(We meet again.)

Chapter seven:

Maybe I should have stayed home. This more like a family business, I mean the Avengers and Ultron. This isn't my battle. But according to Steve Rodgers, they could use me. I did get a funny look from Tony Stark when I followed after. And I'm pretty sure I heard why doesn't any one listen to me? I didn't laugh though, but it was a bit funny. I didn't laugh though, but it was a bit funny.

When we came to the abandoned boat, I began thinking. Maybe I should give Klaue to T Challa as a gift. We're facing him anyway, so at least it's out of the way. I hid on the other side of the wall when Ultron cut Klaue's left arm off. See, another reason why I should take him. He's injured, he really can't put up much of a fight. Not to self, never compare Ultron with Tony Stark. Not that I would anyway.

Ultron kicked Klaue down the stairs, his henchmen going after him. It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness! Ultron exclaimed.

Ah junior, Tony Stark said in a hurtful voice. Tony, Steve Rodgers, and Thor decided to show themselves. You're gonna break your old man's heart. Replied Tony Stark.

If I have to. Said Ultron.

Nobody has to break anything, replied Thor.

Clearly you've made a omelet. Replied Tony Stark.

Tony looked towards them. He beat me by one second.

I rolled my eyes before I slowly landed next to him. Now is not the time for one of your jokes. I told him.

I heard a small chuckle. Raven, that voice. No, it couldn't.

I looked up and saw that familiar silver hair behind him. Pietro?

Tony snapped his gaze at me. Excuse me? Do you two know each other? He asked me.

Pietro and I used to date. I said as if it was no big deal. It really wasn't. I then looked towards Wanda. Wanda. I said her name.

Raven, she greeted back.

Tony looked at me before looking back at Pietro, then back at me. I really don't see it happening. You have the worst taste, Rae Rae. Replied Tony Stark.

I glared at him. I'm living with you, aren't I?

Think of it as an upgrade. Replied Tony Stark.

Pietro started snickering at our little banter. Ah, yes. He's funny. He walked up the steps while looking at Tony. Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Pietro looked towards the missiles. Like old times. Replied Pietro..

This was never my life, Tony Stark tried to reason.

You two can still walk away, Steve Rodgers said.

Wanda gave a mock pout. Oh we will.

I know you've suffered. Replied Steve Rodgers.

Ultron scoffed interrupting Steve Rodgers. Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but... Ultron said.

If you believe in peace, then let us keep it, Thor said.

I think you're confusing peace with quiet, replied Ultron.

How about peace and quiet? I said. Now, what's with the vibranium? I asked him.

I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan. Replied Ultron.

Suddenly, Ultron used this magnetic force in his hand to bring Tony Stark forward. I saw a shadow and looked up to see Ultron's robot's landing in front of me. I moved my head to the side when one tried to punch me and brought my feet up to kick the robot.

Tony Stark flew past me and tackled Ultron. My eyes went white as I levitated one of the torpedoes towards the robot. It crashed on the wall and flew towards me. I sank from the ground and stood back up. I grabbed the robot by the waist and pinned him to the roof. The robot dropped to the ground. There was a grunt sound behind me and I turned to see one of Klaue's henchmen about to shoot Thor.

Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos. I yelled.

Two crated up in the air and knocked the henchmen away from him. I dropped down and punched the henchmen coming after me. I raised my hands to use my powers again, but I saw this silver streak coming my way. Pietro stopped long enough for me to see him winking at me. Then I felt my leg getting pulled from under me. I landed on the ground with a hard thud.

I then gritted my teeth as I stood up. At least I saw Pietro trying to grab Thor's, but he couldn't lift it.