Chapter 14

Author's Note:

Hello! Here's the chapter for today!

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The next morning, we continued our journey until a person appeared in front of us. He/she came from above us, and just landed infront of us suddenly. The person's gender was hard to distinguish because he/she is wearing a full bodysuit of black clothes. It looks like a ninja's clothing in our clan.

This startled our group for a bit, and our pokemon thought it was an enemy. They almost attacked the person, thankfully they stopped before something bad happened.

"Are you Rem?" The person asked.


"Show me your emblem." I then gave it to him/her. After a few seconds, he/she gave it back to me.

"You may pass." That person simply said, and suddenly jumped. A crobat appeared, and the person rode on it. They then flew away into the forest. That person really has great reflexes, and zubat didn't even heard any sound waves coming from that person earlier.

With that, we finally go back to walking. 6 more days, and we'll be arriving at the pewter city gym. The gym leader there doesn't use rock type and ground type pokemon like in the game or anime.

The gym leader there uses fighting type pokemon, and from the information provided by the clan, the pokemon gym battle was said to be conducted on a 2 on 2 battle. That's going to happen with the 1st 3 gym emblems that I'm trying to get but getting the 4th and 5th gym emblems will be conducted on a 3 on 3 battle. The 6th and 7th gym emblems being a 4 on 4 battles. Lastly, getting your last gym emblem will result into having a 6 on 6 battles.

Also, as I get more gym emblems, the gym leaders will use more powerful pokemon. I can also challenge any of the gym leaders in the kanto region without following any order. They'll just change the difficulty of me facing them with how many gym emblems I collected so far.

The first gym battle will be easy for me since I have the type advantage with zubat. Beedrill won't be able to damage fighting types greatly but that can also be said to the fighting types.

For now though, I have to worry about getting out of this forest. Since this is really a wild zone unlike the other forest where the clan controls it, I can face many different pokemon here which are strong or weak.

I stopped for a minute from walking, and gave a talk with my traveling companions. I told them to be always prepared, and be cautious in the surroundings. With that, we continue our journey.


Three days passed, and we're halfway through pewter city. We faced many new pokemon here like pidgeottos, beedrills, butterfrees, a raticate with rattatas, and even an arbok.

The arbok was a hard fight though unlike the other pokemon. It was a bit strong but since it was alone, zubat and beedrill did a great team work in finishing it off. Also, Liz's pidgey did an amazing job since it attacked with gust to help from a distance.

This made zubat and beedrill have a great meal since the arbok has a great amount of poison in it's system. Zubat was able to finish another toxic orb, and has only 3 toxic orbs left. His potential though didn't increase.

I noticed how zubat is difficult to increase in potential compared to beedrill when it was a kakuna. Maybe it's because zubat's final evolution is technically stronger than her. This is only a theory, and is not proven yet.

The two though didn't learn any new moves but that's fine since I already expected this much. This happened because I trained them physically more than doing some move training. They already know enough moves, and they can already execute them properly so I want to train them in another area.

They both trained in their speed, dodging skills, and reflexes more because I want them to take advantage of the speed that they have. I can say that zubat now can dodge the confusion of nidoran easily compared to before, and it can even interrupt that attack faster before it's executed.

Currently, the sun was already setting down, and Liz was cooking dinner while the three pokemon are training.

I was setting up our sleeping place when suddenly zubat started to screech, and do many biting actions. This signalled me that a group of pokemon is coming, and they're many in numbers.

"Liz, take cover behind me, and call your pidgey close to you. Zubat and beedrill come here, and we might face a hard battle before dinner." I quickly commanded, and the others immediately followed my instructions.

Soon enough an arbok arrived with 10 ekans with it. The arbok looks mad at us, and this arbok is a bit bigger than the arbok from before. I looked at it's stats from the system, and found out that it has a 2.5 star potential.

When I saw that, I know that this fight will be hard.

"Zubat use supersonic repeatedly while beedrill use electroweb and string shot. Both of you try to dodge their attacks if you can." I ordered them, and they immediately excuted that.

The ekans though used poison sting or leer to the both of them while the arbok slithered towards them. Thankfully, some of the ekans turned confused and started to attack each other. Beedrill was successful in slowing down the arbok with electroweb and string shot but not that much.

"Zubat use swift at arbok, and beedrill go to the other ekans. Finish those off with rage quickly, and then come back here to help zubat deal with arbok." I ordered, and they both immediately executed it.

Arbok went mad when it saw that beedrill was slaughtering it's minion, and it tried to go there but was stopped by zubat with swift.

It got angry, and jumped towards zubat. It then opened it's mouth, and yellow sparks started to come out of it's fangs. It was a thunder fang.

Thankfully, zubat started to train it's speed, dodging skills, and reflexes for almost a week so he dodged that attack.

"Zubat counterattack with a flinching combo." I ordered, and zubat executed that.

Arbok didn't flinch, and then used a fire fang on zubat. Zubat got hit by the attack but immediately flew away while bearing the pain.