you that if you have any disturbing thoughts about Claude. I can end you in no time. You're the one who started this so~ You asked for it~"

I nod in response, despite having no ill intention of harming Claude.

"Well then, that ends the summary of my introduction to you. While at it, I will put a mark under his soul which you need to keep in check all right~?"


"It's seal's mark to contain the overflowing quintessence on his soul. If that seal's mark broke. In short, he will die."

"W-What do you want me to do?"

"You need to strengthen his body and soul. For the soul, you can do that, right? [DreamWeaver] was it?"

My eyes widen in surprise at what she just mentioned.

"H-How did you..."

"It's not that great, but it should be sufficient enough for the seal. You need to keep in check his seal until the process is done. I can't intervene other than this, so you will continue the process of it. Do we have an agreement?"

"I-I only need to use it? B-But... my..."

"Oh, come on~ You have another person who can do it, right?? Plus, the damage to your soul won't affect your ability to use that. You intruded into something you shouldn't. Naturally, I shall bestow you a punishment for that. What's the quote for that? 'You reap, what you sow?' Oh, well. You're the one who dragged him into this position, so you asked for it. Just don't tell anything to Claude, okay~? It's our little fun secret, or else~ Mother would be so pissed at me~"

'What did I got myself into? The feel of fear that I have long forgotten had resurfaced on my mind once again. I'm scared.' My thoughts at that moment.

Despite her playful act, it doesn't match well with the words she's saying. She then claps her hand causing a distortion in space. Shortly, I came back to my body, coughing up blood and almost losing my own consciousness.

It surprised Clara when she saw me waking up in that state. Obviously, I kept all the things that happened to me inside of Claude only to myself because I feel terrified about what that woman can do.

I complied with her orders. Since that day, I'm having a hard time controlling my body because of the damage inflicted on my soul by that woman. I went into stasis to repair my soul. The reason I hid in my office for a year was to repair that damage because if something happens, there's a likely chance that I can't use any of my abilities properly.

Because of that reason, I need to establish a concrete plan to protect him. First, I need to get the church out of my back because once they found out his quintessence for his spirit ceremony—That part is inevitable. They can just take him from me at any moment, so I need to solidify that part by spreading rumors. Especially, since they're unable to control Christine, those greedy bastards will surely do everything they can to acquire him.

However, there's more disturbing matter happened. I only told Clara to use [DreamWeaver] to heal him and essentially helps the sealing process. Clara drowned herself in lust. Because of that, I have no choice but to intervene and use my own [Lucid Dream] and [Dream Weaver] to counteract and negate all the effects of Clara's influence on Claude's body.

I do admit I'm having some sensual thoughts for him, but he's too young. Because of Clara, I have left no choice but to put my own succubus mark on him for his well-being. It's to prevent Clara from entering Claude's nirvana and for other succubuses too. And for precautionary, I also put a spell under Clara to manage her own lust. It's an old technique that I used on succubuses that wanted to live a normal life without the burden of lusting over every man. However, that spell doesn't seem to be working that well against her.

Claude confronted me on everything which almost made my heart skip a bit. Hearing the questions that Claude asked almost made my heart stop. But, I can't tell him anything yet. I need him on focusing to get stronger. If that thing didn't happen, I would devote myself to training him, but an unlucky predicament happened.

Not only the church but there will also be a lot of people who will go after him once Claude revealed his capabilities. I can't keep him hidden forever. It will only restrict his potential and I can't protect him forever. But no matter what the situation will be, I need to protect him all the way.

For Christine...

"Haah..." I sigh in defeat.

"What can we do now, Madam? We still have an issue with the Valentin's. The temple seems to be intervening right now."

"What can we say? They detest the Askar kingdom. Despite Her Holiness already stated that she doesn't have any hostility against the Askar Kingdom. Those Cardinals are too greedy, especially Luke. He directly escorted Claude to the chamber that Christine created to confirm his suspicion. Remembering his stupid face irks me every time. If I only knew..." I grit my teeth in anger.

"*Cough* *Cough*"

"Madam, please control your anger."

I haven't told Clara the real cause of my condition, as I only told her that something went wrong after entering Claude's astral plane which led to me damaging my own soul.

"Yeah... It's fine."

"Madam. It's not."

"Yes-yes. Thank you for worrying. Hahaha. *Cough* *Cough*"