Take care of your heart and attitude!

"Hello Queens. The three of you are still beautiful, even though you are not young anymore," Arman greeted with a smile rising from his handsome face.

Laila, Santi and Emy immediately turned around and got up from their seats when they saw the arrival of the man who had settled in New York.

"You guys have arrived," said Laila who walked over to Arman and stretched out her hand for a handshake. She didn't forget to glance at the young man behind Arman. "It turns out that your son has a more handsome face than you, Arman. Welcome to Jakarta. Your son can speak Indonesian, right?"

"Of course you can, I taught him. My son's face is indeed very handsome, that's why many women fall for his charm. Thank you for welcoming me, My baby," Arman said with a chuckle and turned to his son who seemed to focus on the beautiful woman who was looking at him. put on a wedding dress. Then he tapped his son's shoulder to wake him up.

"My son, say hello to everyone."

Axel woke up from his stupidity, who had not blinked before looking at the figure of a woman who looked like a princess in a white dress that displayed her bare shoulders.

"Yes, Dad," Axel bowed respectfully and began to greet the three's beautiful women who were no longer young. "Hello, Mommy and queens. Thank you for the welcome."

"Hope you can feel at home here while taking care of your daddy's business." Laila glanced at her brother and nephew. As if telling them to say hello.

"Welcome to Jakarta and I hope you like living here, even though everything here is not like where you live," said Santi, who had been able to see Axel's gaze staring at Zelyn.

Meanwhile, Emy immediately called her future daughter-in-law to come closer. "Honey, come here. Say hello to these two great men."

Zelyn, who had been feeling very uncomfortable with the gaze of the man with a half-faced handsome face, actually didn't want to say hello.

However, because she didn't want to be a disobedient son-in-law, she couldn't refuse orders from his in-laws. So she immediately walked closer to the five's people. Then she smiled a smile as he greeted two's men who she didn't know at all.

"Welcome to Jakarta, sir."

"Thank you. You are so beautiful, it looks like you will soon become the most beautiful bride in the world," Arman said with a wide smile.

"Thank you for the compliment, sir."

"He is our future son-in-law," said Laila, who was trying to confirm Zelyn's status. "In one month this beautiful woman will marry Emy's son. So..." Laila pointed her index finger at Axel, "Don't mess with our daughter-in-law, especially you, Axel!"

Arman reflex laughed out loud when he heard a threatening sentence from Laila who had already pulled out her fangs at his son. Then he turned to his son who looked very relaxed and still had a straight face.

"What do you think, boy?"

"How come, Mommy Laila thinks that far from me? Whereas I've never been interested in a woman," said Axel who was now clutching his chest and directing his gaze to the figure of a woman who seemed to be silent in place with a confused face.

"Thank God, then you're not normal," Laila replied with a chuckle.

Axel reflexively massaged his temples, "Gosh, it's not like that, Mommy Laila. I haven't finished talking just now?"

"Then?" Laila raised her eyebrows when she heard the ambiguous tone of the young man with a handsome face in front of her.

"I've never been attracted to women, but women are attracted to me after seeing my good looks. So, in conclusion, I'm not guilty at all if she later falls in love with me," said Axel who had pointed his index finger at the figure of a woman in a wedding dress while smiling. smirks.

Zelyn, who felt she was the victim of a slander from a man who made her feel very irritated, reflexively directed a sharp gaze while busy cursing in her heart.

"Damn it, he was so confident in saying I'd be attracted to him. Gosh, how could a man be as annoying as that. I'm so sick of seeing him. I'll never see him again after today. So be patient Zelyn. Don't embarrass the family your mother-in-law by swearing at this damn man," Zelyn muttered in his heart.

"You heard that, Zelyn?" Emy asked her future daughter-in-law who looked like someone who was daydreaming.

Zelyn's daydream was instantly shattered when she heard the voice of her future father-in-law. "Eh ... yes, Mom. Of course Mommy and Ardhan have known me for a long time, right? Your daughter-in-law is a woman who always maintains loyalty and dignity.

Moreover, I have to protect my good name and my extended family. So, there's no way I'm having an affair with Mr. this."

"Damn it, who exactly is he? Why do I even look like a criminal on trial. Patience ... patience," Zelyn thought by squeezing both sides of the wedding dress she was wearing.

"That's good then, because I will never be able to answer to you if you like me," said Axel with a sarcastic smile.

Zelyn just smiled wryly at the sentence that sounded over-confident. Honestly, she wanted to slap the face of the man she thought was so disgusting. However, she tried her best not to go crazy.

"Gosh... you really are exactly like your daddy, Axel. Very confident, but anything too confident is not good. Watch out for the rocks like your daddy used to." Laila glanced at Arman who had only chuckled at the behavior of his son.

"That will never happen, Mommy Laila. Because I've never used hearts and it's not my fault that all women use hearts when dating me. So, just advise the future daughter-in-law so that she doesn't fall in love with me later.

"Because it will be very troublesome," Axel said with a smirk. Of course he could see that the woman who was standing not far from his place was already burning with emotion when she heard his words.

Zelyn, who was no longer able to contain her anger when she heard the annoying words from a man who she admitted had a very beautiful face, reflexively immediately issued a firm answer.

"Take it easy, Mr. Axel. Your fear will never come true. Of course this is the first and last day, because we will never see each other again."

"Of course," Axel replied with a straight face.

Arman only observed the interactions of his son who had never argued with a woman. "What's wrong with my son? Usually he is always sweet to all women, but this time he is cynical and flat," Arman muttered, who was immediately surprised when he heard Lala words.

"Zelyn, you are wrong."

"Wrong? What do you mean Mrs. Lala?"

"Take care of your heart and attitude towards the company's important clients. Because the two of you will often meet to handle the big project you are about to handle. Aren't you the architect who will handle the Alcatraz hotel?"

"Yes, Mrs. Lala. Indeed, I am the architect. Then...." Zelyn did not continue her words because she was busy guessing ambiguous sentences from the woman who was the mother of the head of the company where she worked.

"The one in front of you is Axel Alcatraz who is the grandson of Roky Alcatraz who owns the hotel."

"What?" Zelyn rolled her eyes when she heard the fact that she never expected.

Meanwhile, Axel once again just smiled full of grins when he felt that fate was always on his side.

"Looks like this woman will soon be mine. Even fate is now on my side," Axel muttered with satisfaction.

To be continue...