Chapter 12

Author's Note:

Hello guys! Here's the chapter for today!

Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment!

Also, I changed my mind in the votes. I'll post an extra chapter after it got to 200 votes, 300 votes, 400 votes, and 500 votes. I wanted it to be low so that you guys can have more extra chapters to read. I'm such a nice person. ;)


"What happened? Why am I being called?" The woman asked.

"It's because my opponent cheated, and the referee didn't caught it, mom! You have to make justice for me, mom." The mommy's boy said while his other two minions sided with him.

The woman immediately looked at me and the referee with hostile eyes. Mothers are always known to be protective of their children but still, she should first look and learn about the situation before looking at us as if where the one's in fault.

Now, I know why this brat is actually acting like a spoiled brat with the mindset as if his the king of the world or something. The woman was spoiling her kid too much. She should know the difference between the right time on spoiling a child, and the right time on disciplining them. A balance between those two can be good for her child but I can't say that to her face, or else she might go crazy on me.

"Why didn't you made the correct judgement? Are you even doing your job right? You should've stopped the match as soon as this kid cheated." The woman said, and continued with her rant.

I let it be since I want the referee to handle this, and as I expected the referee answered back.

"I'll let you know that I'm doing my job right, and I'm sure you need to talk to your child in knowing that bad mouthing someone who has higher ranks than him will cause him to be punished. He didn't only bad mouth me, an Inner Member, but also this kid which is an Advance Member. If you excuse me, you can also ask the clan's front office if I have any bad records in being as a referee, ma'am." He said with respect since the woman still has an higher rank than him.

I can see that the woman has the same emblem that I have on my shirt. This must also be the reason how the referee found out that I'm an Advance Member. When the woman heard this, she looked at my shirt and found out that I really have the same emblem as her.

She didn't say anything, and immediately pulled her son. She then grabbed the brat's head, and made him bow.

"What are you doing, mom? Aww! Why are you making me bow-!? He's just an outcas-! Ouch!" The brat was about to continue but was pinched by his mother when he attempts to.

"I'll make sure to discipline my son, and there is no need for further explanations since I understand the situation already. Now, Mark say sorry to these two!" The woman said to both of us softly, and shouted at her child.

"Why should-! Aww! I don't wanna do-! Ouch! Stop doing that mom-! Hey that hurts-! Aww! Fine! I'm sorry!" The brat said but I can feel some hatred mixed with it.

"Now that this is over I'll be going home with my son now." The woman said as she pulled her son by the hand quickly.

"Your son still owns me 10,000 Kanto dollars. Please pay up." As if I'll let you get away from this. Not only does this fox didn't say sorry from her action earlier, now she wants to get away so that her son won't get any punishment just from letting the brat apologize.

As if I'll let that happen! As I said before I'm a very petty person, and doing something to me that's bad or may hinder me even just a tiny bit will still cause you some revenge from me in the future. Now, I'm officially adding this woman to my 'to kill list'.

For now though, I'll let her son go with no punishment from bad mouthing me but the 10,000 kanto dollars will still need to be given. I'm just letting her son go since I don't want to be a prime suspect when I kill that brat in the trials.

"Can't you just let my son go? I mean his still young, and doesn't know what he's doing." The woman tried to reason out.

"I'm also young but I'm already capable in knowing what I'm doing. I'm sure your son is also like me. Your smart too right, Mark?" I said, and chuckling mentally since I know her idiot son will answer with the answer I want.

"Of course! I know what I'm doing!" The moron answered. I almost let out a laugh when I heard that.

"Owww! What's that for, mom!" I can see the woman pinching her son for being an idiot.

"Here take it. If that's all, we'll be going now." The woman said a bit loud as she hands me the money.

I smiled, and just thanked her. They then left me and the referee.

"You're cunning for your age, sir. I respect that." The referee said, and he bows down. I know he does this since the higher ranked people in the clan can give punishment for them, or maybe he wants some connections to the top. Luckily for him, I like being praised that I'm cunning.

I just waved at him, and left the place to go to the clinic. I still need to let zubat do some treatment. I'll just leave tomorrow, and because of this event, my schedule of departure was destroyed but I can still manage.

I ran to the clinic with beedrill while I let zubat back inside the pokeball to rest for a short while. When I arrived at the clinic, I let zubat out, and let the nurse there heal zubat.

We didn't have any pokemon in the clan capable of healing so in our clan they use healing herbs, berries, and potions they got outside. After a few hours, the nurse brought zubat with a completely healed body.


The next morning, I got up early and prepared myself. I wore a purple shirt that has a hood with it, a black shorts, leather gloves, leather boots, and a complete white mask which tightly covers my face. I looked at the mirror in my room, and I look cute because of my age.

I look like a kid playing dress up as villain. I didn't like having a cute appearance but I don't have any choice if I want to hide my identity.

With my preparations ready, I with my pokemon got out of my room, and set out to the gates of the clan.

When I arrived at the gates, I didn't know that I'll be having an unexpected surprise.