Chapter 13

Author's Note:

Here is the promised extra chapter that I said when it reaches 200 votes!

Also, don't forget to leave a like in the tags, vote, and comment!

Stay safe and have a great day, everyone!


Arriving at the gates, I was surprised when the gate guards stopped me.

"Are you named Rem, sir?" One of the guards asked with respect when he saw the emblem on my shirt. This emblem is really effective in making others respect you despite your age difference.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" I asked with a uninterested expression.

"A person is waiting for you, sir. The person is tasked by the clan to come along with your journey, sir. The person is at our office waiting for you. Please follow me." The guards explains. I was shocked to know that a person was assigned to follow me.

I didn't like this one bit since I don't know if the person will restrict me in doing some certain things.

A few minutes of walk, and we arrived at the guard's office which is placed closed to the gates. We went inside, and I found a girl sitting in a chair with a maid's outfit. I expect that this girl will be the person accompanying me since she's the only person that doesn't seem fit in the place.

The girl looks like at the age of 15, and she has silver hair, and black eyes. She didn't have a perfect body like those maids in the novels, mangas, and animes though. She has brown skin, some freckles, and has a flat chest. I didn't mind if her looks is beautiful or normal looking though because I'll only care for her existence if she's useful to me.

"Hello, young master Rem. I'm one of the clan's maids, and was tasked to accompany you on your journey. I'm very skilled with cooking, healing, camping, and many more. If you'll be satisfied with my skills after the journey then you can take me as your personal maid, young master." The girl said politely. The maids in the clan are not really part of the clan but are people who are adopted by the clan in the orphanages.

These people are lucky, and unlucky at the same time. With them being adopted by the clan, they'll not be worrying about living necessities but at the price of them being a servant for the clan their whole lives. Of course, they can have a better life if they can find a master who's willing to take them in, and I know people on my rank can do this.

I just didn't want to have one but since the clan is asking a maid to come along with me which also means forcing me to let her come along. I have to allow it, or the clan might hate me if I don't do what they want. I didn't like this since this girl might be an agent where she'll be reporting every move I do to the clan while on the journey.

How do I make sure that she's only going to be loyal to me, and not the clan? I have to do something to make her loyal only to me along the journey.

"Alright, what's your name?" I asked her.

"I'm called Liz, master." She said, and I nodded.

I then moved again towards the gates without waiting for her but she quickly followed me without saying anything while zubat and beedrill was curiously observing her.

I then signalled them to stay alert when we got out of the clan's gate since we're in the forest already. A day's walk will let us get to the outer parameter of the clan which is surrounding the forest.

Halfway through the journey, I stopped and signalled beedrill to get some pokemon for our meal.

While she was gone, I turned around and looked at Liz.

"Go prepare for lunch, and wait for beedrill to come since she'll be bringing the meal for the day." I said, and sat at the ground to get some rest.

"Also, do you have any pokemon with you?" I asked.

"Yes, master. I was given a pidgey yesterday to give me some type of protection along the journey." She answered.

"Good, take it out. I want to see it." She did what I told her, and soon a pidgey appeared infront of her. The pidgey then flew towards her while she patted it in return.

I looked at it's stats with the system, and found out that it has a 2 star potential. I already figured that the pokemon given to her wasn't as great as the pokemon given to the clan members.

Still the pidgey's potential was rarely seen so that's a good enough pokemon for her.

"It's a good pokemon, and just let it out of it's pokeball to let it bond with you. Also, do some training on it to protect you better." I advised her.

"Thank you for the advise, master." I just nodded, and closed my eyes to rest.

Zubat was training in a distance without me even ordering it. I can see that he is being more dedicated in training. It must have been because of the match he faced with nidoran. This is a good thing since I noticed how zubat was being overconfident before that match happened.

15 minutes later, and beedrill returned bringing two pidgeys with her, impaled at her two stingers. Liz's pidgey got scared of beedrill when it saw it's own kind dead. I didn't know earlier that Liz's pokemon was a pidgey, and commonly I like eating that pokemon so zubat and beedrill mostly hunt pidgeys, or spearows. Coincidentally, beedrill picked to hunt pidgeys today.

I didn't do anything about it though, and still let Liz cook it since those pidgeys are already dead. I don't want beedrill to go hunt spearows, and then waste these two pidgeys.

I then let zubat go along with Liz's pidgey to go hunt for their own food. Beedrill already ate when she hunted the pidgeys for us so she's already full.


We then continued our journey until we reached close to the clan's outer parameter. It was already night time, and I let us rest for the day.

I plan to continue our journey tomorrow since it's hard to travel when it's dark.

We ate our dinner, and then made ourselves ready for sleep. The three pokemon though did three rotations in guarding us at night. Pokemon are physically stronger than us humans so doing that isn't much straining to them.