Contact your parents

Axel now takes off Daniel's coat, then rolls it up. The plan was used as a weapon against the two men who were carrying the sharp weapon. As he thought, the two men who were carrying knives and axes simultaneously attacked him.

With a lightning-fast motion, he flung the roll of the coat into the face of one of the men and managed to knock the knife in the thug's right hand down. It didn't stop there, because the man on the left had pointed his ax at him and made him hold back as hard as he could with that strong hand, then kicked the opponent's knee using the loafers he was wearing.

While his right hand had managed to grab the ax and directly aimed at the face of the man who had just dropped the knife. A smirk was now etched on his face when he heard the screams of pain from the man whose face was already bleeding profusely.

"Enjoy the pain until you die!"

Axel, who was still holding the ax with bloodstained on it, wanted to continue his actions to teach the man on his left a lesson. However, he did not do so when he heard the screams of a woman who was still squatting while holding her ears.

For a moment he looked sharply at the man who was now not as fresh as before because he saw a look of fear that radiated. "Run while you can! Because when I see you a second time, don't ever expect to get another breath of air."

Without waiting for an answer from the man he threatened, Axel walked with long footsteps to immediately approach Zelyn who still didn't stop screaming. With a crouched position to match his position, he had already cupped Zelyn's white cheeks and was looking at him with a piercing gaze.

"Zelyn! Wake up!" shouted Axel who was currently trying to wake the woman with a face full of fear. "What really happened? Tell me!"

A deafening scream from the man who was only a few centimeters from him, made Zelyn now look at the man's face with sharp eyes that still locked his gaze.

"Help me," Zelyn moaned pitifully and her attitude was so much different from a moment ago, that that man was the only person she hated the most.

You can see Axel, eyes full of pleading from teary eyeballs as he stares at him. "What do you mean?"

Just as Zelyn was about to open her mouth to speak, the sound of gunshots pierced the silence in the area, as if it had become an obstacle for her. Zelyn felt more and more shocked and fell unconscious again on Axel's chest.

The sound of gunshots that sounded, reflex made Axel, who was currently supporting Zelyn's body, turn his head to the left. Of course to find out who had opened fire. He saw the figure of the man who was his confidant, had just lowered his gun after shooting.

"Daniel?" Axel turned to look behind him and he saw that one criminal he had ordered to run was actually trying to kill him, because it was proven that he was holding an ax in his hand when he fell with a gunshot wound in the back.

"Stupid rats with bad luck," said Axel, who stared intently at the corpses behind him.

"Are you all right, my son? Your neck is bleeding, it must be treated immediately." Arman, who immediately walked up to his beloved son, was worried when he saw blood coming out of his neck. "What exactly happened? Why did Zelyn faint?"

Axel's answer was just a shrug. "It's just a minor wound, Father. Those thugs are useless robbers who ended up in hell. Whereas this strange woman might soon be going crazy, because today she looks like an abnormal woman. Moreover, she's already fainted twice."

Arman immediately gave orders to the doctor to immediately examine the woman in his son's arms. "Let the doctor examine it. Your wound needs to be treated too, Axel."

A shake of the head signaled Axel's answer. Actually, he was curious about Zelyn's strange condition and a moment ago said asking for help.

"What exactly happened to this woman, Doctor?" Axel observed the man in the white coat who was examining the woman in his arms.

The doctor who examined with a stethoscope, the condition of the unconscious woman, was still busy with the examination, as if very careful not to give wrong information.

"Could you please tell me about what happened before this woman was unconscious. Because her vital signs are very weak and need treatment. Looks like we have to take her to the hospital immediately so that she can be treated intensively."

Still observing the face that looked even paler like an undead, Axel recalled the strange events since he was in the car until when Zelyn fainted while staring at the steep ravine.

"This woman was vomiting as soon as the car stopped and when she looked at the cliff, she was hysterical and immediately passed out. Could this woman have a phobia of heights?"

"It seems so, sir. We must know what caused this woman to experience this. Because everything has a cause. Maybe later we can ask one of her family members. Now we have to take her to the hospital first." The doctor looked at the three men in front of him for an answer.

Carrying Zelyn's body while complaining, Axel who is now standing, looks at his father and Daniel. "Looks like I'll have to postpone going to the hotel area. Dad is coming with me to the hospital now. Because Daniel has to sort things out here."

Daniel just nodded his head and looked at the four corpses lying on the side of the road. "You and Mr. Arman just go first. I will eliminate the bodies by throwing them into the sea as fish food."

"I'll teach you a lesson later," said Axel, who left his confidant and headed for the car.

Daniel could only rack his brain to guess the ambiguous sentence of his boss who seemed to want to give him calculations. As soon as he saw his gun was lying on the side of the road, he now began to understand and reached for his weapon.

"It seems because of this." He looked down at his weapon and looked at the doctor who was still standing beside him with the main boss.

Arman just chuckled when he saw Daniel trying to find out what was wrong. "Looks like my son is upset, Daniel. I'm going with my son. Just you and the doctor." He patted Daniel on the shoulder and walked to the car, where his son had already entered.

Axel, who had twice carried the unconscious woman's body, exhaled roughly, as if to represent his anger. "This is the first time I've carried a woman I haven't slept with. You really are a damn woman, Zelyn! What a troublesome woman!"

"Looks like I have to call your parents and ask about the thing that makes you have a phobia of heights. Father will easily get the phone number of Zelyn's parents."
