Disturbing Lewd Noises Complaint

Staring at the man in front of us in bewilderment, Adelle took notice of my confused state; she asked. "Claude? Is something wrong? Are you feeling sick?"

"Ah? Don't sweat it. I'm just immersed in how beautiful the place was."

"Right~? I found this place because of the magnificent scenery of the sea."

"Wait, you're near there? I've been there, but didn't really explore the place that much."

"Mhmm." Adelle nodded and took my right hand, dragging me with a smile plastered on her face. "Let's go."

With Adelle dragging me, Shin's eyes caught sight of Adelle. As we move past him, he slowly widens his eyes, ogling at Adelle's beauty. Yet, she ignored him without batting an eye and proceeded to our destination. Throughout his ogling at Adelle, he met my eyes. His shoulders jerked and he smiled stiffly. "Excuse me."

In response, I unconsciously bow to him too, but in an awkward manner. Before getting dragged away by Adelle inside the building. At the back of my mind, something clicked which was the 'Spirit Infinite' had begun its story or his story. That means, this event was supposed his first interaction with the story, which was supposed to interact with Adelle. Despite understanding how the story got nothing to do with the flow of this world, I can't unconsciously think of it.

Adelle initiated a conversation because of his innocent demeanor, and he looks so lost then that's their first interaction.

Upon entering the building, Adelle was greeting every person passing by. "Amazing, you're actually greeting back to them, huh?"

"That's normal interaction. I'm not some kind of psycho to just blatantly ignore those people."

"But what about the people in the guild? Oh... Yeah... I get it now. Only people who deserve it, and not those horny dogs. Totally makes sense."

"Exactly. Plus, all the people who are living here are wonderful. You can't find anything a place like this."

Seeing her smile, I respond with a smile. "Yeah, it sounds like it. I still can't get over how different you are to the cold-hearted Adelle from my first impression."

"Well... I'm not really a friendly person. I just find it hard to interact with people." Adelle reveled in despair. To ease her out, I positioned myself on her back and wrapped my arms around her navel, resting my chin on her shoulder. "What are you doing?! We're in public!"

Instead of responding, I kiss her on the cheeks before removing my clutches on her body. Adelle became extremely embarrassed because of that. Some onlookers gave Adelle a warm gaze. "I guess they're really friendly people, huh? Whenever I do this with Stephanie back in the guild or at the market, people would give us the stinky gazes."

If I were to do this with Stephanie, she would hit me sometimes. For Clara, she would accept and embrace it with open arms. And Adelle, she would be either furious or sometimes like this. Their expressions are so amusing to watch. Giving a thought about it, that's probably the reason for my rumors too, huh... I'm at fault.

We reached our destination, Adelle's room.

"Wow, what a cozy place. I wonder why you didn't invite me to your home when we've been having this relationship for almost a year now."

"I'm always at your home."

I glance over at Adelle who's preparing some teas in the kitchen, blinking my eyes a few times. "Yeah, that's correct... But—" Adelle cut me off, saying. "Your mind was only preoccupied with one thing."

"Oh, yep, it's my fault." I nodded.

The sunlight floods from the outside, passing through the glass door of the balcony. The drifting breeze of the gentle sea to the shores creates a casual, cozy vibrant to the room. After just staying for a minute here, I already found my inner peace. Sitting comfortably at Adelle's sofa, as the wind grazes my skin gently. "Hooo... This is relaxing~"

"The Antia Sea was known for its peaceful nature, even calling it as the 'The Hospitable Sea'. Because sailors could easily navigate and the climate has always been good for hundreds of years. And of course, they also believe in a goddess that guides them and protects them. Antia, the origin of its name."

"I've heard some of its stories before, from overhearing some conversation on some adventurers in the guild."

"Antia was one of the wonder and beauty of this kingdom. I'm also a believer of the Antia sea." Adelle placed a teacup on the table before sitting beside me and drinking hers. I took the teacup and drank it. "Tastes delicious as always, Adelle."

"Thank you."

Placing down our teacups, Adelle's gaze wanders outside of the glass door. "The delicate sound of the wind... Birds singing as they fly freely in the sky... Some even say this type of atmosphere would cure all ailments of our minds."

"I doubt that, but I see its point because of the peaceful feeling."

"Yeah, I wish I can like that. Living for honor, dignity, and prosperity."

Then I pat her back. "I did once dream like that. Anyway, with Lily coming back, what's with the name that you mentioned before? Just out of curiosity."

"Why did you change the topic... Unfair... I was about to say some good quotes... You... Silvia was the person whom I wanted to find because we have the same origin. She's also a vampire, like me. Vampires are creatures that hide their existence in the world from the dark. And, I wanted to find my family... She's the only person whom I can ask... About the origin of my true race, or find the person who gave birth to me."

"The mystery of the vampires... Blood-sucking demons dwell in the starry night sky, hunting for their prey. Also known, for their blood arts magic. Now that you mention it, you have a pegasus which is part of the light spirit category. Does that mean it's plausible if you're a halfling? Was your half, human?"

"No... From Bellaphoron's words, there's also the bloodline of the angel race running through my veins. I don't know anything about my past nor what my parents look like. But, I remembered a face of a woman caressing my cheeks when I was still a child before leaving me in the orphanage. I'm lucky enough to meet a family who was kind enough to take me in. Despite that, I don't really know why I'm searching for the person who left, but it gives me a feeling of purpose and goal in my life."

Looking at the blue sky with sadness plaster all over her face. "Oh, I do so understand that sentiment of yours. What my choices would lead me towards my own future. Well, my goals have always been different each time. But, I learned that you need to learn to make smaller goals as a stepping stone before realizing your own true goal in life." I nodded to myself, proudly.

"But..." Adelle whimpered.

