Watching television

The swear words that had just caught Zelyn's sense of hearing now seemed to make her feel very annoyed because the man in front of him seemed to be venting his anger. "Are you mad at me because I don't want to be fed?"

"Don't be silly like that for underestimating my abilities. My hands can still move to enjoy the food because what hurts is my head."

Feeling very lazy to speak at length to respond to women who always test his patience, Axel chose to put a box of food to Zelyn's left side and obeyed the woman's wishes.

"Okay, you can eat voraciously using your healthy hands. I won't bother to feed you either. Good intentions don't always get a positive response," said Axel, now getting out of the hospital bed and sitting back in a wheelchair.

Then he moved the wheelchair away from the woman which made him feel very frustrated. Until the voice of a woman behind him made him not want to turn around at all.