Chapter 18

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for today! Also, don't forget to leave a like at my tags, vote, and comment.


In the next match, it was fairly easy to win also. I used zubat this time to make beedrill have a short break. Karl was using a mankey, and it was easily defeated by zubat.

Zubat only used confuse ray, a gust, a wing attack, and lastly an air slash. This made mankey feint without even having a chance to fight back.

"I think I underestimated you a bit, kid. To think you'll defeat these two students of mine. I'll have you know that these two are already better than their peers, and to think someone with their same age can defeat them. You're amazing kid but this time we'll see how much of a genius you are by fighting me. Karl call one of the referees of our gym!" The old man said, and then switched position with Karl in the ring.

"In a few minutes, I'll show you the difference of a rookie trainer and a beginner trainer. Let's see if you'll be able to take the gym emblem from me." The old man said, and then a referee appeared.

The referee then went to the outer center of the battle ring, and said.

"This is a two on two battle between the challenger Rem, a rookie trainer, and Gym leader Jean. The challenger will be allowed to change pokemon in the midst of a battle while the gym leader isn't allowed to. Let the battle begin in 3… 2… 1… Fight!"

"Beedrill go!" I picked beedrill since it already rested, and I'm sure that the old man will be sending a weaker pokemon first.

"Mankey go, and let's teach them what power is!" The old man then threw a pokeball, and a mankey came out.

It has a 4 star potential, and I can say it's a well trained one. It knows the moves leer, scratch, focus energy, karate chop, fury swipes, low kick, seismic toss, and rest (tutored).

This is the first time I saw a new thing from the system which is the (tutored). I looked at it, and found out it's a move that was taught to it. This is a new discovery, and I want to find where I can make my pokemon learn moves by the means of tutoring. In the pokemon games, there are move tutors in it which teaches pokemon moves.

Since there aren't TMs created yet, this must be the way pokemon learn additional moves in our times. I'll ask the old man where he taught his mankey the move rest. For now, I have to focus on the fight.

"Beedrill use electroweb and string shot. Don't make direct contact with mankey." This is almost the same technique with what I've done with machop but this time I want to focus in slowing mankey down quickly.

Since I know that this pokemon is better than the other ones, I have to be careful or the old man might have a few tricks up his sleeves.

"Mankey, dodge those, and use your leer when given the chance." The mankey was fast, and can easily dodge the attacks of beedrill.

After a few times of them using status lowering moves, mankey's speed was lowered by 6 stages but beedrill also had her defense lowered by 4 stages.

"Beedrill use iron defense, and make sure that you have a great distance between you and mankey." I did this so that beedrill can regain her lowered defense first.

"A great strategy but thanks to your strategy of lowering mankey's speed his attack stat increased by six stages. Mankey use focus energy then fury swipes!" The old man said, and then I remembered that I haven't checked mankey's ability because I was distracted with the new discovery I learned from the system earlier.

This time I checked mankey's ability, and found out that it has two which are anger point, and defiant. Anger point makes his attack power increase when it takes a critical hit. Lastly, defiant which is an ability that makes it's attack power increase by two stages every lowering stats it receives.

This two abilities are really great, and I can see that this will be a hard fight for beedrill.

Mankey finished using focus energy, and was now running towards beedrill to use fury swipes.

"Beedrill, go and fly up then use poison sting. Use your string shot or electroweb to tie mankey's feet when it jumps towards you." I quickly instructed.

This time I'll use the poison tactic. Let's see how long this mankey will take the poison in. When it's poisoned, I'm sure the old man will use rest. When he does that, that'll be my chance to let beedrill use iron defense and focus energy.

"Mankey dodge the string shot when you jumped towards beedrill." The old man said since he doesn't have a choice. If it does nothing then I'll just let beedrill use poison sting consecutively so it's only choice is take the risk, and attack.

Mankey jumped but unfortunately for it, the string shot caught him.

"Beedrill tie mankey up with more string shots then toss him to the ground. Use poison sting consecutively after." Beedrill has a bit of a hard time to toss mankey to the ground but she was still able to do it.

Mankey wasn't able to do anything since he can't remove the strings in it's body fast. Beedrill then used that chance to use poison sting one after another. Soon, mankey was poisoned.

"Use rest, mankey." The old man did what I expected.

"Beedrill use focus energy, and then iron defense three times. Then attack mankey with rage consecutively to finish it off."

Beedrill immediately did that, and mankey was asleep as it was being inflicted with grave injuries by beedrill. One of beedrill's attack inflicted a critical hit, and this activated one of mankey's ability which is anger point. Mankey's skin turned red but it's still asleep.

"Beedrill finish off mankey quickly." I said, and I can see that the old man wasn't even nervous seeing the situation.

When beedrill was about to attack mankey again, it suddenly woke up.

"Use karate chop fast, mankey." The old man said.

"Use another rage, beedrill." I said.

Mankey's a dangerous opponent at the moment because it's attack is raised by 6 stages, and increased again by 50 percent because of anger point. It also has a high critical ratio with the use of focus energy earlier. Now, it also used karate chop which has a higher chance of inflicting a critical damage.

Beedrill though also has it's attack and defense raised to 6 stages while having it's critical ratio increased by 2 times. If beedrill hits a critical attack I'll activate it's ability sniper. Also, dealing a devastating damage.

Soon a cloud of smoke appeared between the collision of the attacks of the two pokemon, and the result was…