"Hey, I didn't say to apply it to yours. I'm just putting my inputs into what I feel about that topic. But if it gives you purpose in life, then go along with it. I'm just here to support you. Wow, saying those words is giving me goosebumps. I feel like an old man." 'Technically, I do. If I add my old age in my old world to my current one.'

"I see."

"Let's get those depressing thoughts out of way first." With a grin plastered on my face, Adelle snickered, opening her arms to me. "Hahaha... Thank you. I'm actually hungry too. That's why I bought you here."

We embraced each other's warmth. However, as we undressed ourselves, the sunlight from the outside was making me uncomfortable. It's giving me some creepy feeling of exhibitionism. "Weird... The open balcony of yours was creeping me out."

Adelle snickers. "Hehe, you can just close it if you want. But first, thank you for the meal." After saying that, Adelle proceeds to sink her teeth to my lower neck, sucking out the blood from it. As for me, I pursue my inner desire and explore the wonders of her body. "Hnnggh♥ Hngh♥ Ahhh♥ Ah♥"

Shortly after, I slid in the tip to her wet entrance, surmounting the stimulation of my brain. "Hyaaah♥ Hnnggh♥"

Slowly, Adelle moved its own hips on her own accord while still feeding herself with my blood. It might be bad for some to get their blood drained, but with my regenerative ability at an exchange of my quintessence; I'm able to compensate for it. One of the exhausting activities was with Adelle, worse than Clara. Furthermore, whenever she would such my blood, there's a catch, afterward.

Later on, we change our position. Adelle places her arms over the cushioned crest rail of the sofa, exposing her glorious slender back against me and my rod resting on top of her meaty cheeks. She turns her back around with a smile. "Smack it."

"Clara and Master Irene even orders me to do it. Do you also have the same fetish as them? Hahaha." Realizing it, Adelle shut her mouth and pout her cheeks in full display.

"Pfft, I'm just messing with you. No need to get serious." I added.

"Great job at ruining the mood." Adelle irritatingly said.

Suddenly, I push my rod inside of her, surprising her. "Hyiieeeh~♥ W-What was that for! Ahhh♥ Ahh♥"

"My bad. I slipped. I tripped over something. Geez, the flooring is too slippery."

We then continued, copulating like animals, thrusting my hips deep inside her and tasting her back, leaving traces of marks on her pale white skin. The moans that Adelle produced were mind-boggling, as it's one of the loudest I've ever heard from her. Or, it's probably the small space around us.

"Haah♥ Ahh♥ Ahh♥ Hmmmn—♥"

"Haaah... Haah... It's getting tight!"

The warmness wrapping around my cock was immensely wonderful, clamping around it. In return, the stress building up in the shaft became apparent as it shot off inside of her, painting the walls in white. "Ahhhhn—♥ Nngggh♥"

"Haah... Hah... What's with you today...? Haah... Ehhhhhh—?"

The intensity of today's 'session' was different from her usual stuff. However, the reply that I was expecting didn't come, so taking a closer look at her face and saw her eyes dazing off in the air—Completely blacked-out. "Ehhhhh—? I'm pretty sure she would ask more... What happened to her?"

Baffled by it, I suddenly heard someone knocking on the wooden door in urgency. "Shit-shit-shit. Why do people keep knocking on important parts of my day?!" Startled by the noise, I hurriedly bought Adelle over to her own room covering her body with a blanket, and getting my pants lying on the floor and wearing it before stepping in the door.

The knock got suddenly aggressive. "Wait a minute! I'm coming! What's wrong with this person?"

Opening the door with my left hand, and my right hand covering the fang mark that I got from Adelle. What beholds me was the sight of a human woman having a face like thunder, all red, arguing with the man behind her. The man whom I met earlier, Shin, had a worrying face, waving his arm around panic-stricken, attempting to find his way to ease the angry woman in front of me.

"Ami, don't make a ruckus, please... I beg you." Shin begged.

"No, I will not!"

She turns around and her almond-shaped eyes are piercing through my chest, ready to stab me on the spot, and her brown hair topples over her shoulders cascaded. Her arms are over on her petite physique waist, and the sound of teeth-gritting was evident. Looking up, meeting my eyes, her expression stayed the same. "There are people in this establishment! If you guys can't tone it down. Sobeit, I'll force you! Disgusting, disgusting people! There are people around you! Understand that—"

The woman named Ami caught the glimpse of the room behind me and seemingly realized that she's familiar with the person who was living here. "Wait... Isn't this where Ms. Fabien lives...?"

"Oh, you know Adelle?"

Ami's gaze went from my top to bottom, inspecting everything and also the clothes lying around the living room behind me. The hints of red marks in my body are still visible, which stated the obvious. Shin on the back had his gaze averted on the side, all flustered. Upon coming to conclusion, she stammeringly said. "No-no-no way... No way! The gracious and glorified Ms. Fabien..."

Then suddenly, she falls on the floor unconsciously. "Ami!" Shin immediately assisted her from the back, waking her up. But to his dismay, she's completely blacked-out like the woman in the bedroom.

'Is this like a comedic effect?' I thought to myself.

Shin looks up with an apologizing face. "Sorry! Sorry for the commotion and disturbance! Enjoy!" And then, dragging her away to the room right beside us.

Closing the door in front of me. "Well, that's quite entertaining. I didn't expect we would interact with each other this sooner. Ami, huh? The cliche friend from his childhood who's by coincidence living in the same area as him. They're pretty entertaining to watch." I chuckled.

In the past, I have mentioned hating the protagonist for his insane ideologies. But seeing him now, I don't feel the same way as before. Perhaps it's correlated with how my life is going right now. Master Irene hasn't come back from her mission, but she does send letters from here and out from time to time.

After closing the door and with nothing to do, I had begun cleaning and wiping the floor of Adelle's place.