Chapter 3

"Now, for your next task Zubat you'll be using your supersonic on me." I wanted to do this because of the following reasons;

1) Zubat has a soft body currently so doing any physical activities is not good for now. 1 week after a baby pokemon is born is advisable to not do any activities that might strain the pokemon's body. But for my zubat, 3 days of being born will make it adequate enough to be able to train it's body since I did the blood ritual with it.

2) Zubat doing the supersonic move is not that much straining to it's body which is stated according to the book. I believe it's correct since so far it was right like the blood ritual thing.

3) Making zubat direct the attack to me makes it so that I can train in not being confused easily. It can also help me have somewhat resistant to sound moves. Besides, zubat is still a baby and it's moves won't be that much powerful.

Zubat obeyed my order again without question. It was as if, it has a blind belief that I'm always right, and my orders are not to be questioned.


3 days passed with me and zubat doing the same activity of training him on the supersonic move. I learned that zubat was a he, and not a she because I checked him up in our clinic at the clan. The clan also gave me a pokeball to be used in catching zubat. Sadly, they didn't gave me any extra pokeballs to let me catch other pokemon.

Now, I am training my zubat to do gust and quick attack. I plan to do this for 4 days, and then do some hunting at the forest around our clan.

I don't have to worry of any strong pokemon appearing in the forest since the clan has already cleaned those up. The pokemon around the clan are mostly made of Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Caterpie, Weedle, and some Ekans.

With the rate of zubat's training I think he'll reach the capability of a zubat at the average strength of a normal wild zubat by the time we go to the forest.

Me going to the forest is allowed because our clan is placed at the center of the forest then the forest is encircled by a parameter which is guarded by the clan guards. This means that no danger will fall into me since I'm constantly being watched but this also means that I can't attempt to escape from the clan.

Anyway, I'm currently training my zubat at a deserted place in the clan. They say that this place is haunted but I don't believe so because I've been training my zubat here for awhile now but nothing happened.

Also, I didn't go to my clans training grounds because I don't want to be annoyed at those brats mostly those annoying pesks who try to pester me (the bullies).

Zubat is currently hitting a tree with quick attack, and then gust. He does it alternatively. With quick attack, his overall body will be trained, and with gust his wings will be strengthen. I also let him practice biting the tree to sharpen, and toughen his fangs.

Maybe he'll also learn Bite which will be good. I also let zubat do some dodging exercises which I try to throw a pebble on to him, or I let zubat tackle the tree and he'll then try to dodge the falling leaves.

I also made it so that he'll be dodging those things by using quick attack or even gust to deflect it.


4 days passed, and I can say that zubat is really talented. He learned everything I taught him, and he also learned the moves Astonish, and Mean Look.

I'm sure that we are ready to go at the forest without a problem. Thankfully, the clan doesn't care even if I sleep at the forest as long as I don't leave the parameter made by the clan.

I plan to stay at the forest within a month or 2 to personally learn survival skills at my own. I already read many things which can help me in surviving outside. This can also be a practice test for the upcoming trial.

I didn't bring anything with me except zubat since bringing a sleeping tent, food, or anything to help me in comfort will waste the thing I planned for.

With Zubat flying by my side, I walked out towards the forest.

Zubat can help in detecting other pokemon through sound waves which will help me in detecting which direction a pokemon will appear.

Walking in the forest, zubat flew beside me and screeched at me silently. It was a sign which means a pokemon is nearby.

It then made 3 biting actions which means three pokemons. I then told him to be ready, and soon we saw a group of caterpies. I then made a hand sign to make zubat handle it.

I didn't gave any orders to tackle the group since I already taught him that, and now is the time to see if he can apply the things he learned.

Zubat silently flew towards the three caterpies, and then did three consecutive supersonics which made the three caterpies confused.

The three caterpies started to attack each other while zubat attacked with Gust continuously which ended the battle but he didn't kill the three pokemon. I let him do that since it's unnecessary to do so.

"Zubat those three are called Caterpie. Remember that, and remember the sound waves they produced so that you can know which pokemon you'll be facing even if it's distant." I taught him, and then we continued going deeper to the forest.

Soon enough, zubat found another pokemon which we go to. We found two pokemon which are rattatas. They are feisting on a caterpie, and zubat took that chance to use supersonic but one of them wasn't affected.

The confused rattata started attacking the other one, and zubat used this chance to attack the unconfused one with gust, quick attack, and then absorb to finish it off. He then did it too to the other rattata.

After knocking off the two pokemon, zubat started to drink on their blood. It took 5 minutes for each, and left them be.