Pre-wedding exam

At first, Axel who still closed his eyes, hugged Zelyn tightly so as not to disturb his comfort when he wanted to immediately dissolve in his sleeping flowers. However, his sense of hearing caught the sound of dry twigs being stepped on and reflexively he let go of his embrace. He immediately got out of the sleeping bag. Once he found the gun, Axel opened the tent and closed it again after telling Zelyn to stay there.

Turning on the flashlight on the phone, Axel looked around to check. Look alert when sneaking in the area around the Jeep. Not only that, he strained his ears to hear when something was moving and just as he thought, as soon as he noticed movement on the right side, his baritone voice started to echo in the very quiet wilderness.

"Get out or I'll blow your heads off!" Still pointing the gun in his right hand towards the front.