Chapter 7: A macabre plan

A few blocks from the Central Bank of the Country, Lucas and I put on our red overalls and our Dalí masks, and we entered the crowd that was demonstrating outside the bank. I would have liked at that moment, in the middle of the crowd, to take off my mask, and say to everyone: "I am the Professor, thank you very much for all your support, for being on our side. We are the Resistance!"

But if I did that, the police would know where I was, and they would catch me, or in the worst case, kill me. That's why I had to stay in my mask and my red overall. To hide my identity.

The people on our side had posters and red overalls with Dalí masks. Their posters said things like: "Long live evil, long live capital", "I have a lot of month left at the end of my salary", "Fear is going to change sides", "You are touching our balls beyond your possibilities", "Fucking banks", "We are the resistance", "This system does not represent us"

Liz: "The Professor wanted to have X-rays to see if Lucia was behind the tent. But he was not Superman. So he had to settle for being Sherlock Holmes. He came to the outside of the bank looking for a thread to pull. And he found three: The van. What was it doing there? And why did it have traces of mud?

-CNP85600N - I told one of the Pakistanis to tell me where that plate of the van came from

"And a Pakistan resolved that question. It belonged to the National Forest Police, near where Lucia was supposedly executed."

Liz: "Angel. If anyone should have tracked down the Hamelin plan, it was him. Unless he had something more important to do. Like getting Lucia to the tent, from the forest to the center of town. And if someone He should have been mourning the death of his friend. It was him too. But the Professor saw the opposite. "

It was at that moment that Javiera came out of the tent, and the Professor also saw her.

Liz: "And Javiera Cortez. We had been in a truce for hours. But there she was. No matter how addicted to work she was, it was normal for her to be at home with her ankles soaking. Unless she was horny to interrogate one of the most criminals wanted from the country. Lucia could be alive. But we had to check it and contact her, so that she knew that Joseph was not going to leave her. "

After I saw her without her noticing, Javiera went back into the tent. She went to where Lucia was and said:

- We have the ambulance that you used as a communications center

Lucia nodded her head, and Javiera said:

- Do you know who is going to examine it? -Javiera said while she smiled evilly

Lucia worried. Javiera laughed a little and said:

- Alberto. Your ex-said Javiera-Besides being the best, he has a tremendous desire to screw your life even more. But there is another option. He could get in there. The first. To the ambulance, and eliminate the evidence.

Lucia smiled, and said to Javiera:

- You will not find anything

- Fuck, Lucia - Javiera said - It's like you're new at this. There's always something. You'll see. Something in there will lead us to your mother and your daughter. You'll see.

It was there, when Javiera left where Lucia was. And Lucia, although she didn't want to admit it, she was genuinely worried about her mother and her daughter.

At the country's central bank, chained to a chair, Diego, who was next to Gustavo, the security chief of the country's Central Bank, told him:

- Now that we are on the same side, can I ask you a question? - Diego said to Gustavo - I'm a little confused. Are we the good guys or are we the bad guys?

- I'm gonna make a little cut in your scrotum, pull out your balls and then stuff them both in your mouth - Gustavo said

- That sounds fun - Diego said - but your hands are still tied up, Che

- Did you know that the reliability of handcuffs is based upon one single anatomical concept? - Diego asked Gustavo - The metacarpus doesn't let them throught. But actually, it's a joint that's very easy to dislocate.

- Is that right? - Gustavo asked

- Well, just some ideas for liberty - Diego replied

And then he started singing in Spanish:

- 🎵Free, like the sun is free at dawn I am free, like the sea, free, like the bird that got out its silent cage, and it can fly at last. I'm free, like the wind that takes away all my wailing and my pain. Endless roads and paths. In endless search of truth and I'll know at last what freedom is🎶"

At that moment, it was Robert where Diego and he silenced him by pointing a pistol at his neck

- Time for bed - said Robert

Then Diego said in a high pitched way:

- Four little corners to my bed - Diego said - four little angels around my head, Matthew, José, Gabriel and Pablo, bless this bed I lie upon.

After all that somewhat uncomfortable situation in the bank, as it was at night, Antoñanzas went to his apartment in a building near the Central Bank of the Country. He entered the bathroom, and while he was rinsing his face, he turned off the tap and when finished, I appeared as if he were a ghost without him knowing it and said:

- Antoñanzas - I said to him

He was scared and quickly turned to see me in the dark:

-What are you doing here? - said Antoñanzas panting - You are ... you are under arrest

As he walked backwards, Lucas stopped him by pointing a gun at his back.

- On your knees - I told Antoñanzas

- I was just feeling around - said Antoñanzas

It was at that moment that Lucas loaded the gun and warned Antoñanzas:

- On your knees - Lucas said

-Please, my wife and my daughters are in bed-said Antoñanzas as he got on his knees

- Nothing will happen to them - I said seriously - all you have to do is follow my instructions and answer some questions

- I do not talk to anyone while they point to my head - said Antoñanzas

- You're going to talk - Lucas said

In the tent, Javiera continued to pressure Lucia while saying:

- We have: one, the ambulance," she said as she imitated the sound of an ambulance siren, and she put a small ambulance toy on the table

She then she said:

- Two, the crazy grandmother. Where I am? Where I am? Oh, I can't-said Javiera imitating the voice of an old woman, and she put on the table a little doll that looked like Lucia's mother

After that, she said again:

- Three, the motherless girl. Mom, mom, said Javiera, imitating the voice of a girl, and she put a little doll that looked like Lucia's daughter, who was Paula.

And she finally she said:

-Four, the Professor's love -Javiera said with a French accent, while she placed one of my photos with my red overall and then she spoke again with her normal voice -that will last two newscasts when you enter jail . And now, final stage.

And when she said that, she put her arm on the table, and jerked it to the side, knocking everything she had put down.

Meanwhile, Lucas and I were still with Antoñanzas, that night, while Lucia was being pressured by Javiera:

- This is an attack against authority - Antoñanzas told me - you don't know what trouble you are getting into. We are in truce.

- Sometimes truces are the most important thing in war - I said

Antoñanzas began to sob while he breathed heavily and said:

- I can't ... I can't breathe - Antoñanzas said agitatedly

- Control yourself, Antoñanzas - I said - control yourself

- I'm short of breath - said Antoñanzas panting

It was then that I told Lucas, with signs, to keep his gun and to help Lucas drink tap water. He obeyed as he took a deep breath. He was relieved.

- Better? - I asked Antoñanzas

- I need ...- said Antoñanzas

But, immediately, he pushed Lucas and me to both sides, and Antoñanzas jumped out of the window of his building, but when he fell, he hit his forehead against a diving board of a swimming pool that he had in his building, and fell into the water unconscious, for the blow that was given.

- If you collaborate - Javiera said to Lucia while we were looking for Antoñanzas - the prosecution will ask you for twelve years, which will be ten. You'll be out in five. Your life as it could be. If you don't collaborate, 30 years. Your life as it is going to be. You decide, Inspector.

And Lucia, she just stayed seriously shaking.