Chapter 17

Author's Note:

This is another extra chapter which is a surprise reward for having all of my tags with 10 plus likes each! I'll post extra chapters in the future when the tags reaches a certain number of votes.

I told you before I'll reward great kids that does good deeds.

Anyway, don't forget to leave a like on the tags, vote, and comment!

Btw, you guys got 4 chapters today!


Rem's Point of View

I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed, and then took a long bath to relax. I also cleaned my two buddies, and also gave them each a massage for a few minutes.

After we're done, I got out of my room. I then went downstairs, and saw Liz eating her breakfast. I also did the same, and told her my plans for the day. 

I plan to go to the pokemon gym, and find out when I can challenge it. I also plan to visit the museum after winning the gym battle. 

After we finished eating, I went to the gym with Liz and our pokemon. The three pokemon we're still curiously looking around the city. They look like kids, and it's actually a cute thing to see.

Soon we arrived at the doors of the pewter city gym. It has a little board beside the door, and things pertaining to the gym are written there. 

I read it, and understood that I can't challenge the gym leader immediately. I have to first succeed on the things listed on the board. It's written that I must first defeat two people which are the students of the gym leader. I'll then be eligible to fight the gym leader after that.

I went inside the gym, and first asked the front desk inside that I want to do the trial for fighting the two students of the gym leader.

"Alright, follow me kid." The guy said in the front desk said. I followed him with Liz. 

We arrived at a battle ring, and what awaited us is two young people at my age meditating in the center. An old person was standing in front of them, and looking at the two children intently.

The guy guiding us then went to the old man, and whispered to him. 

"I wish you luck, kid." The guy said to me after he's done whispering to the old man. He then left, and went back to the direction we came from.

"So, you're here to challenge my gym. I was told that you don't have any emblems yet so this means it's your first gym battle. Well, this isn't like the pokemon battles you did in your home. Gym battles are harder than it looks so prove yourself of being worthy to challenge me by defeating these two students of mine." The old man said, and then took a stick which he slapped at the back of the two kids. I heard a loud sound of skin being slapped, and by hearing the sound, I know that must be painful.

"What is it, master?" One of them said without even flinching from the pain. The other also asked the same question.

"We have a challenger today, and I want you 2 to fight him. A one on one pokemon battle for each of you. Do your best, and don't disappoint your master." The old man said, and then walk out of the battle ring then walked to the center. 

The two kids looked at me, and said.

"My name's Karl while this brother of mine is Kole." One of the kid said.

"Nice meeting you, and please give us a great battle." Kole said. 

"Nice to meet both of you too. I'm Rem, and this is Liz." I replied.

"Alright, enough with that, and start the battle. Kole you go first." The old man said impatiently.

I then went to the other side of the ring while Kole did the same. Liz and Karl went to the audience seats, and sat there.

"Alright, in our left corner we have Rem while at the right is Kole. This will be a one on one pokemon battle. 3… 2… 1… Fight!" The old man said.

"Beedrill go, and let's finish this battle quickly!" I chose beedrill since she hasn't experienced any battle with a trained pokemon yet, and I want her to know the difference between fighting wild pokemon and trained ones.

"Let's show them what we got partner! Go, machop!" Kole threw a pokeball, and a machop came out of it.

I looked at it's stats, and found out that it has a 3 star potential. It also knows the moves bullet punch(egg move), low kick, leer, focus energy, revenge, and low sweep. It also has the abilities guts, and no guard.

Guts is an ability which makes a pokemon stronger when it has a status problem. This means that I have to make sure the beedrill doesn't inflict a status problem to it. While no guard is a great ability since it makes it's moves hit with high accuracy. The no guard ability is a little different compared to the games but it still has the same category of making one's move hit the opponent fairly easier.

"Beedrill use electroweb then use iron defense, and focus energy in between." I wanted to make machop slow first then stockpile a ton of buffs before attacking machop. 

"Machop dodged the electrowebs, and use focus energy when given a chance." Kole instructed.

Unfortunately, my beedrill is faster than machop making her electroweb hit machop easily. After that successful hit, beedrill did 5 more electrowebs which hit machop 3 times. This made machop move slower, and beedrill took this chance to use focus energy then iron defense 3 times. 

"Finish it off with rage, beedrill." Beedrill immediately flew towards machop to execute the plan.

"Machop, try to endure the hit then counter attack with revenge." Kole said. 

That strategy would have worked but with rage which increases beedrill's attack power the longer she uses it, machop won't be able to endure her attack before it even gets a chance to use revenge. Also, even if machop successfully endures beedrill's attack to use revenge, it won't be that much effective since fighting type moves doesn't hurt beedrills too much.

Beedrill got close to machop, and then used rage. Unfortunately for machop, beedrill scored a critical hit and this activated beedrill's ability which is sniper. With sniper, machop got easily knocked out.

"Machop is unable to battle, and Rem's beedrill won the match! Kole take this as a lesson to train harder! Now, Karl go down here!" The old man said.

Well that was an easy victory.