Chapter 7 - Reunion

After six months of not seeing each other, when Long Tian saw Zhi You, he could not believe his senses. Zhi You looked taller and sharper. He looked like he gained some muscle too, someone who has not been around Zhi You for a while would not be able to see any difference but Long Tian could. Zhi You also gained a presence, it was an aura that captivated people and made them aware of his presence. The aura was 'persuasive'. Zhi You has always been handsome, but with his current stature and captivating aura, Zhi You would look like the ideal young master if not for his oversized robes.

"Boy, what have you been doing these past six months?" Long Tian asked with curiosity.

Zhi You looked at him with a confused expression, obviously acting dumb, and answered, "Cultivating." He was not going to tell Long Tian about the fortune he encountered.

Zhi You did not know cultivating the Five Forms of the Fleeting Sword gave him a sharp aura and look. While the True Body Avatar art gave him more of a presence, he technically had the presence of seven cultivators at the 6th layer of the Qi Refinement realm combined.

Long Tian assessed Zhi You for a little before dismissing the topic. Long Tian did not find anything off about Zhi You, there have been cases where people who recently started cultivating gained a bloody aura or a dominating aura after opening their first few meridians.

"Hmm… Meridians… What?" Long Tian's eyes widened in shock. "How did you become a 6th layer Qi Refinement expert?"

Zhi You smiled and used the excuse he came up with. Zhi You showed off a simplified version of one of the techniques used to perform the True Body art, the ability to control natural qi. He explained how using his ability to control natural qi allowed him to cultivate faster.

"Good for you. However, that ability would only be useful in the Qi Refinement realm" Long Tian remarked.

Long Tian did not doubt Zhi You much. Some experts have better control of qi than others. He believed Zhi You could not have anything that could boost his cultivation speed. He sensed the storage bags, but he ignored them, he did not want to start on the wrong foot with his Emperor-level Alchemic talent disciple.

"Let's return to the Long clan, we will be taking the transportation gate." Long Tian said as they walked out of the building.

"Transportation gate?"

"It is a portal that leads to different parts of the country of Tamara."

Zhi You still could not believe he was in a cultivation world, he could not wait to research everything he could get his hands on.

It did not take long for the duo to arrive at the transportation site. Zhi You could not help but take in his surroundings. The building was massive, it was probably as big as a stadium in his past life. When he walked in he saw long lines of people waiting to enter what he assumed to be the gate.

There were three different gates. Each gate was ten times the length of a normal human and it could probably fit 25-30 people standing side by side. The gate was in the shape of a circle, the surface of the circle radiated a white blinding light.

A group of people walked up to one of the gates and vanished.

"Next!" the guard facilitating the process bellowed.

Long Tian walked up to the counter where people were assigned a number. Zhi You followed.

"How may I be of service to Senior?" The young man behind the counter said.

Long Tian did not say anything, he simply showed the young man a token.

The expression on the young man's face became more respectful and he called a guard over and said inaudible words to him. The guard nodded and said "This way, Senior Tian."

This made Zhi You wonder how powerful the Long clan was.

The guard led the duo to the gate on the far left.

"Have a safe journey, Senior Tian." The guard said with a bow.

Long Tian simply nodded.

"Let's go," he said to Zhi You.

Zhi You was nervous about his first spatial travel but he only nodded and followed Long Tian through the gate.

When Zhi You walked out of the other side of the gate. He felt like the world was spinning and almost threw up, however, his experience with the rift helped him prepare for this moment.

Long Tian looked at Zhi You and nodded, thinking he handled his first spatial transfer quite well.

After Zhi You stabilized himself, he found Long Tian looking at him with a smile.

"Let's go. We are already in the Long territories, we are going to the main branch." Long Tian explained. "And so those annoying old men will stop getting on my nerves." he completed in his mind.