Chapter 6 - True Body Avatar art

After two months of relentless cultivation, Zhi You finally broke through to become a 1st layer Qi Refinement cultivator. He was beaming with joy, he was now a cultivator. Dreams do come true.

His body excreted the impurities clogging up the meridian. Zhi You did not mind it, he was too focused on the amount of qi now flowing in his body and his newfound strength. His spiritual sense got stronger, he felt he could open and easily scan through the storage bags now.

He cleaned up the impurities and a solemn look appeared on his face. He took out a scroll. The scroll looked ancient and there was a strange aura coming from it.

When Zhi You read through the scrolls before he could easily tell that this scroll was unique because it had requirements and it could only be cultivated once. If you do not cultivate it the right way, you can never cultivate it again. The requirement to cultivate it is that the cultivator needs to have a cultivation base lower than the Golden Core Realm. The lower the cultivation based the better the art. The art is called the True Body Avatar art.

The True Body Avatar art is an art that allows cultivators to use the qi in their body and natural qi (qi of the world) to construct six true body avatars. The six true bodies are the same, this is the reason why the art requires the cultivator to have a low cultivation base so it can be a carbon copy of the cultivator. For no one to tell the main body and the avatar apart, the avatar needs to be created at a low cultivation base so it can grow with the cultivator, grasp the essence of the cultivator and truly become a true body of the cultivator.

The True Body Avatar art is not unique but also powerful. The six true bodies and the main body are the cultivators which mean they share the same qi, mind, meridians, and body. When one body breaks through, they all breakthrough. When a body learns something, the rest instantly knows what it learned. When one body cultivates, even if the other bodies are doing something else they will feel the increase in qi too.

This art technically multiplies a cultivator's cultivating speed by seven when all the bodies are cultivating. It multiplies the cultivator's comprehension speed by seven when all the bodies are trying to comprehend the same thing. The cultivator will have seven times the qi reserve. The avatars also can act independently or fuse into the main body. When fused the main body's abilities are multiplied by six. However, the true bodies do not improve the cultivation base of the main body when fused.

Zhi You understood how precious this cultivation art is. This art can make a normal cultivator a genius. Little did Zhi You know that it was this cultivation art that turned the Elemental Sage into a genius.

Zhi You swore to keep this cultivation art a secret, he could imagine the outrage if cultivators found out there is an art that could boost their cultivation speed by seven times.

Zhi You read and reread the True Body Avatar art for the rest of the day before he decided to cultivate the art.


-One Week later-

There were seven Zhi You sitting in a circle cultivating in a circle.

He succeeded!!

There was a huge smile on the faces of all seven of the Zhi You. Sometimes one of them would chuckle. Zhi You could not be any happier, he could feel the boost in cultivation speed. He was sure his cultivation speed was among the top in the country. Who was 'below average' now?

Zhi You continued to spend the next three months cultivating.


A barely audible sound came from the sixth meridian opening. Zhi You could not stop himself from laughing out loud.

An ordinary cultivator would take 4-5 years to break through from the 1st layer of Qi Refinement to the 6th layer with pills. It would take geniuses about two years to do the same with pills, but it only took Zhi You four months with the pills his master gave him. Four months!!

Zhi You was exhilarated by his strength and the amount of qi he now has, but he didn't know how to use it so he decided to start learning the arts he chose previously. The six true bodies fused back into the main body.

With seven times the thinking and comprehension speed, Zhi You started with Flash steps. Flash steps required a cultivator to form balls of qi underneath their feet to propel the cultivator forward. When mastered the cultivator can move any way they want, and they could form balls of qi midair to run on air.

It did not take long for Zhi You to learn how to use Flash steps, but he wanted to master it because right now all he could do was move in a straight line.

After two days, Zhi You mastered Flash steps and could use it midair. He could even stand on it midair, which goes to show the amount of control he had over the art. He could not be in the air for a long time even with his qi reserve, cultivators his level would not even be able to stand midair with Flash steps.

The second art Zhi You learned was the Five Forms of the Fleeting Sword.

After a week, Zhi You mastered the first two forms: Flash and Shadow with a random sword he took from his pile of weapons. He learned the third form too but he could only send out ten qi slashes. He could not continue learning the third form because he did not want to destroy his room. His worries were pointless because the rooms were made to withstand attacks from Golden Core experts. What can an attack from a Qi Refinement junior even do?

Next, Zhi You studied the Qi spell: Weapon creation. Qi spells are usually harder to learn than martial arts, but the Weapon creation spell was really hard to understand. Luckily, Zhi You has seven times his normal comprehension speed.

At the six months deadline, Zhi was able to create only one replica of his sword but it was weaker than the original sword. The creations of the spell are only as strong as the cultivator. The Qi weapon could easily be broken by a cultivator with a stronger weapon but Zhi You could keep creating them with his enormous qi reserve.

Zhi You got up and stretched a bit. He already transferred all the items he gained into one storage. There was a mountain-sized pile of magic crystals and underneath the pile was the True Body Avatar art. With a smile, he went to meet his master.