Chapter 9

Author's Note:

Here is the chapter intended for tomorrow's update.

Again, stay safe! Gimme those votes, and comments!


"You might be wondering why I'm giving these toxic orbs to you. Well, it's because I want to invest in you. I can foresee that you might be an important figure in the future, and in return I want you to support or help Myne in the future if she needs it. This is a situation where I can be the only one who makes a lost while you only gain if my prediction of you is wrong. So do you accept my gift?" The old hag asked.

"I accept, grandma Moi." I answered. I mean I accepted this deal because I can just break this promise anytime. It's not a written contract, and just a deal by words. I can just break this deal anytime.

"Good. With these 5 toxic orbs, I'm sure that your zubat or beedrill will grow stronger. Also, take this emblem. This emblem is a proof of you being an advance member of the clan. You can pin it in your clothes. This emblem also shows that you can go outside of the parameter of the clan. But you have to return to the clan within a year or else you'll be regarded as traitor of the clan. You'll be hunted down. Lastly, take this map. I recommend going to the pokemon gyms. These gyms gives you emblems. These emblems shows the proof of how strong you are." The old hag explains while giving me an emblem. The emblem has three pokemon in it which are a Nidoking, a Beedrill, and a Crobat. The emblem also has 1 star on it, and at the back of the emblem has my name written on it.

"Getting the gym emblems can show how great of a trainer you are. 1 to 3 gym emblems means you're a Beginner Trainer, 4 to 5 gym emblems means you're an Intermediate Trainer, 6 to 7 gym emblems means you're an Advance Trainer, and lastly having all the 8 gym emblems makes you a Grand Trainer. These four ranks of trainers has advantages in our region like having freebies, discounts, connections, and sponsorships." The old hag continues.

I was a bit shocked to know that there are already gym battles invented but they have emblems instead of badges. These things actually comes with benefits, and I'm confident in getting at least 2 emblems with my current strength. I must at least take 4 gym emblems before I return to the clan for the trial.

"Thank you for the advice, grandma Moi." I said sincerely this time. I'm thankful that this old hag sees so much importance in me. This actually gave me more benefits than I thought I would get.

"You're welcome. I advise going to the pewter city gym. It's close to our clan, and you'll get there by 1 week. You can then go plan where you go after defeating the gym. But remember, you have to return to the clan 1 week before the trials."

"Yes, grandma Moi." I replied.

"You may leave. Keep up the good work, Rem. I have high expectations for you." The old hag said, and I bowed my head while giving my thanks to her.

I then left, and when I got outside of the old hag's house I can see Myne practicing with a dagger. She then looked at me while playing with her dagger. I felt chills when I saw that, and I run as fast as I can to get home quickly.

That girl is really weird, and I even felt her looking at my back as I run back to my room. Her eyes is really cold, and I know she already killed a person. I can say this because of the trial I'll be facing which is needing to kill another person to pass. And this means that Myne which looks like an 8 years old has already killed someone since she passed that trial.

Another thing that made me wary of her is the feeling of oppression that she gives. It's like something in my mind that's telling me that Myne is a stronger than me, and that she has an intent of killing me if she has a chance. Well, that's what my mind is telling me.

I being a careful person that I am, ran quickly to get out of her sight as quickly as I can.


For a week, I spent my time within the clan while relaxing for a bit. But I didn't completely do nothing since I still train zubat and beedrill everyday.

I also planned the items I'll be bringing for my journey. I also started to feed my zubat with the toxic orbs, and he already finished one toxic orb. It only took him today to finish one single toxic orb. His potential though didn't increase, and it might only increase when he finishes all the toxic orbs.

I researched how much these toxic orbs are, and found out that these things are really expensive like 200,000 Kanto dollars each. 100 Kanto dollars is already enough to buy 1 pokeball. Anyway, it's the old hag's lost that she gave this to me or maybe that old hag is filthy rich that she has tons of these things. That would be crazy.

My perk Nicrodrill Clan Inner Member changed again into Nicrodrill Clan Advance Member. This changed the 15% increment into 20%. This sped up how fast my two pokemon grow stronger.

With the potential of my pokemon and the perks I have from the system, zubat and beedrill has learned new moves. They also increased in overall strength.

Zubat learned the move Air Slash while beedrill learned three moves which are Focus Energy, Twineedle, and Rage.

The pace of how my pokemon's grow is frightening. Mostly, beedrill since the girl was learning at 2.5 faster compared to zubat, and even add the 35% increase of that potential because of my perks. And this made a pokemon with a learning speed that's like in turbo mode 24/7.

I can't even imagine how strong the beedrill of our clan head is. I haven't met that person yet but I know that his/her pokemon will have the 5 star potential. Those pokemon must be strong, and that's what I imagine it to be.