Chapter 8: "Professor's mole"

Synopsis: The Professor's mole tries to get his message across to the person in the tent, and it is the love of his life: Lucia. Meanwhile, Diego executes his plan to free Gustavo. And the jealousy that the friendship between Robert and Alicia arouses in William is intensified.

Liz: "We think that love is declared with flowers and chocolates, but you can also declare it with hammer blows, or with a radial. Because William was forming a heart with some of the gold that we were stealing to give to Alicia as an apology for what happened before. Kidnapping a police officer can be a declaration of love. Rescuing him from the bottom of your pool ... another "

At that moment, Lucas went into the pool to take Antoñanzas out after the tremendous blow to the head that was hit by the pool diving board. Then her neighbors who were woken up by the noise, screamed from their window.

- What the hell is happening there? asked one

- What do you do? asked another

As it was night, luckily they couldn't tell our faces apart. So, I told Antoñanzas:

- Pretend we're drunk

- I'm not going to do anything - said Antoñanzas

- Play drunk or I'll break your neck - Lucas told him

- You scoundrels! - said another man from the building

- I'm going to call the police - said another

- We get up early tomorrow! - said another one

I got scared, and it was at that moment that Antoñanzas, with a drunken voice, said:

- I'm the police, ma'am! - shouted Antoñanzas

- But if it is Benito - said the lady

- Do you want to call? Ring! -said Antoñanzas, pretending that he was drunk

- Benito, what the hell are you doing? asked one of his neighbors

- Pretend, let's go - I whispered to Antoñanzas

It was then that Antoñanzas began to sing in a drunken voice:

- 🎵To dance the bamba .... to dance the bamba you need a little grace ..🎶

And so we were ... until we finally reached the department of Antoñanzas. Lucas put some explosives in his apartment.

- The house is full - I told Antoñanzas - and your car. And your wife's. It looks like C4, but it is a plastic simulation. It's your alibi. If they stop you, you will not be a criminal, you will be a scared father, and they will understand.

- As soon as I get out of here, I will report you and return with 3000 policemen - Antoñanzas told me

- We can also put authentic C4. Anywhere you can imagine - I told him

It was then that Lucas took out a backpack and began to put on the table several bills of different amounts of dollars wrapped in a rubber band, and I began to explain to Antoñanzas:

- Don't get us wrong, we don't want you to do this ... for money, but we understand the inconvenience this can cause. Three million dollars. With the money and the alibi, you are free to choose who you want to be with. With that woman who illegally detains, who tortures, who abuses the power granted to her by the Constitution - I kept saying until Lucas emptied the entire backpack of bills on the table, and I ended up saying - ... or with us

He nodded his head

- You have to answer some questions - I told Antoñanzas

- I'll see if I answer - said Antoñanzas

-Inspector Lucia, is she alive? - I asked him

- Well, it could be - he said

-Is she in the tent? - I asked him

- It could be - he answered

-I just need you to tell him that the Professor knows ... that she is alive

- She will not believe me - he told me - if I had been with you, I would have stopped you

- If you wear this watch, she will believe you - I said, while I took off my watch that I always wore

Liz: "And in love, there is always a clock ticking. There is always a countdown. It is not worth loving someone. You have to be on time."

At the bank, William decided to go to Alicia to give her a necklace with the heart of gold that he had made. Then when he got to the room where she was, he looked out without being seen and her face changed to one of sadness. Because Alicia was talking to Robert, and they got along very well. And they were barefoot. It was then that William, with the heart of gold in his hand, and as a tear fell from his left eye, decided to leave that place. Because he knew that he couldn't get to her in time.

Meanwhile, Mike also made something, a chair with wheels that you could handle automatically and manually. A hostage who was in her 60s, and who was taking care of Emily, asked:

- And when is that for? she asked

- By the time she wakes up - Mike answered

- It is a detail and a very nice gesture - said the hostage

-The nicest thing she has told me is that she doesn't even touch me with a stick-said Mike

And the hostage only managed to laugh a little

If you will allow me the advice, don't fall in love in a robbery. It brings bad luck.

In Mindanao, on the first day of the robbery, Lucia's mother and her daughter were there. And from the United States, while I was driving the caravan, she contacted them for the last time.

