
Zelyn, who looked very shocked with wide eyes, stared intently at the man she might meet every day at work and also at the project site. Moreover, the project location is not in Jakarta, but in Bali. Close to a place that is a tourist area and has not been touched by humans and the island has been bought by the Alcatraz corporation.

A fate that she never expected, because she could relate to such an annoying man, is the grandson of the owner of the hotel I designed.

"Jeez, what's this? There's no way I can work with a guy as annoying as he is. I really could throw up if I kept myself close to him. No... no, I'd better quit this project. However, I've I fought very hard with my rival architects to get this project. Can I give it up? Even though if this is successful and successful, the possibility of my career will really skyrocket. Aah ... I'm dizzy to decide, "said Zelyn who felt very indecisive with the decision to be made.

Until a tap on her shoulder snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Zelyn, quickly say hello to the company's most important business colleague," Emy said to her future daughter-in-law.

"Uh... yes, Mom." Zelyn was forced to obey orders from his future father-in-law by bowing. Of course to avoid shaking hands with a man who does have a very handsome face.

"Welcome to Jakarta, Mr. Arman and Mr. Axel. Hopefully we can work well together on the issue of the Alcatraz hotel that will be built.

"Damn, he's really handsome as a man. You idiot, why did I even say he's handsome. Take care of your attitude, Zelyn! Think of him as just a mannequin statue that is on display in a shop," Zelyn muttered, still in a respectful bowing position.

"Never mind, don't be so formal. After a while, you'll get a backache later," Arman exclaimed, trying to dispel the heated atmosphere between the son and the woman who was the architect of his hotel.

"Leave him like that, Dad. Aren't we like the king's descendants and he's like his servant?" Arman said in his native language. Of course so that all the women would not understand his mockery.

Arman patted Axel's shoulder, "You bastard! Do you think these women are stupid? They can understand what you're talking about. Better not make a fuss, Boy."

"Okay, I'll be quiet." Axel had already set his sights on Zelyn who had returned to his feet and directed a piercing gaze at him.

Meanwhile, Zelyn was really getting annoyed when she heard Axel's words that could be understood as insulting him. Because she is not a stupid woman who does not understand foreign languages. However, she still tried her best to restrain herself, because she didn't want to be barbaric in front of her future husband's family.

"Patience ... be patient, I can't be emotional and act like an uneducated woman. Show that you are an educated woman and Ardhan can be proud of, Zelyn. Yes, I can," Zelyn thought, now trying to smile at her boss's business partner .

"It's become my habit, sir. You don't have to worry that I will get backache, because I'm young and very healthy. Looks like we'll meet every day, Mr. Arman and the company schedule, we will fly to Bali the day after tomorrow ."

Laila approached Zelyn and whispered in her ear, "Don't talk about work matters here, because we are not at the company, Zelyn. For that matter, you can discuss tomorrow during working hours."

Zelyn, who realized her mistake, made her curse her stupidity. Because she was annoyed at the man who mocked him, she couldn't think straight. Even though she is a woman who is known to be a perfectionist in every way. Both in terms of appearance, attitude and also regarding work.

"Yes, Mrs. Laila. I'm sorry," Zelyn whispered with a nod of her head.

Axel was still focused on the facial expressions of the female figure which he thought made him very curious. Because in his entire life, only this time there was a woman who seemed not interested in him. Whereas usually, every woman who sees her, will always bend her knees and like the word worship her feet to invite her to the bed.

"This woman seems different from the others. I want to see what her reaction will be when she finds out that daddy won't come to Bali because she has left all his affairs to me. This game will be more interesting," Axel muttered.

"Are we going to spend time in this boutique, Mommy Laila?"

"Of course not, we're done and we're going straight to the Amarta Mansion," Laila replied after hearing Axel's protesting tone. "You guys are staying at the Mansion, like the original plan isn't it?"

"Looks like I'm the only one who will stay at your place, Laila. Because my son prefers to live alone. You can see the dark aura on his face that explains that he likes to be alone, right? So, he chose to stay at the hotel. Jakarta. So, I want to spend some time with your family before I go back to New York. Can we go now?" asked Arman who was already looking alternately at the four's women in front of him.

Everyone nodded their heads, except for Zelyn who was still busy digesting the words of a man who was the same age as her father.

"Back to New York in 2 days? Wait...."

Zelyn, who had been mumbling and wondering in her heart, reflexively asked a question because she started to smell danger signs. "Wait, Mister Arman!"

Arman, who had just turned around and was about to walk, reflexively turned his head towards Zelyn. "Yes, what is up?"

"What do you mean Mr. 2 more days back to New York? Shouldn't you see the initial process of building a hotel in Bali?"

"You idiot! Why should an old person go to such a remote place?" sarcasm Axel with a look full of grins.

"So, will you be the one going to Bali later?" Zelyn asked uncertainly?"

"Fix, I'd rather just resign from this project, than I have to eat my heart to work with an annoying man like him," Zelyn whispered.

Axel smirked. "Why? You don't like working with me and prefer working with daddy, do you? If that's the case, you can just resign."

The expression on her once sour face immediately brightened. "Is it true?" Zelyn who realized her stupidity, reflex immediately shut her mouth.

"Seems true, you wanted to back off as soon as you found out you were going with me. Alright, you can go!" Axel exclaimed with a straight face. "Come on, Dad. Let's just head back to New York now. I suddenly don't have the mood to take care of all this."

Without waiting for an answer from his daddy, Axel walked with long footsteps leaving everyone who was staring at him leaving.

Meanwhile, Zelyn really felt the upper hand, because she managed to make the man who she considered very annoying to go from before her.

"Yes, finally that disgusting man left too. It was as if the air around me that was polluted by pollution, was instantly clean as soon as he left."

Zelyn's daydream was instantly shattered when she heard the baritone voice of a man standing not far from her. She even had to feel shock for the umpteenth time.

"Zelyn, you must apologize to my son. Because he never messes with his words. If you don't, my son will withdraw hundreds of millions of dollars from the company. Surely you will be the one who will be sued for compensation. Can you afford to compensate the company? " exclaimed Arman, who now looked very firm because he was very worried that his son would cause trouble when he was upset.

"What, Mr Arman? Compensation? I don't have that much money?" Zelyn whispered with weak legs limp when she heard hundreds of millions and not rupiah, but dollars.
