(Ok, little miss I know everything.)

Chapter six:

My eyes closed then went back to straight. My meditation was helping me as the team looked for Ultron. So far there are robotic interference, people having to live their worst fear, and something too fast to see.

Raven, Steve Rodgers voice broke my concentration. Come on, we might have found something. Said Steve Rodgers.

I sighed before I floated don't. I can't even meditate for five minutes without someone interrupting me. First Bruce Banner, which I didn't mind since he wanted to try. Then Thor, who kept asking me questions where I'm from. I didn't give him any real answers though. Now, it's Steve's turn.

Steve Rodgers handed Thor the tablet as we gathered around. What's this? Asked Tony Stark.

A message. Ultron killed Strucker. Steve Rodgers said.

I looked over Thor's shoulder to see this Strucker with a bullet through his head. The word peace, written in his blood. But I've seen darker.

And he did a bansky at the crime, just for us.

This is a smoke screen, Natasha Romanoff pointed out. Why send a message when you've just given a speech? She asked.

I crossed my arms. To show us that he means it. Tony gave me a look, which I just replied and shrugged.

Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss, Steve Rodgers concluded.

Natasha Romanoff nodded. Yeah, I bet he... She stopped midway and began typing on the monitor. Strucker's file pulled up, only to show that everything has been deleted. Yeah. Everything we head on Strucker had been erased. Said Natasha Romanoff.

Not everything. I said. The team gave me a confused look. I sighed before I waved my hand. One by one, boxes started to fly into the room for. Every file this building had is bound to have Strucker in it. I told them. Agent Barton had to duck when a box flew past his head and landed on the table.

Rae, please tell me you didn't read all of these? Tony asked me.

I nodded. Why?

What did I tell you about reading confidential file's? He asked me.

Not to, but it's a little payback since you called me Rae Rae the first day you met me. Not only that, I was bored. I replied to his question.

Tony opened his mouth again, but Steve Rodgers cut him off. Raven, can you tell us anything about Strucker? He asked me.

What's there to tell? I started. The guy knew a lot of people. All horrible. I looked at Tony Stark. I think you know one of them. Forgot his name though. Operates off the African coast. Black market arms. I waved my hand again and one of the boxes open. A small paper flew towards my hand before showing them it. Klaue Ulysses? I asked them.

Steve Rodgers gave Tony Stark a look. There are convention's, all right? Tony defended himself. You met people. I didn't sell person anything. This guy was talking about finding something new, a game changer. It was all very Ahab. Said Tony Stark.

Thor pointed towards the guys neck. This?

Ah, it's a tattoo, I don't think he had it. Replied Tony Stark.

Thor pointed at the guys chest in the picture before pointing towards his neck. Those are tattoos, this is a brand. Thor said.

Then that's when it hit me. Wakanda, I answered. Not going to lie. I miss Wakanda. Maybe I will visit T Challa when this is all over.

How do you know that? Bruce Banner asked me.

I've been there before. I replied to his question.

You've been to Wakanda? Bruce Banner stammered.

I rolled my eyes at him. Yes I have. I replied back to him.

Steve Rodgers looked at me. Where is this guy now? He asked me.

What makes you think I know? I asked him.

Because you basically know everything apparently, Tony Stark said sarcastically. And because we know you know. Replied Tony Stark. I felt my red eyes show, making the team back up a bit as I sneered at Tony Stark. Easy, Lucy, save your inner demons for later. Replied Tony Stark.

My eyes reverted back to normal, but my glare still hardened. He's at the salvage yard. I told them.