Chapter 4

Author's Note:

I recently noticed that I got 20 plus stones so I decided to post one of my stocked chapters!

Thanks for the votes! (And vote more to motivate me, or else you'll be spanked! That's a joke don't take it seriously.)

Also, leave a comment if you have any ideas, questions, or anything you want to say.


It's been a week since I started living in the forest. My clothes are currently dirty but I didn't care, and still trained with Zubat everyday. It also learned Swift.

I can say that it's a stronger zubat compared to the average wild zubat now. It can also battle on it's own without me giving any guides with 3 pidgeys but with me giving it instructions around it can keep up with 5 wild pidgeys in the forest.

Zubat also started to learn and be proficient in how to differentiate which pokemon is by the sound waves they produce. This helped us in attacking and finding the pokemon we want.

I also learned how to make a decent meal for me by cooking some pidgey. Yup, rest in peace to those pidgeys I ate. I also tried some alternative which are spearows. Rattata, caterpie, weedle, and ekans are the pokemon that I don't eat. Or maybe I will be if I don't have a choice which I wish won't come to that.

Is those pokemon even edible? Well the books I read was mostly about bird pokemon, pig pokemon, and other pokemon that are generally edible. I think after I get out of the forest, I should research if I can eat bugs, and poisonous snakes for emergency cases.

I shuddered thinking about eating a caterpie. Disgusting!

Anyway, it's currently morning and I plan to train zubat again but this time I want him to train with handicaps which are tying a decent sized rock at it's body while fighting other pokemon.

This can help in increasing it's strength, speed, and endurance. I think he can handle this type of training since he can easily defeat the wild pokemon here. I will still stay in this forest for 1 month and 3 weeks before my scheduled plan of leaving.

After leaving here, I have to plan where I have to go since I'll be left with like 9 months before the trial begins. I think I'm already pretty ready for the trials with my current strength but I still need to prepare. Extra preparations won't hurt.


With that in mind, I continued training zubat in the forest and only killed ekans and pidgeys. Since ekans help in increasing the poison power of zubat, and it also strengthens him the best compared to the blood of the other pokemon. And pidgeys because they are my meal. Poor pidgeys, and ekans being like a domesticated animal for our food.

Zubat has grown but not too much, and it has a height of 1 meter now compared to the normal zubats of only having 0.8 meters. He also learned Leech Life and Wing Attack. This further enlarged it's movesets.

Currently it's status shows;


Potential: 4 star


Inner Focus


Moves: Absorb, Supersonic, Gust (Egg move), Quick Attack (Egg move), Astonish, Mean Look, Swift, Poison Fang, Leech Life, Wing Attack]

I can say that I'm pretty satisfied with zubat's current set. I can also say that I'm disgusted by my own look. I didn't take a proper bath for two months now, and currently my clothes also has many holes in it but I feel proud when looking at it. This is a proof that I finished the goal I have set for myself.

Now, it's time to go back to the clan. I plan to chill for a week or 2 with just training zubat. That would be great, and then I'll try to find a way for my zubat to increase in strength further since the forest here isn't helping anymore.

Going back to the clan only took a few hours, and when I got back it was already dark. No one was outside anymore except for the guards but they didn't gave any attention to me, and just let me inside.

Zubat was currently flying beside me, and when the guards saw my zubat I can see their eyes enlarging a bit. I can see that they are shocked a little but got back to their neutral faces after a few seconds.

After that event, I took a bath and I also cleaned zubat. I also massaged it's wings, and body to make it relax for a bit.

After that, I slept with Zubat by my side. He is like my only family, and I can say that he's a blood relative since he currently has my blood in his system. I mean he literally sucked on my blood a few months ago.

I need to prepare for the upcoming events that might come in the following days. With me showing my zubat to the guards, I'm sure they'll report it to someone in the higher position in our clan.

I'm sure they'll ask me how I raised my zubat so well. I already have an answer for that, and I'm sure my position in the clan will be upgraded somehow.

With that thought in mind, I fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up late with my zubat doing the same. I then ate breakfast, and zubat flew out towards the forest for a quick meal. I let him be, and within 15 minutes he was back.

I then trained my zubat with the deserted place of the clan. I did it the whole day, and only stopped in between when it was lunch time then continued training. It was already dark but I felt a pair of eyes watching me.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Good. You're very observant of your surroundings. I'll give you that, and also your zubat is very well trained. I have been watching you for the whole day, and only let you feel a tiny bit of presence. That's the reason why you caught me." An old woman said. Should I call her a stalking old hag? Nah, it's too long, old hag will suffice but I'll only call her that in my mind. Don't want to die unexpectedly.

"Thank you for the praised, elder." I replied since I feel that this old hag has a high rank in the clan.

"I'm not praising you but stating the fact. I'm here to announce something to you. The clan has decided to promote you into an Inner Member. Sadly, we can't give you a set of pokeballs which is normally given when you're an inner member but instead will be giving you another pokemon egg. We didn't give you pokeballs because we think you can't handle pokemon which didn't hatched in your presence. Those pokemon might not follow you, and even hurt you in return so it's better to give an egg than catch your own pokemon." The old hag said.

"Also, we only promoted you since the growth rate of the zubat you have has surpassed our estimation. This shows how good of a trainer you are, and the clan is willing to promote talented people like you." If only they know that I have a system that gives perks and passives that helps in growing pokemon then they'll find out it's not my talent that did this.

"Thank you, elder. I promise to work hard for giving me this promotion!" I said while bowing my head.

"Good. Meet me tomorrow at this place, and I'll let you choose the pokemon egg you want. Also, take these books, and read them. These books can help you in learning the three important pokemon in the clan, and another book which helps in learning about golbats." The old lady said, and walked away without waiting for my reply.

"Thank you, elder! I'll cherish these books!" I said even if the old hag is walking away. She didn't even said her name. How rude!