Chapter 15

Author's Note:

This is the extra chapter for reaching 300 votes! Yet again you guys are voting too fast, don't do that or my stocked chapters will be forced to be posted early. That's a joke, don't take it seriously lol.

Also, don't forget to leave a like at my tags, vote, and comment!

Stay safe, everyone!


"Zubat try to confuse arbok with supersonic, and keep your distance from it." I let zubat do this since he is still obviously unmatched with the arbok.

This arbok is still stronger than zubat even though it has a weaker potential. Well, potential isn't everything. I mean the base stat of a zubat compared to an arbok has a huge difference, and in the game they have about 200 plus in stats difference.

I mean, I trained my zubat so he obviously has higher stats compared to an average zubat but it's still not enough to face this arbok evenly.

While zubat was busy trying to confuse arbok, beedrill was on a killing spree. Beedrill was currently only facing three ekans but those three aren't confused.

Beedrill though has an extremely high attack power now because of the repeated use of rage but I can see that she was already tired from using that consecutively. The ekans though has many wounds in their body.

Beedrill used an electroweb but the three ekans saw that, and dodge it. One of them though wasn't able to dodge, and beedrill didn't stop with the electroweb since it used twineedle to the other two ekans. The two ekans was killed off with that attack while the one in the electroweb used wrap to beedrill.

Beedrill killed that ekans with fury attack slicing the poor pokemon resulting in many wounds. After that, beedrill immediately flew towards us to help zubat fight the arbok.

When beedrill arrived, zubat has many bite marks on it's body already but the arbok also has many wounds on it's body.

"Good you're here, beedrill. Use string shot and electroweb to help slowdown the arbok. Zubat use some life stealing skills to heal some of your health back." I ordered, and they immediately did that.

Zubat did some fast leech life and absorb attack, and will then run away. Arbok tried to chase him but was always stopped by beedrill with string shot and electroweb.

This made the arbok mad at beedrill, and so it went towards her. Beedrill though flew away when it saw it coming to her direction. Zubat saw this, and then used swift to make arbok stop.

Arbok stopped, and looked at zubat's direction but then it suddenly turned back to beedrill. It then jumped to beedrill, and used wrap. Beedrill struggled, and used fury attack. Beedrill's attack is still high because of rage but arbok seem to not mind the damage, and then use a fire fang consecutively at her. This damaged beedrill severely.

"Zubat use the flinching move." I ordered quickly. I can only wish that my luck is good, and make arbok flinch to make beedrill have time to get away from arbok's wrap.

Zubat used the flinching combo two times, and that was only when the arbok flinched. Beedrill immediately run away from arbok but has many burned marks on it's body.

"Beedrill go to Liz to get some treatment. Let me and zubat handle the rest." I said, and I can see that beedrill was a bit reluctant to do it.

"Don't worry, and just do my order." I replied. She then nodded, and go to Liz. Liz immediately did some treatment to beedrill while zubat was busy having a fight with arbok.

This arbok is really giving us a hard time. I have to think of a way to stop it's attacks.

"Zubat continue using supersonic, and some swift." I said since doing some close combat range with arbok is a bad choice.

Suddenly though, an errie light came from zubat and this made arbok have a confused state. Zubat actually learned confuse ray!

"Zubat finish arbok with another flinching combo. Don't stop until it's knocked out!"

Zubat immediately did that, and soon the arbok was knocked off. Zubat though was so tired that it just fell to the ground. I carried the little guy, and gave him to Liz for healing.

The arbok wasn't dead yet but only knocked out so I have to kill it myself. I took out my kunai which I got from the clan, and angrily stabbed arbok's head. This finished the little trouble maker. The kunai from the clan is really sharp, and are made to penetrate even the tough skin of pokemon.

I didn't feel anything when I stabbed the arbok to death but only felt anger from it for hurting my two pokemon. Mostly with beedrill since it has a lot of burned marks, and I think she won't be able to battle for 2 days while 1 day for zubat.

"Let's go, Liz. We should find a different place to rest since the blood of the arbok, and those ekans is already spreading. We'll rest for 2 days before continuing our journey." I said, and started to get my backpack while I returned zubat and beedrill to their pokeballs after getting some treatment from Liz.

Unfortunately, I can't bring the arbok's corpse with me since it's heavy. I'll have to leave it, or we might get into danger by bringing it.


Two days passed, and both of my pokemon are already fully healed. It only took zubat half a day to heal while beedrill took 2 days. I was again delayed with my planned schedule but it's fine since these kind of situations happen sometimes.

I can only wish that nothing happens in the following days.


4 days passed, and we can already see a city within our view.

"Master, I know an inn where we can rest for a few days. Do you want to go there?" Liz asked.

"Sure. How do you know an inn if you haven't left the clan your whole life?" I asked curiously with a hint of suspiciousness.

"The clan made me study all of kanto's map including all of the city's facilities, and so on. The clan praised me for having a great memory so I can remember everything I read or learn, master." Liz explained. This made me more suspicious that the clan assigned this maid to spy on me. I mean even if Liz has normal looks, she has great skills in many fields, and now add her great mind. This is a top quality maid, and the clan won't possibly let me have one at such level.