annoying woman

Zelyn who felt very disappointed at the middle aged man who was currently disappearing behind the door. At first, she thought that the old man would tell her about the figure of a woman that made her feel very curious.

Actually for nothing, she felt very curious because she wanted to know the figure of a woman who was able to change the life principles of a Casanova who said she would never marry.

In fact, she still remembers the look on Axel's face who was sitting next to her when she was on the plane. "So you're playing with me? Didn't you say only stupid men choose to be with only one woman in marriage?"

"However, it's only been a few moments since you said that you've changed your words again. You're like the saying I've ever heard, 'Morning soybeans, afternoon tempeh'," said Zelyn, who had heard her native Javanese friend mock her with that saying.