Wait here

Zelyn, who intended to open her eyes because she felt something had slid into her mouth, couldn't open her eyes because they were covered by Axel's strong palm. Her brain is now directed to things that smell intimate. She couldn't even make a sound because her mouth was full of something. Something long and soft had filled her mouth.

Zelyn's hand moved to grope because she wanted the figure of the man above her to get away from her. Her palms can now feel the naked body without wearing clothes and feel Axel's strong muscles. Feeling that Axel had done something unreasonable, she directed her hand to hit the back of the man who still wouldn't allow her to open her eyes.

'What did he do? What's in my mouth? Is….' Zelyn didn't continue her words silently when she heard Axel's baritone voice breaking the silence of the night in the tent again.