
The figure of a loving couple sitting on the hospital bed in the best treatment room is still visible in their subconscious with the position of Axel Alcatraz's hand that never releases power from Arzelyn Selena's flat stomach while sleeping on her back.

Both of them looked very sound and showed they were in each other's dreamland and the sound of regular breathing was heard.

The calm atmosphere in the room, which is quite spacious, is different from the situation outside because a man with a tired face and wearing a leg crutch is seen walking down the hospital corridor.

Tired face is clearly seen that the figure of the man who was following the movements of the main boss had just arrived in Bali at four in the morning. The atmosphere was still dark because the sun had not yet shown a smile and most of the people were still submerging themselves under thick blankets because the temperature today was quite cold.