Chapter 10

Author's Note:

For having 50 votes, I'll be posting another one of my stocked chapters. I'll post another extra chapter if it reaches 100 votes, 200 votes, and 500 votes. (I keep it high since I don't want to exhaust my stocked chapters!)

Don't vote so fast! You're making me reward you guys with extra chapters.

Also, leave a like to my tags if you're a good child, and maybe I'll give something in return. (wink* wink*)


The day has come where I have decided to go to pewter city. I already informed the clan, and they agreed to let me go. The clan is really weird letting me go when I'm only 4 years old.

The clan also gave me a few things like 10,000 Kanto dollars, an ID card for my identification, and even a paper that has rules written on it.

The rules in the paper are the following which I have to follow while I'm gone;

1) I can't get a new pokemon on my journey, and when I returned to the clan, they'll inspect me if I have new ones. It's states that they do this since the wild pokemon outside has poor qualities. Also, they want us to get pokemon when they are still in their eggs since that gives more advantages than getting a wild one.

2) I have to continue doing the poison resistance training, and they'll be doing an inspection when I get back to see if I didn't neglect that tradition. This thing will be easy to do since I can just get some poisons from zubat and beedrill. Of course, I have to make sure that they only give me a weak dosage of their poison since that's the only thing my body can handle. I also have poison tablets so it's easy to do.

3) I have to stay out of trouble, and don't do anything that may damage the clan's reputation. This will be easy since I planned to wear clothes with hoods on it. I also plan to wear a mask which I already prepared, and got from the clan.

4) I have to come back into the clan within a year. My journey is also already planned out by me so if I follow it, I'll return to the clan two weeks before the trial.

5) I have to bring at least 10,000 Kanto dollars back to the clan as an offering.

That's all the rules but for me the last one is totally a scam. They gave me 10,000 Kanto dollars but I have to give the exact same amount after I return. And here I thought that the clan was being generous when they gave me that amount of money.

With that, I was already ready for my journey. I always let zubat and beedrill outside of their pokeball, and as we are walking out from the clan's front office, I met with Mike.

Mike is the leader of those brats who always tries to bully me but this time I'm not scared of their parents anymore. I mean I already have the same rank as their parents thanks to my promotion.

"I haven't seen you for a while, outcast. I was worrying where I might get money to buy some items for my nidoran but look at my lucky day. I saw you getting money from the clan so just give it to me while I'm still being nice." The brat said while his two little minions laughed with him.

I wasn't even mad at this point, and just let out a chuckle. It's funny how undisciplined this brat is. His parents must not be teaching this kid how to respect those who have higher ranks than him within the clan. It's a rule that all new born kids in the clan will start from the bottom rank, and this rule was made so that the clan's patriarch won't be from one family only.

Anyway, I have to let this kid know what pain is but I won't do it for now since his parents might hate me, and cause trouble for me. I don't want any unnecessary trouble for the mean time but challenging him in a formal pokemon battle won't make his parents mad at me.

I'll have to be patient, and wait for the trials to come before I do my sweet revenge to this brat. It's better to be careful than be sorry.

"I challenge you to a pokemon battle. If I win you have to give 10,000 Kanto dollars but if you win then you'll also get the same exact amount. Do you accept?" I said while looking at the brat with mocking eyes.

This provocked the kid, and shouted.

"How dare you challenge me? Aren't you afraid of me beating your weak pokemon. I'll show you the difference between us. Let's go to the battle grounds quickly so I can beat your lowly pokemon!" And the brat quickly run towards the battle grounds of our clan.

Soon enough, we arrived at the battle grounds. It's a huge place with about ten battle rings for pokemon battles. We occupied one of the battle rings, and soon a referee came to us. They're are referee's assigned in here which judges the battles. Apparently, doing some jobs for the clan like this gives you some money.

"Names, and reason for the pokemon battle." The referee asked so he can record it for the clan.

"My name is Rem. The reason for the pokemon battle is for a bet. The winner will win 10,000 Kanto dollars." I said.

"My name is Mark. Also, please be the witness for this bet. I want to make sure that this outcast won't run away when I win." The brat said confidently.

The referee just nodded, and said.

"Position yourselves, and be ready for battle." We did what he said, and I placed myself in the right corner of the room while Mark is on the left.

"This will be a one on one battle with Rem at our right corner, and Mark at the left. Will start the match in 3.. 2… 1… Fight!"

As soon as the referee said that I signaled zubat to come on to the stage. It followed immediately, and made screeching sounds as it went to the stage. I choose zubat since I want him to experience a real battle between a trained pokemon.

"You go beat that zubat, nidoran." The twerp said as he summoned his nidoran from his pokeball. It was a male nidoran, and I inspected it using the system to see how strong it is. I found out that it has a potential of…