Dark shadow

When the wound on Axel's neck had leaked red blood, soaking the shirt that was attached to his body. Now, the pain was starting to feel, even though it didn't mean anything to him. It wasn't the pain that made him feel angry, but the offer he rarely said was taken for granted by the criminals.

Axel's position was still looking up when his neck was hit by a sharp knife and the four criminals were laughing together, seeing him just standing there without fighting.

"Look at this foreign tourist! He was acting like he was going to use us as footwear. However, he couldn't do anything when his neck was bleeding," sneered one of the men who stared at him with an evil grin.

While the other three men were busy laughing in response to the sarcastic sentences from their colleagues. As if they were watching a funny movie scene and churning their stomachs.

Contrary to what Axel felt when he couldn't hold his anger any longer. Without wasting any time, he who saw the weakness of the leader of the robbers while still holding the knife and not getting too close to his neck, directed his left hand to hold the man's hand by pointing it upwards.

While his right hand quickly grabbed the gun that was in the back of his jacket pocket. He saw the three men in front of him were already heading towards him to beat him.

Axel lifted his right leg to aim a kick at the stomach of the two men so that they fell backwards. "Die you little rats!"

Axel pointed the gun he was holding at the leader of the criminals who intended to point the knife at him.

As soon as his index finger pulled the trigger, the bullet immediately shot far and right into the heart of the man who was carrying the knife. The sound of gunshots echoing in the air began to be heard breaking the silence of the streets in the very quiet hilly area.

Even the birds flying above the trees immediately drifted away, as if frightened by the sound of the gun exploding that echoed and managed to paralyze the leader of the criminals who were intent on robbing.

The body of the man who wore a mask covering the mouth area now fell to the asphalt and blood was already running down the clothes he was wearing.

Meanwhile, the other three criminals felt very angry and devastated to see their leader had fallen. They heard screams calling for their leader.


"You must die!" one of the men shouted in anger.

Such a close position, considered Axel an easy way to direct a shot at his opponent's head. However, before he could carry out his plan, something he never expected, made him very surprised and refused to pull the trigger on the gun he was holding.

"Quickly drop your weapons! Or this woman will die by my hands!" rebuked one of the men who had seen the woman in the car just came out of the left door and immediately pointed a knife at the hostage's neck.

At first Zelyn who had just woken up from fainting when he heard the sound of gunfire. When she regained consciousness, she saw that there were three men who were about to attack Axel. His intention was to get out of the car screaming for help and forget that he was currently in a very quiet hillside.

However, before she could scream, the strong arms of a man with a cruel face were wrapped around his neck and a sharp knife was now right in front of his face.

"Let go of me!" shouted Zelyn who was trying to save himself.

"Don't move! Or this woman dies! Quickly lower your gun, you bastard!" shouted one of the men eager for revenge because his leader had been killed.

Meanwhile, Axel looked back to see the position of the criminal who had taken Zelyn hostage.

Not to give up, but because he wanted to see if there was an opening to knock out the opponent. By risking Zelyn's life in danger, he seemed to give a code by looking down and hoping that the woman would understand.

At this moment, the two men behind Axel intended to snatch the gun, but they were very surprised by what had happened. Because the man had pulled the trigger and yet another bullet shot forward and pierced the head of his comrade who was currently falling on the ground.

When Zelyn was frightened and seemed to beg Axel for help to save his life, she briefly saw that the man who was still holding the gun seemed to be giving a code with his eyes, while lowering his head.

Before she had time to think about the meaning of the code, she saw that Axel had pointed a gun at him and his brain was able to catch the code as fast as lightning. Reflexively she lowered his head knowing that Axel was a man who was very good at shooting.

Sure enough, as soon as she lowered his head, gunshots rang out and it didn't take long for the man behind him to let go and stumbled backwards. She, who was in complete shock, was now squatting down and with his heart beating very fast, she did not dare to look back at all.

If she didn't respond quickly, maybe his head had been pierced by the bullet. "This mafia really doesn't want to give up and chooses not to think about my life."

Meanwhile, the two men who returned to being in shock to see their comrade who had just been shot, were again overcome by anger and without paying any heed to anything, shouted and rushed towards the man.

"I will kill you!" rebuked the slender villain who aimed the penknife in his hand several times to stab the stomach of the man in front of him.

Likewise with the other man. Because he also doesn't want to lose and helps his partner to paralyze the opponent.

Axel, who heard the screams of the criminals, turned around and immediately aimed his right foot to kick the opponent's leg that intended to stab his stomach.

Not only that, he intends to shoot the two men again. However, only disappointment was felt when the bullets had run out.

"Shit! I'll teach you a lesson, Daniel!"

Axel threw the gun backwards and clenched his fists to fight the two people who were laughing at him because he had the upper hand when he thought he would win.

Now, Axel looks empty-handed, while two men holding knives and axes are grinning.

Meanwhile, Zelyn, who was still squatting in his place, was still busy calming his heart when she saw today's terrible incident. Once again, a glimpse of a dark shadow flashed through his memory. She seemed to be having a bad dream, because at first glance the memory was when she seemed to be in a car that was sliding freely into a river.

It made him hysterical again and clutching his head.