- Mom - said Paula

Lucia sighed and said:

- Paula, darling - she said - how are you? you've done today?

- The same as yesterday mom - said Paula

- Well, surely today you have done something super nice - said Lucia - tell me, tell me

Paula smiled and said:

- Now I can't think of anything - said Paula

- Have you missed me? - Lucia asked

- Yes - Paula said jaded

- You're watching TV, right? - Lucia asked nervously

- No, I was playing with the grandmother - Paula said to her

- Pass it on, come on - Lucia said

- Ok, Grandma! - Paula called her grandmother

- Daughter? she asked Lucia

- Is something wrong with the girl? I don't know, I notice her strange - Lucia said

- I don't know - said the grandmother - I see her well. But hey, when you come to dinner, you talk to her

- Sure mom - Lucia answered

- Don't forget to buy the bread - said her grandmother

And then her mother hung up the call.

At that moment Lucia became sad, because she knew that she would not get to dinner, because she was several kilometers away from them.

It was at that moment that Lucia removed the cover of the cell phone, its battery, and left it completely disarmed. As if it were a puzzle. Then, through a mini oven, she put all the pieces of that cell phone, and incinerated them. She had to do it, so that the police, in case they caught us, would not know the location of Lucia's family.

In the tent, Javiera woke up Lucia, who was thinking about the cell phone and her last call:

- It's six in the morning - Javiera told him - the ambulance is in the laboratory. In an hour or so, Alberto will be there. Like a hunting dog. Sniffing the trail of his new prey: his daughter

- Do you think I usually leave her address with a magnet on the fridge?

- It's the bad mother's fault - Javiera said to Lucia - you don't go there ... to a robbery without hitting a phone call, or not? The bad daughter complex, how do you handle it? Because your mother ... oof! ... You can't leave her alone, not even to eat a Popsicle. How'd you do it? In the ambulance, with the Professor ... how did you call them?

- We've already thought about all this - Lucia said - surprising, I know. So you can send Alberto like a dog looking for a bone, but you know you'll find nothing

- Hmmm - thought Javiera

Meanwhile, Antoñanzas entered the tent with a coffee in hand and a band-aid on his forehead from the blow that occurred last night when she jumped from the building and fell into the pool. He was just a few steps away from entering the room where Javiera was questioning Lucia, but Tamayo stood in front of him, and asked him:

- What happened to your head? - asked Colonel Tamayo

- I'm just obsessed with the heist Colonel, you know - said Antoñanzas lying - I wake up super early. I can't stay in bed. I was tying my shoes, agonizing about the Professor, and as I was getting up, I almost broke the window off the wall because of how hard I hit it with my forehead.

- You're just like me, Antoñanzas - Tamayo said - not even with the truce, I still can't sleep. At three in the morning, I was wide awake like an owl, thinking about how the Professor was gonna fuck with us today.

- I'm gonna go in there a moment to see if Javiera need some ...- said Antoñanzas, but Tamayo interrupted him

- Lucia is in total isolation - Tamayo said

- Just so I can go and give a coffee to the inspector - said Antoñanzas

Tamayo sighed, put his hand on her shoulder and said:

-Lucia can only have contact with Javiera-Tamayo said-she didn't let her sleep all night. She's ... trying to break her. Let's grab a coffee, you and me.

And it was in that way, Antoñanzas failed in the mission of showing Lucia that I, the Professor, knew that she was alive.

- The greatest enemy of this crime is not the police - Javiera told Lucia - it is the rush. And the caravan was as clean as a morgue. You guys left it ... sparkling. But the ambulance ... you got out of there like you were on fire. There's always something left. Always. A small hair on a pillow, a sock ... Then comes the CSI with luminol and ultraviolet light and then ... bang! Gotcha. I will repeat my offer. I go in there right now and disappear with the hair that would take us to your mother and daughter, or we wait for your ex ... and you're fucked.

- You have nothing - Lucia said, and then laughed saying - and you're threatening me with "maybe we're gonna find something". Hahaha, do you know what happens? That your pregnancy has you so high on estrogen that you've become the most optimistic woman in the neighborhood. Try not to waste all those hormones. You'll need them for delivery, because it fucking hurts. What are you gonna do when it comes out? Is a boy or a girl? You do not know. Poor little child.