One requirement

The man with the tattooed arm who had been pushing the wheelchair, reflex immediately rushed to Daniel's body which was lying on the floor. In fact, he had patted the man's strong arm, who currently seemed to be closing his eyes and indicated that he was unconscious.

"Mr. Daniel ... Mr. Daniel! Gosh. What happened to Mr. Daniel?" He put his hand on the forehead of the man in front of him and was slightly surprised. Then turned to the boss who was in a wheelchair. "Mr. Axel, Mr. Daniel's forehead is very hot. He seems to have a fever."

Meanwhile, the reaction that is now shown by Axel is only shaking his head looking at the helpless body on the cold floor of the hospital.

"He's not trying to dodge, so I can face Grandpa alone, right? Oh my, Daniel. Even though I'm currently going to make you a shield so Grandpa doesn't sing too long and make my ears hurt."